Title: Test Case: one tail, 7 heads
1Test Case one tail, 7 heads
- Case Studies
- Password policy tests
- Step-Expected template
- My preferred style
- Different goals
- Directive
- Coaching
- Supporting
- Delegating
- Styles supported by
- (Exigen) TCM
- Excel spreadsheet
3Case1 Password Policy tests
4Continued advanced tables
5Cases 2 and 3. Step-Expected Results
Case1 scenario (use case, user story)
Case2 function test (equivalence classes)
6Cases 4 and 5. Negligence
There is actually an assumption to have quite a
lot of users in database
76 Checklists (product specific, high level)
Icons provide great visual support
87 My favorite checklist - tree
9Bonus Case Screenshots
10What does a Test Case Manage?
11So what about Leadership Styles?
- A model for Situational Leadership created by But
Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey in the late 1960's - The best style depend on person being led
Lets consider the leadership role of a Test
Case Management system
12The role of test case style
Tester decide while testing Decisions
reviewed as required
13Where to best store your test cases?
- Test Case Management System
- Excel
- Confluence WIKI
14(Exigen) Test Case Management
Test Plan
Link to defect
Test Case
Manage Software build, Person, Time-Stamp,
Execution report
15Lotus Notes Rich Text
16Excel Spreadsheet
17Confluence WIKIJIRA
See Test Case samples in the slides 3-8
19Overview continued
20a Craftsman depends on tools
21Bonus tool Session Tester
An example of a support
More supportive features in next version
22A dream
23Q A
- Is your current TCM System good enough ?
For managers?
For testers?