Title: By Peter Jacobsson
1Cuban Missile Crisis
2Bay of Pigs
- Bay of Pigs
- President John Kennedy made a secret assistance
to anti-Castro rebels, these rebels were secretly
trained and equipped by the CIA. - The invasion took place of the Southern Coast of
The Bay of Pigs. - Castros forces were more disciplined and became
strong because of it. - This backfired of Kennedy and drove Castro closer
with the Soviet Union.
3Cuban Missile Crisis
- Because of Castros fear of the US he and that
they might attempt another invasion, his fear
resulted in construction of a nuclear missile.
- The US found out about Cuba and their missiles
when the flew U-2 spy planes over San Cristobal,
the noticed that all of the missile launching
pads were aimed at the US, President Kennedy
immediately through a naval block around Cuba so
the Soviets couldnt deliver any more weapons.
- President Kennedy also demanded that the Soviet
remove all missiles and if they didnt the US
would for them, after 13 tense days Soviet
leaders submitted to the US demands.
4Key People
- President John Kennedy Secret assistance to
anti-Castros rebels, were secretly trained by
the CIA to invade the southern coast at the Bay
of Pigs, this was because the Two American-owned
Oil Companies refused to process fuel supplied by
the Soviet Union. The US failed miserably,
Castros forces were more organized, and
disciplined which created a stronger defense.
- Fidel Castro along with his brother Raul began a
campaign to over throw the Cuban government they
spent only 11 months in prison, later on Cuban
people begin to shift support to the
revolutionaries. US reassessed the Barista
regime, they realized they would be defeated and
fled on New Years Eve, the same day the
revolutionaries under Fidel Castro took over the
Cuban government. By the end of 1959 Cuba
clearly was leaning towards communism.
51953- Castro Brothers spend 11 months in prison,
later on Cuban people began shifting towards the
revolutionaries. When US reassess Batista
regime, Batista realized almost certain defeat
and fled on New Years Eve. That same day
revolutionaries under Castro took over the Cuban
1989 Berlin Wall was torn down.
1961- Berlin Wall was built
1962-Cuban Missile Crisis, afer the bay of Pigs,
Castro got nervous and had the Soviet Union
install nuclear missiles, American U-2s flew
over and found out that all of them were pointed
at the US. President Kennedy threw a naval
blockade and demanded that the Soviets remove the
missiles or the US would for them, they waited
13days and the Soviets submitted to Kennedys
1960- Cuban government ordered two American-owned
oil companies to process Soviet supplies, they
refused Soviets agreed to buy sugar when the US
refused to buy the Cuban sugar. Kennedy made a
secret assistance to anti-Castro rebels trained
them and invaded the Southern coast at the bay of
6Work Cited
Mozour, G. Anotole and John M. Peoples. World
History People and Nations.Holt, Rinehart and
Winston, Inc. Austin TX 1993 http//www.marxists.o
pg http//plaza.ufl.edu/calinson/rrccmc/cmcmi/cuba
nmissile.jpg http//www.cia.gov/csi/monograph/firs
tln/955pres24.gif http//www.oceanbooks.com.au/pho
tolib/fidel1.jpg http//shs.westport.k12.ct.us/cha