Title: Advanced Computer Graphics: Introduction
1Advanced Computer GraphicsIntroduction
- James Gain
- Department of Computer ScienceUniversity of Cape
Town - jgain_at_cs.uct.ac.za
- To introduce advanced graphics
- To provide an overview and context for the course
- To outline the course requirements and evaluation
3Exercise Realism
- Question Consider some recent computer animated
films (Shrek, Finding Nemo, Final Fantasy). Which
aspects do you feel where particularly realistic
and which unrealistic? Try to name particular
scenes. - Answer
Subsurface lighting (skin, milk, etc) Hair
Facial animation and lip synching Complex shapes
Perfection (no dust, dirt and dents) Physical effects (wind, water, fire, cloth)
4The Graphics Creation Pipeline
Low Level - Polygon Mesh - - - Polygon Scan Conversion
High Level - Curves - Surfaces - CSG - Texture, bump, environment mapping - Kinematic chains - Animation functions - Quaternions - Ray Tracing
Advanced - B-splines - Volumetric - Blobby - Deformation - Dynamics Kinematics Motion capture - Radiosity - Illumination Models
5Course Structure
- Credits 3
- Pre-requisite interactive computer graphics
(CS3) - Structure
- Blocks of 3 lectures
- 5 weekly double period reading group sessions (10
min introduction, 40 min presentation by 2
participants, 40 min group discussion) - Purpose
- Enhance critical reading, writing, presentation
and discussion skills - Cover more advanced aspects of computer graphics
- Mark
- Exam 40, Structure Portfolio 20, Project 40
- DP
- Attend and submit review forms for 7 out of 10
reading groups - Present a paper overview for one reading group
session - Exam
- Open Book (may take in papers, structured
portfolio and textbooks) - 2 Hours
- Attendance
- To attend a reading group you must have read the
paper and completed a review form
7Lecture Contents
Title Lectures
Modelling Constructive and Procedural Texture Curves and Surfaces 6
Rendering Ray Tracing Radiosity 3
Animation Interpolation and Rotation Anti-aliasing 3
Visualization Colour Scalar field and volume rendering 3
- Freeform Modelling
- Teddy a Sketching Interface for 3D FreeForm
Design - Procedural Modelling
- Procedural Modeling of Cities
- Photogrammetric Modelling
- Modeling and Rendering Architecture from
Photographs - Animation
- Flocks, Herds and Schools a Behavioral
Approach - Rendering
- Surface Splatting
- available on \\Wolverine\Public\advgfx
9Paper Review Form
- Briefly describe the paper and its contribution
to computer graphics and interactive techniques. - Is the exposition clear? How could it be
improved? - Could the work be reproduced by a skilled
graduate student? - How would you rate this paper on a continuous
scale from 1 to 5, where - 1 should never have been published, 2
substantial flaws, 3 acceptable, 4 good,
solid research, 5 the greatest thing since
pre-sliced bread - Explain your rating by discussing the strengths
and weaknesses of the paper. - How would you extend this work beyond what is
suggested in the future work section?
- Create a computer generated world
- Using procedural (fractal and L-system)
techniques - The project will involve modelling, texturing and
rendering using C and output to VRML files - Working in groups of 2 on clearly defined aspects
of the problem - Terrain
- Trees
- Sky
- Buildings
- Roads