Title: EoI: 555
EoI 555 The Global Riometer Array
- science aims and status
- What is GLORIA?
- Status and Planning
- Science Aims
- New data products
- Beyond GLORIA Science and Public Outreach
2- GLORIA is an international collaborative program,
involving twelve countries (and growing), with
the aim of understanding the coupling mechanism
between the solar wind, magnetosphere and the
ionosphere. - For IPY
- Continuous operations
- Easily accessible data (single point)
- Overarching, collaborative science aims
3What is a Riometer
Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter
Relative Ionospheric Opacity Meter using Extra
Terrestrial Electromagnetic Radiation
A sensitive radio receiver (usually between 20
and 50 MHz Monitors the cosmic radio noise The
attenuation through the D-layer gives an
indication of the path-integrated electron
density Predominantly caused by gt30 keV electrons
4Events in riometer data range from Small
Large spatial scales Short Long temporal
Courtesy of E. Spanswick
5- 50 currently operating riometers
- 22 imaging riometers
- A truly inter-hemispheric array
6Plans for new developments
- Two new imaging riometers in Norway
- Refit of the Ny Ã…lesund imaging riometer
- Iqualuit imager will move to Fort Smith
- Four 16-beam AGOs set up in Antarctica
- Plans for an imaging riometer on Bear Island
- Suggestions for a mid-latitude wide beam array in
Europe - An additional 16 beam riometer in Antarctica
- Installation of 17 new widebeams in Canada
713 riometers are already in the Canadian
sector 12 - 17 extra instruments are being
deployed by Natural Resources Canada.
9GAIA Provide summary plots (line plots and
keograms) and eventually access to the riometer
GLORIA Refers to the network of
instruments. In-depth information on available
sites Focal point for collaboration and
outreach New data products and methods of data
10GLORIA Science
Magnetosphere/Ionosphere Coupling Aeronomy
Gloria is particularly useful when used in
conjunction with other instruments and data sets
11Energetic particle precipitation into the middle
atmosphere triggered by a coronal mass ejection
(Clilverd et al., 2007)
Combining VLF, balloon and riometer data to
investigate relativistic electron precipitation
at the onset of a geomagnetic storm.
Energetic Electron Precipitation during Sawtooth
Injections (Kavanagh et al., 2007)
Combining riometer, magnetometer and satellite
data to investigate global energetic electron
precipitation signatures during periodic substorms
12Science Goals
Most science goals from the community have been
magnetosphere-ionosphere-coupling based. Several
goals were decided at the 2nd Riometer Workshop
in Banff, 2006, e.g.
- What role do ULF waves play in the evolution of
ring current and radiation belt particles? - What is the cause of inter-hemispheric
asymmetries in particle precipitation? - What is the spatial scale and temporal evolution
of regions of relativistic electron loss?
13Identification of Electron Injection (Spanswick
et al., 2007)
Total Flux Criteria
Dispersionless Injection
- Substorm Associated
- 3 min. rise time
- raised flux for gt 15min
Courtesy of E. Spanswick
14Radial Extent - The injection region can
expand to gt 5 Re in less than 10 minutes
There is always a time delay between the onset of
injections across latitude
Courtesy of E. Spanswick
15Azimuthal Extent - simultaneous injection
With increased instruments we have better
resolution measurements. We can also apply the
technique in Fennoscandia with the chain of
imaging and widebeam riometers. We can use the
imaging riometers to examine small scale changes
in the injection region. GLORIA provides valuable
support for satellite and radar measurements by
offering a large scale spatial context for their
point measurements.
Courtesy of E. Spanswick
16Data Products
- Global maps of absorption
- Conversion to conductance/characteristic energy
- Course resolution but useful in an age of no
space based imagers - Scintillation maps
- can turn this problem into a bonus for F-region
studies - Routine injection region identification
- supplement the geostat. satellites
- ULF precipitation index
- A tracer for radiation belt dynamics
- Access to absorption models
- Empirical
- Data assimilation?
17GLORIA community resolutions - decided at the
2nd Riometer Workshop, Banff, 2006
- Data Access All members of the GLORIA
community represented at the 2nd International
Workshop on Riometry agree to work towards truly
open data policies. Ideally, open means no
registration and password, and science-level data
available via (among other options) open
anonymous FTP sites. - - Excellent for IPY
- Data Formats All members of the GLORIA
community represented at the 2nd International
Workshop on Riometry agree to produce files for
dissemination in a common agreed upon data
format. It was further agreed that this format
will be CDF. - - A GLORIA Data Format Working Group has been
formed to detail meta-data, generate web based
instructions and produce example programs for CDF
18GLORIA in IPY and beyond
- The riometers operate 24/7 constantly sampling
the cosmic radio noise. - New data products will be developed for community
use during the IPY and thereafter. Lancaster
intends to pursue funding from the EU to
facilitate this. - We hope to gain some funding to help bring some
neglected data sets up to standard. - What about later.?
19We have
- Data sharing agreements (GloRiA,).
- Data and metadata format agreements (GAIA,).
- A multitude of data access facilities.
- Processing tools.
- Visualisation tools.
- Models.
- Jointly-run instruments.
We have the building blocks already! Now we just
have to package them
Courtesy of M. Grill
20We have
- Data sharing agreements (GloRiA,).
- Data and metadata format agreements (GAIA,).
- A multitude of data access facilities.
- Processing tools.
- Visualisation tools.
- Models.
- Jointly-run instruments.
We have the building blocks already! Now we just
have to package them
Courtesy of M. Grill
21We have
- Data sharing agreements (GloRiA,).
- Data and metadata format agreements (GAIA,).
- A multitude of data access facilities.
- Processing tools.
- Visualisation tools.
- Models.
- Jointly-run instruments.
We have the building blocks already! Now we just
have to package them
Courtesy of M. Grill
22We have
- Data sharing agreements (GloRiA,).
- Data and metadata format agreements (GAIA,).
- A multitude of data access facilities.
- Processing tools.
- Visualisation tools.
- Models.
- Jointly-run instruments.
We have the building blocks already! Now we just
have to package them
Courtesy of M. Grill
23We have
- Data sharing agreements (GloRiA,).
- Data and metadata format agreements (GAIA,).
- A multitude of data access facilities.
- Processing tools.
- Visualisation tools.
- Models.
- Jointly-run instruments.
We have the building blocks already! Now we just
have to package them
Courtesy of M. Grill
24We have
- Data sharing agreements (GloRiA,).
- Data and metadata format agreements (GAIA,).
- A multitude of data access facilities.
- Processing tools.
- Visualisation tools.
- Models.
- Jointly-run instruments.
We have the building blocks already! Now we just
have to package them
Courtesy of M. Grill
25Put an i in front!
Gather it all into a sexy, high-performance,
multi-platform, open source, graphical 3D
picture from http//www.123macmini.com/
26A top-down approach!
- Approach so far bottom-up
- A lot of seriously good work has gone into
backends. - Terabytes of data, available in various formats,
quite fast. - Sophisticated processing.
- Ease-of-use.
- Truly multi-instrument.
- Intuitively query space and time.
- Visualise, model, watch, project, summarise.
- And still get all the raw data in an instant
whenever you like!
Courtesy of M. Grill
27Ever used Google Earth or NASA world wind?
28Ever used Google Earth or NASA world wind?
29Ever used Google Earth or NASA world wind?
30Ever used Google Earth or NASA world wind?
31Ever used Google Earth or NASA world wind?
32Our vision
A distributed, redundant data access,
translation, caching and dissemination layer,
including real-time and near-real-time streaming
and notification capabilities.
A sexy, high-performance, multi-platform, open
source, graphical 3D interface.
Put an i in front!
Built on existing agreements, models, processing
tools, repositories.
33EKSNoARIA/TKeLi The European Knowledge
Saturation and Northern All InstRument Image
Access ToolKit with eLectronic infrastructure
The name might need some work