- We will be inviting over 80 trade booths to help
students with their career planning, as well as
interactive displays all over the college campus,
and prizes to encourage the students
participation. Our message Make the Connection - We want this event to help young people make the
connection between learning and the workplace.
This is not a job fair but rather a community
effort to connect our children with the working
world, making long term productive and skilled
employees. - What people are saying about us
- We are very appreciative of all opportunities to
connect our students with the world for which
they are preparing. The Career Fair, organized
by the ACE Foundation, is an important experience
that provides our senior students with much
needed information on career options available to
them. They enjoy this event, and each year
return to school with materials and contacts
which are so helpful as they plan for college or
university. - Michelle Simmons, Berkley Institute
- 20,000 Plus
- Company Logos ads on all print
- Mention on Radio Interviews
- Free Booth in the trade area of your choice at
the Fair - Your support will lead this community effort to
connect our young students with the importance of
education and how it connects with the work
place, making their futures secure.
- 10,000 Plus
- Logos on all ads and location maps
- Free Booth in the trade area of your choice
Your support will lead this community effort to
connect our young students with the importance of
education and how it connects with the work
place, making their futures secure.
- 5,000 Plus
- Company Logos on all ads and location maps
Your support will lead this community effort to
connect our young students with the importance of
education and how it connects with the work
place, making their futures secure.
- 500 booth fee in the trade area of your choice
- Company name listed on all ads, and maps
Your support will lead this community effort to
connect our young students with the importance of
education and how it connects with the work
place, making their futures secure.