Title: Lucas-Lehmer Primality Tester Presentation 8 March 22nd 2006
1Lucas-Lehmer Primality TesterPresentation
8March 22nd 2006
- Team W-4
- Nathan Stohs W4-1
- Brian Johnson W4-2
- Joe Hurley W4-3
- Marques Johnson W4-4
- Design Manager Prateek Goenka
Overall Objective Modular Arithmetic unit with a
creative use
- Finished
- Project Chosen
- C simulations
- Behavioral Verilog
- Structural Verilog
- Floor Plan
- Schematics
- Pathmill Simulation of Top Level
- Module Layout
- In Progress
- Global Layout
- To Do
- Global Simulations
3Final Flip Flop Layout
416-bit Register Layout
5Register ExtractedRC Simulation
6Register Schematic Simulation
7Shift_Right Extracted RC Simulation
8Shift_Right Schematic Simulation
9Shift_Left ExtractedRC Simulation
10Shift_Left Schematic Simulation
11Shifter_1 ExtractedRC Simulation
12Shifter_1 Schematic Simulation
13Mod_P ExtractedRC Simulation
14Mod_P Schematic Simulation
15Sub_16 ExtractedRC Simulation
16Sub_16 Schematic Simulation
17Propagation Delays
Module Schematic ExtractedRC
Shifter_1 755 ps 949 ps
Shifter_Right 779 ps 976 ps
Shifter_Left 780 ps 964 ps
Sub_16 144 ps 167 ps
Mod_P 769 ps 944 ps
16-bit Reg 106 ps 118 ps
18FSM Layout
19Global Layout
21Modules to be Wired
22Whats Next
- Continue Global Routing
- Simulations on Global Design
- Power Values on Layout
23Basketball Update
- Lost 79-71 ?
- Team High 17 points for Marques
- School Record for Wins 20-6
- 2nd Team All-Conference for Marques
- 12.5 ppg 3.5 apg 5.0 rpg 39 3-pt 58 FG
- UAA Champions
- We get championship rings that go bling