Title: Garbage
1So many people, so much trash. This lifestyle
that we choose has an impact on our environment
and is too dangerous for both of us.
ILC Gulyakandoz
2"Trash situation" in Tajikistan
- Population upsurge, urbanization and
industrialization lead to the increasing of
garbage and trash, industrial and agricultural
wastes. Yearly more than 1,5 mln of solid trash
are gathered in Tajikistan. Right now
Tajikistan has more than 20-25 mln of this
richness. The most popular household waste is
garbage, plastic and paper items, of course,
cigarrete litter, etc. The virtual problem is the
insufficient number of trash warehousings. This
problem causes a spontaneous founding of trash
dumps. Some of them are small the others are too
big. These trash dumps are of great
epidemiological and ecological danger. Garbage
causes four-legged problem, thus is rats and
homeless cats and dogs, which become spreaders of
infections deceases. In rainy period they become
sources of air, water and soil pollutions.
3"Trash situation" in Gulyakandoz
Throwing trash
- We discussed trash situation in the
settlement of Proletarsk and the village of
Gulyakandoz. That discussion made us ashamed. We
found out that almost all of us are polluting our
environment. There are no trash containers at the
streets. Some people gather their household
wastes in a special yard poles and after filling
just cover with soil. Others fire the possible
trash and bury the left. The third gather trash
in special containers and then throw into a pond.
And there are people who just throw trash
wherever they wish to - into the street under
the neighboring house, before the house gates,
into the ducts, etc. - In Proletarsk the situation is almost the same.
Only people living in the central streets gather
trash at the top of the streets and early in the
morning the trash collectors of the local
communal office collect this trash into the
tractors, than carry out of the settlement and
bury in a special place near the pond. The suburb
streets are highly trashed. - Its a pity there is no recycling industry in
our place.
Trashed streets
Trashed duct
4School 16 trash place
- At school every class has a trash can, after
being filled the can is thrown into the school
trash place, which is behind the school building,
near the school restroom. When the trash is
filled the custodian burns it. Unburnt items are
buried. But not all the schoolchildren put their
trash into the trash can, they throw it on the
ground. - We think there should be a special subject at
school teaching us what to do with trash,
explaining us the trash danger for people and
nature. There should be special TV and Radio
programmes explaining the community the same
5Trash moving in Gulyakandoz
6Garbage in Shakhrinav
ILC Shakhrinav
- The dump was founded here in 1963 and is
basically for the inhabitants of Shakhrinav. From
1978 till 1987 4 nearby areas and communities
threw their trash there too. - According to the research of the experts, one
working inhabitant of Shakhrinav makes 360 kg of
trash a year. 80 kg of them are biological waste
- There is no recycling of trash in our place.
But they make compost from the collected trash.
The trash is crushed by special machines and
transformed into biological compost. Then they
add some special fertilizings, including a
fertile soil and plane the mixture. After some
time various flowers, bushes and trees are
planted. We couldnt believe that the place we
were standing was once a dump. Right now it is a
colorful carpet with trees. - One of our students wanted to know the process
of composting the trash was harmful to the
environment. We were explained that due to the
technology used here the process of changing the
mixture into mineral substances will take only
10-30 years. Natural process of decomposition of
trash lasts not less than 700 years. Besides the
technology is of no harm to the environment. - WHAT DO WE DO WITH TRASH
- Before throwing glass bottles local housewives
wash them thoroughly. They never mix plastic and
paper items. The garbage is separately collected.
And, certainly, will not throw on sidewalk a
stub or a wrapper from a sweet. Our children
never throw wrappers and garbage in the street.
ILC Shakhrinav
8Map of Shakhrinav garbage moving to the Dump
ILC Shakhrinav
9Trash Moving in Istaravshan
The trash should be thrown in a civilized
- We are sure people should be taught what to do
with garbage. In Vose the household wastes are
thrown into cans, containers, etc. Then they are
collected in the trash dumps places and after
special process are transformed into soil
fertilizings. There is no recycling industry in
our places.
11ILC Gulyakandoz, manager Dilorom Abdullaeva ILC
Shakhrinav, manager Bakhrullo Karakhonov ILC
Istaravshan, manager Gulru Pulotova ILC Vose,
manager Umed Karimov