Title: A Civil Action: book by Jonathan Harr 1995
1A Civil Action book by Jonathan Harr (1995)
film (Steven Zallian director 1996)
2Appearance of leaves Lowell Ma May 30
1868 May 30, 2005
AJC 3/20/08
3Well G online 1964 Well H online 1967
4Well G online 1964 Well H online 1967 Wells
taken Out of operation In 1979 Numerous Citizen
complaints About smell, taste
5WR Grace Plant used Trichloroethylene (TCE) as A
6WR Grace Plant used Trichloroethylene (TCE) as A
degreaser During trial Employees Admitted Dumping
TCE Out back
7 John J Riley Managed Riley Tannery
formerly Owned it Beatrice Foods Bought it c.
8Riley never Admitted Using TCE But they
Routinely Dumped Chemicals Into a Settling
9And liquid Was ultimately Dumped In
Boston Harbor Through Sewage Pipes 2nd
largest Polluter Of the harbor
1015 acre site Next to Tannery Contaminated With
various chemicals
11Houses show Some? Locations Of childhood leukemia
12Woburn Had 36,000 Residents In 1970 28
cases Childhood Leukemia 1964-mid 80s
134 x normal rate
14Aquifers are porous and permeable aquitards are
Groundwater flows
15Contaminants Move as Part of A plume
16(No Transcript)
17 Safe Drinking Water Act (1974, Amended 1986,
1996) Regulates all Public water Supplies gt25
Tannery production Well gt 500 ppm TCE
183 ppm TCE
267 ppm TCE
18 Safe Drinking Water Act (1974, Amended 1986,
1996) Regulates all Public water Supplies gt25
Tannery production Well gt 500 ppm TCE
183 ppm TCE
267 ppm TCE
19 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA Administered By
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Tannery production Well gt 500 ppm TCE
183 ppm TCE
267 ppm TCE
20 SWDA Establishes Maximum Contaminant Levels
(MCL) in Drinking water
Tannery production Well gt 500 ppm TCE
183 ppm TCE
267 ppm TCE
21 For TCE The MCL Is 0 ppm
Tannery production Well gt 500 ppm TCE
183 ppm TCE
267 ppm TCE
22Net result Grace settled for 8 million dollars
23Net result Grace settled for 8 million
dollars Each family received several hundred
thousand dollars
24Net result Grace settled for 8 million
dollars Each family received several hundred
thousand dollars Schlichtmann went bankrupt
(since recovered)
25Net result Grace settled for 8 million
dollars Each family received several hundred
thousand dollars Schlichtmann went bankrupt
(since recovered) Beatrice, Grace and 3 other
landowners paying Millions of dollars for site
cleanup under Superfund
26Net result Grace settled for 8 million
dollars Each family received several hundred
thousand dollars Schlichtmann went bankrupt
(since recovered) Beatrice, Grace and 3 other
landowners paying Millions of dollars for site
cleanup as a Superfund site 1980 (reauthorized
1986, 1994) Comprehensive Environmental Response
Compensation Liability Act Superfund law
current owner can be Forced to clean up site
27Lesson Prevention is key
28- More info
- http//www.elmhurst.edu/chm/onlcourse/chm110/issu
es/issue6B98.html - Website for Chemistry class at Elmhurst
- College, CE Ophardt professor