Title: Dismal Swamp Canal
1 Dismal Swamp Canal Stakeholders
Meeting Matthew T. Byrne, P.E. Chief,
Operations Branch W. Meade Stith III,
P.E. Chief, Operations Support Section Joel F.
Scussel, P.E. AIWW Project Manager 24 May 2004
2Norfolk District Civil AOR
North Atlantic Division
3Budget Process
OMB Provides Budget Guidance For Budget
Year (Jan) 22 Months Before Fiscal Year Starts
District Offices Develop Planning Requirements
and Ranks All Civil Works Projects (Mar-Apr)
HQ Provides Budget Limits and Guidance
(Mar) Budget EC
HQ Reviews, Ranks, and Approves (Mar-Jun)
Allocations to District (Oct-Dec) Spend
Appropriated Funds (Oct-Sept)
Budget Presented to Secretary of Army (Jul-Aug)
Budget Submitted to OMB (Sept)
Presidents Budget to Congress (Feb) Press
Congressional Hearings (Feb-Mar)
Appropriations Bills (Jul-Sept)
OMB Passback (Nov-Dec)
4Operate Locks and Bridges
5Maintain Waterway and Facilities
6Operate Spillways
7Business Processes
-Budget for Operations and Maintenance
(OM) -Environmental Stewardship -Flood
Control -Hydropower -Navigation -Recreation -D
SC Funding Falls Under Flood Control and
Navigation -FY 2004 (Oct 03 to Sept 04) Fully
Funded for 904,000 -FY 2005 (Oct 04 to Sept 05)
Funding Reduced to 435,000
8Questions? Matthew T. Byrne, P.E. Chief,
Operations Branch W. Meade Stith III,
P.E. Chief, Operations Support Section Joel F.
Scussel, P.E. AIWW Project Manager