Title: Questionnaire Design
1Chapter 11
2Questionnaire Design Decisions
- Wording
- Form
- e.g., multiple choice, open-ended question
- Flow
- Physical layout
3General Criteria for a Good Questionnaire
- Does the questionnaire fit the management
decision problem? - Does the questionnaire fit the respondent?
- Does the questionnaire fit the survey type?
4The Questionnaire Development Process
Determine Data Collection Methods
Determine Question Response Format
Prepare Final Copy
Determine Survey Objectives and Constraints
Decide Question Wording
Pretest and Revise
Obtain Approval from all Relevant Parties
Describe Questionnaire Flow and Layout
Evaluate the Questionnaire and Layout
5Steps in Questionnaire Development (1)
- Step 1 Determine Survey Objectives, Resources,
and Constraints - decision-making information
- budget, etc
- Step 2 Determine Data Collection Methods(s)
6Steps in Questionnaire Development (2)
- Step 3 Determine Question Response Format
- Open-ended questions respondents reply in own
words - Closed-ended questions respondents choose from a
list of answers - Dichotomous questions respondents choose between
two answers.
7Steps in Questionnaire Development (3)
- Step 3 Determine Question Response Format
(continued) - Multiple-choice (multichotomous) questions list
of alternative answers - Scale-response questions Multiple-choice choices
designed to capture the intensity - e.g., Likert, Semantic Differential
8Closed-ended questions
- Do you smoke because it relaxes you?
- Yes No
- What is the primary reason you smoke
- ___it is relaxing
- ___my friend like it
- ___it makes my parents angry
- ___I want to die young
9Closed-ended questions (2)
- I smoke because
- It relaxes me
- agree_______________disagree
- My friends like it
- agree_______________disagree
- etc
10Steps in Questionnaire Development (4)
- Step 4 Decide Question Wording
- Four general guidelines for wording and
sequencing questions - wording must be clear.
- avoid words that bias the respondent.
- consider respondents ability of the to answer
- consider respondents willingness of the to answer
11Clarity and Precision
- 1. How many cups of coffee do you drink in a
typical workday? ____ - (write in all number)
- 2. How often do you drink coffee?
- Extremely often 1
- Very often 2
- Not too often 3
- Never 4
12Mutual Exclusivity
- Which of the following categories best describes
your total household income before taxes in 1997
Circle one answer - less than 10, 000 1
- 10, 000--15, 000 2
- 15, 000--25, 000 3
- 25, 000 or higher 4
13Loaded Questions
- 1. What did you dislike about the product you
just tried? - 2. Did you dislike any aspects of the product you
just tried? - _____yes (1) _____no(2)
- 3. Do you think Johnson Johnson did everything
possible in its handling of the Tylenol poisoning
situation? - _____yes (1) _____no(2)
- Do you believe that McDonalds has fast and
courteous service? - _____yes(1) _____(2)
15Steps in Questionnaire Development (5)
- Step 5 Establish Questionnaire Flow and Layout
- Step 6 Evaluate the Questionnaire and Layout
- Step7 Obtain Approval from All Relevant Parties
- Step 8 Pretest and Revise
- Step 9 Prepare Final Copy
16How a Questionnaire Should be Organized
Screener questions - to identify
qualified respondents
Questions that spark interest
General questions
Sensitive, threatening, and demographic questions
Prompters (strategic points in long
Questions that require work
17Issues for Evaluating Questionnaire Layout
Is the Question Necessary? Is the Questionnaire
Too Long Will the Questions Provide the Desired
Information to Accomplish the Research
Objectives? Appearances of Mail and
Self-Administered Questionnaires Avoid a
Cluttered Look Allow Plenty of Space for
Open-Ended Responses Consider Color-Coding the
Questionnaires Instructions Printed Within The
Questionnaire Should Be In Capital Letters
18Steps in Questionnaire Development (6)
- Step 10 Implementation
- Supervisors instructions
- Interviewers instructions
- Call record sheets logs listing the number and
results of a contact. - Field management companies
19The Most Important Step