Title: WSDL Web Service Description Language
1WSDL Web Service Description Language
EGEE is a project funded by the European Union
under contract IST-2003-508833
- The role of WSDL
- The structure of a WSDL document
- types
- message
- portType
- binding
- service
3What is the function of WSDL
- WSDL represents a contract between the consumer
and provider of a service. - It should guarantee a service format.
4The function of WSDL
- WSDL describes a services exposed interface
- It is what a client sees of your service
- WSDL includes information about
- The data types it uses
- Parameters it requires and returns
- Groupings of functionality
- The protocol to be used to access the service
- The location or address of the service
5WSDL Structure
- A WSDL document is an XML document
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gtltdefinition
sgt lttypesgt lt! define the types here using
XML Schema ? lt/typesgt ltmessagegt lt! XML
messages the web service uses are defined here ?
lt/messagegt ltportTypegt lt! define the input
and output parameters here -? lt/portTypegt
ltbindinggt lt! define the network protocol here
? lt/bindinggt ltservicegt lt! location of the
service ? lt/servicegtlt/definitionsgt
6Referencing between sections
Each section refers to elements defined in other
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gtltdefinition
sgt lttypesgt lt! define the data types here
using XML Schema ? lt/typesgt ltmessagegt lt!
The message will refer to the types defined above
? lt/messagegt ltportTypegt lt! The operations
refer to the messages defined above -?
lt/portTypegt ltbindinggt lt! A binding refers to
a portType defined above ? lt/bindinggt
ltservicegt lt! The service refers to a particular
binding defined above ? lt/servicegtlt/definition
7Simplified definitions
Each defines things referenced by other sections
8ltimportgt element
- ltdefinitions
- targetNamespaceurn3950
- xmlns http//schema.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/
- xmlnsxsd http//www.w3c.org/2001/XMLSchema
- xmlnssoap http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap
/ - xmlnssoapenc http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/em
coding/ - xmlnstns urn3950gt
- ltimport namespace http//nesc.ac.uk location
Acts like C/C include , or Java import.
Incorporates external namespaces
- WSDL uses a number of different namespaces
including - XML Schema Namespaces
- http//www.w3.org/2000/10/XMLSchema
- http//www.w3c.org/2001/XML-Schema-instance
- WSDL Namespaces
- http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/
- http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/
- SOAP Namespaces
- http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding
- http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope
10The lttypesgt
- The types element contains XML Schemas defining
the datatypes that are to be passed to and from
the web service
lttypesgt ltschema targetNamespace"http//example.c
om/stockquote.xsd" xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/
10/XMLSchema"gt ltelement name"TradePriceRequest"
gt ltcomplexTypegt ltallgtltelement
name"tickerSymbol" type"string"/gtlt/allgt
lt/complexTypegt lt/elementgt ltelement
name"TradePrice"gt ltcomplexTypegt
ltallgtltelement name"price" type"float"/gtlt/allgt
lt/complexTypegt lt/elementgt lt/schemagt
11The ltmessagegt
- The ltmessagegt element is used to define the
messages that will be exchanged between the
client and the service - These message elements contain ltpartgt elements,
which will be using types defined in the types
element - All the parts are namespace qualified
ltmessage name"GetLastTradePriceInput"gt ltpart
name"body" element"xsd1TradePriceRequest"/gt
lt/messagegt ltmessage name"GetLastTradePriceOutput"
gt ltpart name"body" element"xsd1TradePrice"/gt
12Relating messages and operations
- Web services are a messaging system
- For a normal method (operation) there will be
generally two messages - A message is required to pass the parameters in.
- A message is required to pass the return value
out - Even a void return requires an empty return
1. Message in
void myMethod (parametertype)
2. Message out
Empty message
In non-messaging languages this is hidden
14The ltportTypegt
- The types and messages have been defined, but
they have not been defined in terms of where they
fit in the functionality of the web service - This is done within ltportTypegt and ltoperationgt
elements - A portType is analogous to a class
- An operation is analogous to a method in that
ltportType name"StockQuotePortType"gt
ltoperation name"GetLastTradePrice"gt ltinput
ltoutput message"tnsGetLastTradePriceOutput"/gt
15Types of ltoperationgt
- There are four distinct types of operation
- Synchronous
- Request-response - The service receives a message
and sends a reply - Solicit-response - The service sends a message
and receives a reply message - Asynchronous
- One-way - The service receives a message
- Notification - The service sends a message
- All of these can be defined in WSDL
16Defining the type of operation
- Presence and order of input/output elements
defines the type of operation. - Request-response ltinputgtltoutputgt
- Solicit-response ltoutputgtltinputgt
- One-way ltinputgt only
- Notification ltoutputgt only
17(No Transcript)
18The ltbindinggt element
- This element is used to define the mechanism that
the client will actually use to interact with the
web service - There are three possibilities
- The most common choice is currently SOAP
- The binding element defines the protocol specific
information for the portTypes previously defined
19The binding tag
- ltbinding nameez3950SOAPBinding
typetnsez3950PortTypesgt - The ltbindinggt tag indicates that we will map a
ltPort Typegt to a protocol - ltsoapbinding stylerpc transporthttp//schema
s.xmlsoap.org/soap/http/gt - Indicates we will be using the SOAP binding
extensions to map the operations. - The alternative to rpc is document.
- ( to use GET/POST use lthttpbindinggt
- to use MIME use ltmimebinding..gt )
20ltbindinggt Example
- Below is an example of a binding element for SOAP
ltbinding name"StockQuoteSoapBinding
type"tnsStockQuotePortType"gt ltsoapbinding
style"document transport"http//schemas.xmlsoap
.org/soap/http"/gt ltoperation
name"GetLastTradePrice"gt ltsoapoperation
gt ltinputgt ltsoapbody use"literal"/gt lt/inputgt
ltoutputgt ltsoapbody use"literal"/gt lt/output
gt lt/operationgtlt/bindinggt
- The final component of a WSDL file is the
ltservicegt element - The ltservicegt element defines ltportgt elements
that specify where requests should be sent - The ltsoapaddressgt subelement identifies the URL
of the service - The precise content of ltportgt elements will be
dependent upon the mechanism, i.e. SOAP, HTTP or
ltservice name"StockQuoteService"gt ltport
name"StockQuotePort" binding"tnsStockQuoteBindi
ng"gt ltsoapaddress location"http//exampl
e.com/stockquote"/gt lt/portgtlt/servicegt
22 Overview of HelloService
23lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
ltdefinitions name"HelloService"
Service.wsdl" xmlns"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws
dl/" xmlnssoap"http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/s
oap/" xmlnstns"http//www.ecerami.com/wsdl/Hello
Service.wsdl" xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/2001/XM
LSchema"gt  ltmessage name"SayHelloRequest"gt
ltpart name"firstName" type"xsdstring"/gt
lt/messagegt ltmessage name"SayHelloResponse"gt
ltpart name"greeting" type"xsdstring"/gt
lt/messagegt  ltportType name"Hello_PortType"gt
ltoperation name"sayHello"gt ltinput
message"tnsSayHelloRequest"/gt ltoutput
message"tnsSayHelloResponse"/gt lt/operationgt
lt/portTypegt Â
24ltbinding name"Hello_Binding" type"tnsHello_Port
Type"gt ltsoapbinding style"rpc"
/gt ltoperation name"sayHello"gt
ltsoapoperation soapAction"sayHello"/gt
ltinputgt ltsoapbody encodingStyle"htt
use"encoded"/gt lt/inputgt ltoutputgt
ltsoapbody encodingStyle"http//schemas.xm
lsoap.org/soap/encoding/" namespace"urnexam
pleshelloservice" use"encoded"/gt lt/outputgt
lt/operationgt lt/bindinggt
25 ltservice name"Hello_Service"gt
ltdocumentationgtWSDL File for
HelloServicelt/documentationgt ltport
binding"tnsHello_Binding" name"Hello_Port"gt
ltsoapaddress location"http//localhost
8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter"/ gt lt/portgt
lt/servicegt lt/definitionsgt