Title: Modeling Atmospheric Releases of Molecular Tritium
1Modeling Atmospheric Releases of Molecular Tritium
2005 RETS/REMP Workshop Jim Key Key Solutions,
Inc. www.keysolutionsinc.com
2Tritium Woes
- Keep It?
- High Plant Inventories
- Worker Exposure Problem
- Increased Risk of Adverse Environmental
Impact from Accidental Releases of
High Concentrations
3Tritium Woes
- Release It?
- Via Liquid Effluents?
- Lowest Dose Impact
- High Political Impact for Some Sites
- Via Gaseous Effluents?
- Higher Dose Impact
4Dosimetric Impact of Liquid vs. Gaseous Releases
of HTO
- Reg. Guide 1.109 and NUREG 0133 Models Indicate
Significant Increase in HTO Dose for Atmospheric
vs. Liquid Releases - Exact Dose Increase is Site Specific but
Typically 10 Times or Greater - Significant Risk of Site Contamination
(condensation on build surfaces, etc.)
5A Different Idea
- Why Not Release to Atmosphere as HT?
- Significantly Lower Dose Impact
- Canadian Technology Electrolytic Decomposition
of HTO to HT and O2 - Canadians Release 10 x More Tritium to
Environment than U.S.
6Dosimetric Impact of HT vs. HTO
- Radiotoxicity of HTO 20,000-25,000 Times that
of HT (ICRP-30) - Only Significant Dose Impact Occurs Following
Oxidation of HT to HTO and Subsequent Exposure
7Why Model Molecular Tritium?
- Need Ability to Predict Environmental
Concentrations for Decision Making. - If Tritium is Released Atmospherically as HT,
then ODCM Must be Revised to Model Doses. - Reg. Guide 1.109 and NUREG 0133 Assume Tritium
Released in the Form of Tritiated Water HTO
8Field Studies of AtmosphericHT Releases
- AECL Chalk River Laboratory, Canada
- 1986 18.5 Ci of HT Released
- Pure HT Release
- Savannah River Site, USA
- 1974 479,000 Ci of HT Released
- 1975 182,000 Ci of HT Released
- Estimated 99 HT, 1 HTO
- Short Term Releases
- IAEA Tritium Working Group Report - 2003 -
Modeling the Environmental Transport of Tritium
in the Vicinity of Long Term Atmospheric and
Sub-Surface Sources - Provides Comparison of Numerous Tritium Models
Against Field Measurements
- Models Atmospheric Releases of Molecular Tritium
(HT) as well as Tritiated Water (HTO) - These are all screening models and as such result
in very conservative estimates of Tritium
11BIOMASS-3Examines Models Used By
- AECL Canada
- BEAK Canada
- ANDRA France
- CEA France
- FZK Germany
- ZSR Germany
- JAERI Japan
- NIPNE Romania
- VNIIEF Russia
- SESAB Sweden
12Oxidation of HT to HTO
- Oxidation in Atmosphere is Very Slow Process with
Half Life of gt 5 Years - Most Significant Oxidation Occurs at the
Atmosphere-Soil Interface
13Oxidation of HT to HTO in Soil
- Result of Bacterial Action in Soil
- Oxidation Efficiency is Highly Dependant on
Organic Content of Soil - Sterilized Clay Loam 3.4
- Natural Clay Loam 100
- Occurs Very Quickly hours
14Oxidation of HT in Soil
- Described by Deposition Velocity - Vd
- Typical Values 0.00003 to .00034 m/sec
- Allows Determination of Ground Plane
Concentration (activity/m2) of HTO Resulting from
Oxidation of HT
15Atmospheric Dispersion of HT
- HT Has Approximately 6 Density of Air
- Might Seem that HT Would Quickly Diffuse Out of
Plume - Field Studies Have Shown that HT Remains
Entrapped in Plume in the Near Field - BIOMASS-3 Models All Model HT Dispersion Using
Standard Gaussian Plume Model
16Effective Ground Plane Deposition
17Effective Ground Plane Deposition Rate
18Physical TransportPathways Considered
- Soil Moisture
- Deposition of HT onto ground plane with
subsequent oxidation to HTO. - Airborne Concentration from Soil
Re-Emission - Emission of HTO (oxidized HT) into air from soil
19Methodology Development
- Special Thanks to Ring Peterson at LLNL
- NEWTRIT Model Described in HPS Journal, Feb.
2002. - Screening Model Unrealistically Conservative
- DCART Model (unpublished internal LLNL report,
Sept. 2004). - Incomplete Model But Rather a General Approach
- More Realistic Assumptions
20Methodology Development
- Methodology Presented Here Makes Use of DCART
Strategy for Predicting Environmental
Concentrations of HTO Due to Atmospheric Releases
of HT - Methodology Designed to be Compatible with Reg
Guide 1.109 and NUREG 0133 Approaches - Easily Incorporated into Current ODCM Methodology
21Soil Moisture Concentration
Where CSW,dep annual mean concentration
of HTO in soil water deposition of HT.
3.15?104 is 3.15?107 sec/yr ? 10-3 m3/L.
fr fraction of HTO retained in soil for
plant root uptake (0.3). annual release
rate of HT. Precip annual precipitation
22Airborne Concentration Due to Re-Emission
- Described in terms of HTO in air to HT in air
based on field measurements. - Specified in units of m3/L (e.g. pCi/L of HTO in
air to pCi/m3 of HT in air) - Note must multiply by
- to get pCi/m3 HTO in air
23Airborne Concentration Due to Re-Emission
- Defined for two heights above soil surface
- grVeg 20 cm for vegetation uptake
- - typical value 6 m3/L
- grInh 1.5 m for inhalation exposure
- - typical value 4 m3/L
24Airborne Concentration Due to Re-Emission Plant
Where CR-air concentration of HTO in
air due to re-emission of HTO in soil.
grVeg concentration ratio of HTO in air to HT in
air at height of vegetation (20 cm) m3/L.
HA absolute atmospheric humidity
kg/m3. ?Water density of water kg/L
25Concentration in Vegetation
Where 0.75 fraction of vegetation what
is water L/Kg. ? ratio of vapor
pressure of HTO and H2O (1.1).
HR relative humidity.
26Airborne Concentration Due to Re-Emission
Inhalation Exposure
Where airborne concentration of HTO
in air at 1.5 m due to re-emission from
soil. grInh concentration ratio of
HTO in air to HT in air due to
27Dose Comparison Scenario
- ?/Q 1?10-6 sec/m3
- Q 1000 Ci/yr
- HA 8 gm/m3
- HR 70
- Precipitation 30 inches/yr
28HTO vs. HT Predicted Dose
Dose (mrem) Dose (mrem)
Pathway HTO HT
Inhalation 0.036 0.001
Vegetation 0.157 0.012
Cow Milk 0.050 0.004
Goat Milk 0.136 0.010
Total 0.328 0.023
29Liquid Release of HTO ofAtmospheric Release of
- Both Appear to Have the Same Dose Impact
- Exact Comparison Requires Site Specific Analysis
- Obviously Is Not Cost Beneficial If Liquid
Discharge is an Option - Possible Option Where Liquid Releases Are Not