Title: Disparities in Medicaid Utilization and Expenditures
1Disparities in Medicaid Utilization and
- between
- American Indians
- and non-Indians
- in California
2collaborative effort of the California Rural
Indian Health Board Indian Health Services
(Albuquerque) California Department of Health
Services Institute for Health Policy Studies,
UCSF funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation
3Policy Issue
- What are equitable
- Medicaid payments for
- American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI)?
4Study Question
How do health care use and costs for rural
Medicaid eligible AI differ from comparable
5AI Population in rural California areas
- 115,000 live in rural areas on or near American
Indian lands - More than 103 federally recognized indigenous
tribes - 309,000 AI within state borders of any
recognized tribe
as of 1995
6Health Service Providers in rural California
- Indian Health Programs (27)
- federally qualified clinics
- 83 of rural AI registered
- 56 of registered AI use in 3 years
- Eligible AI can use any Medicaid provider
- Eligible non-AI can use Indian clinics
7Matched Samples AI nonAI
- 1995 1996 Indian Health Service files of AI
Users for the 25 of the 27 rural Indian Health
Programs - linked by CA Dept of Health Services to FFY1996
Medicaid eligibility paid claims files by SSN - non-AI whites matched 21 for age, gender, Aid
Code, county and months of eligibility
8IHS Users and Indian Medicaid Eligible Ages
- IHS Users
- 43,482
- lt 18 37
- 19-44 yrs 43
- 45-64 yrs 14
- gt65 yrs 6
- Medicaid Eligibles
- 10,317
- 58
- 32
- 6
- 4
9Eligibles Ages
10Eligibles Gender
11Eligibles Aid Codes
12Eligibles Length of Eligibility
Mean 6.2 months 5.9
months Median 6 months 6
13Results Usual Source of Care Among Medicaid Users
14Results Median Medicaid Payments per User
plt.001 tplt.05
- Medicaid spends less on California Area Indians
who use Tribal Health Programs than comparable
16Policy Implication
- These results will be used by CRIHB to advocate
for more equitable Medicaid services for
California Area Indians.
17Next stepsMultivariate Regressions
- Independent variable
- Indian vs. non-Indian
- Control variable types
- Matched characteristics
- Usual Source of Care
- Case mix severity
18Dependent Variables
- Health Care Use Costs
- Visits
- Prescriptions
- Hospital Stays
- Emergency Room visits
- Total Medicaid Payments