Title: HS 300 Financial Planning: Process and Environment
1HS 300 Financial Planning Process and Environment
- Chapter 2 Communicating Effectively With
2Learning Objectives
3Learning Objectives
- 1. Explain the importance of communicating
effectively with clients throughout the financial
planning process. - 2. Explain the three main types of structured
communication used in financial planning. - 3. Explain the importance of structuring
communications, building rapport, and handling
resistance in communicating with clients.
4Learning Objectives
- 4. Explain the attributes of an advisor that
facilitate communicating with clients. - Describe several basic communication principles.
- Explain the importance of attending and listening
skills to communicating effectively with clients. - 7. Describe several types of leading responses.
- 8. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of
several types of questions used in financial
5Discussion Break
- How conscious of body language are you in
everyday conversations? - Do you manage your own body language...
- with clients?
- with friends?
- with family?
Process of communicating with a predetermined and
specific purpose
- Directive interview
- Example Gathering client data by interviewing
him or her
8Directive Interviewing
- Formal, structured
- Strengths
- Brevity
- Organization
- Weaknesses
- Inflexibility
- Losing the story for the facts
9Nondirective Interview
- Client controls pace and depth of response
- Strengths
- Flexibility
- Depth
- Easier to build client-advisor relationship
- Weaknesses
- Time consuming
- Easier to miss something
10Counseling and Advising
- Connotes an offer to help
- Less formal and structured than interviewing
- Promotes understanding of issues faced rather
than solution to problem
12Financial Counseling Is NOT
- Marital counseling
- Legal advice
- Tax advice
Being empathetic and understanding is important
but client may need professional services you
dont provide
- Provide specific guidance or suggestions
- Best used when advisor has professional knowledge
that isnt readily transferable to client. - Offer after relationship developed or client may
not accept - Does advice foster dependency?
14Communication Considerations
15Communication Considerations
- Structuring communications with clients
- Balance need for information against need to
build relationship - Dont waste client time gathering facts if
available another way
16Communication Considerations
- Developing rapport with clients
- Mutual acceptance
- Alleviating concerns
17Social Styles
18Social Styles
- Driver
- Analytical
- Expressive
- Amiable
- Action-oriented
- Likes to lead
- Control
- Tell versus ask
- Thinking-oriented
- Facts lead
- Builds to a decision based on information
- Intuition-oriented
- Emote, tell
- Relationship-oriented
- Emote, ask
23Effective Communication
24Communicating Effectively
- Listening skills
- As important as speaking skills
- Communications goals
- Keep in mind for
- Relationship/goals data
- Communications structure
- Continue communication and relationship building
by - Dealing with client resistance
- Recognizing client resistance
- Knowing sources of resistance
- Dealing with client resistance
- Recognize and categorize
- Keeps the communications flowing and relationship
27Sources of Client Resistance
- Privacy issues
- Death/dying
- Marital discord
- Separation/divorce
- Disagreements over the children
- Empty nest issues
- Midlife crises
28Discussion Break
- How do you feel about TV ads for financial
advisors where the advisor is shown as both
trusted friend and advisor? - If you like the imagery, why do you like it?
- If you dont like the image, what bothers you
about it?
29Attributes of an Effective Advisor
30Attributes of an Effective Advisor
- Unconditional positive regard
- Like and respect have a circular effect
- Accurate empathy
- Identification without and empathy without
transferring - Genuineness
- Awareness of clients social style
31Attributes of an Effective Advisor
- Self-awareness of
- Limits and strengths
- Comfort zone, social style, avoidance strategies
- Need to control, need to fix, degree of openness
- Not using own values to frame clients decisions
32Attributes of an Effective Advisor
- Build on your strengths and work around your
weaknesses - Will give you more satisfied clients and a better
practice - Orientation to values
- Respect differences
33Communication Principles
34Basic Communication Principles
- Elements of nonverbal behaviors
- Attending and listening skills
- Active listening
- Questions
- Statements
35Elements of Nonverbal Behaviors
- Body language
- Positions
- Movements
- Gestures
36Elements of Nonverbal Behaviors
- Facial expressions
- Eye contact
- Voice
37Interpreting Nonverbal Behaviors
- Only clues or indicators
- Not infallible
- Two-way nonverbal communication
- Client and advisor
38Attending and Listening
39Physical Attending
- Square on
- Open posture
- Lean in
- Good eye contact
- Stay relaxed
40Active Listening
- Nonverbal communication plus
- Understanding responses
- Continuing
- Restatement of content
- Reflection of feeling
41Active ListeningResponses
- Clarifying response
- Facilitates clients self-understanding
- Attends to clients feelings
- Communicates advisors understanding
- Moves client toward clearer definition of problem
42Active ListeningResponses
- Summarization response
- Leading responses
- Explanatory
- Interpretive
- Reassuring
- Suggestive
- Open-ended versus closed-ended questions
- Leading questions
- Either/or
- True/false
- Why questions
- Question bombardment
46Concluding Remarks
- Statements
- Advisor is responsible for what is said
- Questions
- Client is responsible for what is said
47Financial Planning in Action
48Chapter Two Review
49Chapter Two Review
- Interviewing, counseling, advising
- Structured versus unstructured communication
- Self-awareness
- Client awareness
50Chapter Two Review
- Nonverbal communication
- Active listening
- Steering your responses
- Asking appropriate questions
- Making appropriate statements