Title: Over Identification of African American Students in Special Education
1Over Identification of African American Students
in Special Education
- Deidrah Edwards
- EDCI 5300
- Fall 2006
- This power point presentation attempts to
explain over identification of African Americans
in special education, why this problem exists and
what are some ways educators and parents can help
to eliminate this problem in our public education
system. As you will see from the statistics the
number of African American students in special
education is a growing problem in our schools
today. These minority students are unfairly
placed in special education for many reasons and
therefore have a disadvantage in education and
the job market.
- This presentation includes relevant statistics
regarding over identification of African American
students and what is meant by over
identification. It also includes some of the
reasons this problem occurs, why it is a problem
for African American students and what schools,
teachers, and parents can do to solve the
problem. Several web sites are listed to provide
additional information along with a conclusion
and other valuable references.
4Statistics Regarding African Americans in
Special Education
- A recent study from Harvard University's civil
right project found the following statistics
concerning African American students in special
education. - They are almost three times more likely (2.88) to
be identified as mentally retarded when compared
to white students.
5Statistics Continued
- African American students are 1.9 times more
likely to be identified as emotionally disturbed. - They are also 1.3 times more likely to be
identified with a learning disability.
6Statistics Continued
- According to the U.S. Department of Education
African American students make up 16 of the
public school population and 32 of the special
education population. - Once identified and placed in special education
African American students spend 60 or more of
their day in self-contained classrooms.
7Definition of Over Identification in Special
- Over identification in special education exists
when the numbers of students from any specific
ethnic group in special education classes exceeds
their proportional enrolment in the schools
population. - As supported by the statistics African American
students are considered to be over represented in
many low incidence special education categories
such as mental retardation, emotional
disturbance, and learning disabled.
8Purpose of Special Education
- The purpose of special education is to provide
free and appropriate education to all children
regardless of any disabilities. - It was not created as a place but rather a
service delivery. - This service delivery was meant to provide
individual instruction to students identified
with disabilities through an objective
9Special Education Continued
- Once the students caught up to their
appropriate grade level they were to be exited
from special education and placed back in the
general curriculum. - However when looking at the reality of special
education for African American students it
appears that many of the intended purposes of
special education are not met.
10Why Does Over Identification in Special Education
- There are many factors that contribute to this
ongoing problem of over identification of African
American Students in Special Education which
include the following - Poverty plays an important role in special
education placement. - Low numbers of teachers and other school
professionals from diverse back grounds.
11Why Does Over Identification in Special Education
Exist Cont.
- Institutional racism
- Biased standardized assessment measures
- Inequitable funding among schools
- Lack of access to early interventions
- Lack of teacher training in working with
culturally different students - School policies that lead to disparate treatment
of minority students
12Why Does Over Identification in Special Education
Exist Cont.
- Lack of training of professionals regarding
inappropriate referral and placement decisions. - Failure by the school systems to collect and
track data concerning over identification of
minorities in special education.
13Problems Created Due to Over Identification
- When African American students are placed in
special education for reasons other than having a
disability many problems can occur. - These students are placed in unequal educational
tracts that denies them general education
opportunities. - Students encounter lower teacher expectations
which leads to less effective instruction.
14Problems Created Due to Over Identification Cont.
- The students are impacted negatively in terms of
academic performance, self-esteem, class
behavior, motivation, career goals and social
15How Schools and Teachers Can Help Solve the
- Deliver a culturally sensitive educational
program that addresses the needs of students and
their families. - Support student learning and family involvement.
- Minimize the need for special education services.
- Ensure the IEP-teams are diverse and be sure to
include the parents.
16How Schools and Teachers Can Help Solve the
Problem Cont.
- Provide empirically based interventions before
referrals are made. - Gather the appropriate information to ensure the
students problems are based on learning and not
on other problems (e.g. Lack of breakfast, recent
divorce etc.) - Use curriculum based measures rather than
standardized measures to link achievement with
class room instruction.
17How Schools and Teachers Can Help Solve The
Problem Cont.
- Include diverse curriculum taking into account
the culturally different aspects of students
lives. - Use teaching methods that address different types
of learning styles. - Use culturally appropriate behavior management
methods in the classroom - Create an environment in the classroom that
fosters respect for cultural differences.
18How Schools and Teachers Can Help Solve The
Problem Cont.
- Obtain community support for local schools and
extracurricular activities. - Schools should provide in-services for school
staff regarding over identification. - Track the numbers of students in special
education and be aware of any areas of over
identification. - Look at school policies that may contribute to
the over identification problem.
19What Parents Can Do to Solve The Problem
- Learn about the special Education process
- Get involved, dont let the school make all of
the decisions for your child. - Ask questions and become involved with
organizations that keep track of over
- Over identification is a problem when students
are incorrectly placed in special education
because they do not have a disability. - Statistics support the conclusion that African
American students are over represented in special
education especially in the areas of mental
retardation, emotional disturbance and learning
disabilities. - Many problems occur for these students which
include unequal access to general education,
lower self-esteem, and behavioral and
motivational difficulties. - School systems, teachers and parents can do many
things to help eliminate this problem. Some of
the areas of improvement include keeping track of
who is in special education, provide culturally
sensitive curriculum and make sure parents are
involved in the decisions made for their children.
21Council of Exceptional Children
- http//www.cec.sped.org
- This website provides access to the Council for
Exceptional Children. - It offers information regarding resources for
both educators and parents for addressing over
identification of minority students in special
education. - It also offers web-based seminars for educators.
- This web site is most appropriate for educators
22National Association of School Psychologists
- http//www.nasponline.org/culturalcompetence/dispr
opissues.pdf - This web site provides guidelines for parents of
minority children placed or being considered for
placement in special education. - I feel this is a good place for parent to find
information regarding their rights as a parent
concerning special education. - NASPs homepage can provide information to school
psychologists and other school staff regarding
appropriate referrals and testing.
23Rethinking Schools Online
- http//www.rethinkingschools.org/archive/17_03/ove
r173.shtml - This website provides information regarding over
identification of African Americans in special
education. - It has links to other resources as well as
materials such as articles regarding this subject
and other school issues. - This site appears to be good for educators.
24National Alliance of Black School Educators
- http//www.dcsig.org/files/AddressingOverrepresent
ationAfricanAmericanguide.pdf - This website displays 57 pages of information
regarding prereferral intervention and an
overview of IDEA. - This site is aimed at providing information to
school administrators.
25Multicultural Teaching
- http//www.multiculturalteaching.com
- This website provides resources and links to
various topics such as continued education,
special education, and teaching children with
disabilities. - This is a great site for educators.
26Educational Researcher
- This is a journal that provides information
regarding research in schools. - In particular the following article addresses
over identification of African Americans. - Disproportionate Representation of African
American Students in Special Education
Acknowledge the Role of White Privilege and
Racism by Wanda J. Blanchett, Educational
Researcher ,vol. 35, pg 24-28. (2006)
27American Journal of Mental Retardation
- This journal provides information regarding
research and interventions applying to mentally
retarded children and adults. - The following article deals with the issue of
using IQ measures to identify African American
students as mentally retarded. - Intellectual Classification of Black and White
Children in Special Education Programs Using
WISC-III and the Cognitive Assessment System by
Jack A. Naglieri Johannes Rojahn, American
Journal of Mental Retardation, Vol. 106, pg
359-367. (2001)
- Addressing over representation in special
education (2006). Retrieved October 12, 2006,
from National Association of School
Psychologists web site http//www.nasponline.org
- Black over-representation in special education
not confined to segregation (2006) Retrieved
November 2, 2006 , from Rethinking Schools
Online Website http//www.rethinkingschools.org
29References Continued
- Blanchett, W. J. (2006). Disproportionate
representation of african american students in
special education acknowledge the role of white
privilege and racism. Educational
Researcher,35, 24-28. - Byone, P. (2006). Understanding and addressing
the disproportionate representation of students
of color. Retrieved October 12, 2006, from
website http//www.newpaltz.edu
30References Continued
- Naglieri, J. A. Rojahn, J. (2001). Intellectual
classification of black and white children in
special education programs using the WISC- III
and the cognitive assessment system. American
Journal on Mental Retardation, 106, 359-367. - Over representation in special education (2006).
Retrieved October 12, 2006, from The National
Alliance of Black School Educators Website
31References Continued
- What is disproportionate representation (2006).
Retrieved October 12, 2006. from the Council
for Exceptional Children Website