Title: Introduction to Divide and Conquer
1Introduction to Divide and Conquer
- Lecture 8 More Greedy Examples
- Shortest Path Problems
- Dijkstras Algorithm
- The Knapsack Problem
- Linear Programs
- Lecture 9 Recap
- Recap Greedy Algorithms
- Discuss Papers
- Discuss Assignment 2
- Lecture 10 Introduction to Divide and Conquer
- Binary Search
- Compare to Linear Search
- Best/Worst Case Analysis
- More Recursion Relations
- Change of Variables
- Intro to Probability
- What does average mean?
- Average Case Analysis
- Phone Book Competition
- Sequential vs. Binary Search
- How do the Search Methods compare?
3Sequential vs. Binary Search
- function binsearch(T1..n, x)
- if n0 or xgtTn then return n1
- else return binrec(T1..n,x)
- function binrec (Ti..j, x)
- if i j then return I
- k ?(ij)/2
- if x lt Tk then return binrec(Ti..k,x)
- else return binrec(Tk1..j, x)
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11
x 12 lt Tk?
i k
j no
i k j
i k j
ik j
ij ij
4Sequential vs. Binary Search
- function binsearch(T1..n, x)
- if n0 or xgtTn then return n1
- else return binrec(T1..n,x)
- function binrec (Ti..j, x)
- if i j then return I
- k ?(ij)/2
- if x lt Tk then return binrec(Ti..k,x)
- else return binrec(Tk1..j, x)
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
Q(r) W(n) worst case O(1) best case
- If t(m) for binrec, mj-i1, then
- binsearch needs about t(n)
- For m even, t(m) t(m/2)g(m)
- where g(m) O(1) c
- How do we solve this recurrence?
5More on Solving Recurrences Change of Variables
- Suppose we want to solve y(k) y(k/2)c, y(1)q,
- where k 2, 4, 8, 16,
- Linear
- Constant Co-efficient
- Non-homogeneous
- Not defined on all times k!!
6More on Solving Recurrences Change of Variables
- Suppose we want to solve y(k) y(k/2)c, y(1)q,
- where k 2, 4, 8, 16,
- Linear
- Constant Co-efficient
- Non-homogeneous
- Not defined on all times k
- Need a change of variables
- Let k 2n. Then y(2n) y(2n-1) c gt y(n)
y(n-1) c
gt y(n) - y(n-1) c
Solve for z(n) z(n) z(n-1) 0
gt y(n) y(n) z(n)
ln ln-1 0
l 1 0
7More on Solving Recurrences Change of Variables
- Suppose we want to solve y(k) y(k/2)c, y(1)q,
- where k 2, 4, 8, 16,
- Linear
- Constant Co-efficient
- Non-homogeneous
- Not defined on all times k
- Need a change of variables
- Let k 2n. Then y(2n) y(2n-1) c gt y(n)
y(n-1) c
gt y(n) - y(n-1) c
Solve for y(n) Each step adds c
gt y(n) y(n) d1n
Try y(n) cn
cn c(n-1)c ?
gt y(n) y(n) d
8More on Solving Recurrences Change of Variables
- Suppose we want to solve y(k) y(k/2)c, y(1)q,
- where k 2, 4, 8, 16,
- Linear
- Constant Co-efficient
- Non-homogeneous
- Not defined on all times k
- Need a change of variables
- Let k 2n. Then y(2n) y(2n-1) c gt y(n)
y(n-1) c
gt y(n) - y(n-1) c
Use initial condition to find d q c d gt
d q - c
gt y(n) y(n) d1n
gt y(n) y(n) d
y(n) c(n-1)q
gt y(n) cn d
9More on Solving Recurrences Change of Variables
- Suppose we want to solve y(k) y(k/2)c, y(1)q,
- where k 2, 4, 8, 16, Let k 2n
y(n) c(n-1)q
- What is the order of growth of y(n)?
- What is the order of growth of y(k)?
- Recall expression for binrec for m even, t(m)
t(m/2)g(m) -
where g(m) O(1) c
10Sequential vs. Binary Search
- function binsearch(T1..n, x)
- if n0 or xgtTn then return n1
- else return binrec(T1..n,x)
- function binrec (Ti..j, x)
- if i j then return I
- k ?(ij)/2
- if x lt Tk then return binrec(Ti..k,x)
- else return binrec(Tk1..j, x)
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
Q(n) worst case Q(1) best case
Q(log n) worst case Q(log n) best case
What about average case?
11What Does Average Mean?
- What is the complexity of a typical instance of
size n?
- For each size n,
- there may be a set
- of outcomes that
- are possible
- Some of these may
- be more likely than
- others
- We use probability
- to make the notion
- of typical precise
12Elementary Probability
- Consider a set S, called the sample space.
Elements of the set S are called sample points.
13Elementary Probability
- Consider a set S, called the sample space.
Elements of the set S are called sample points.
14Elementary Probability
- A random variable is a function that assigns an
arbitrary number to each sample point.
Random Variable, X
Probability Measure
- PrXx means the probability
- of the event Xx, e.g
- PrX -1 .1
- PrX5 .4
- PrX 0 .1
Set S
-1 0 4 -1.5 2 -3 5 5 9 3 2
.1 .1 .2 .1 .05 .05 .1 .1 .05 .1 .05
15Elementary Probability
- The expectation of X (or expected value, or mean,
or average) is given by
Random Variable, X
Probability Measure
Set S
- Like the center of mass.
- In this example E(X) 2.45
-1 0 4 -1.5 2 -3 5 5 9 3 2
.1 .1 .2 .1 .05 .05 .1 .1 .05 .1 .05
- The probability mass function
- of random variable X is just
- p(x) PrXx
16Sequential vs. Binary Search
- function binsearch(T1..n, x)
- if n0 or xgtTn then return n1
- else return binrec(T1..n,x)
- function binrec (Ti..j, x)
- if i j then return I
- k ?(ij)/2
- if x lt Tk then return binrec(Ti..k,x)
- else return binrec(Tk1..j, x)
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
Q(n) worst case Q(1) best case
Q(log n) worst case Q(log n) best case
What about average case?
17Sequential Search Average Case
Probability Measure
Random Variable, X
Set S
1 2 3 4 5 n
1 2 3 4 5 n
1/n 1/n 1/n 1/n 1/n 1/n
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
Q(n) worst case Q(1) best case
Expected value of X is
18Sequential Search Average Case
- The loop will terminate after
- (n1)/2 iterations when
- searching for the expected
- instance for a problem of
- size n.
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
Average case Q(n), Assuming the probability
mass function for X is uniform
Q(n) worst case Q(1) best case
Expected value of X is
19Sequential vs. Binary Search
- function binsearch(T1..n, x)
- if n0 or xgtTn then return n1
- else return binrec(T1..n,x)
- function binrec (Ti..j, x)
- if i j then return I
- k ?(ij)/2
- if x lt Tk then return binrec(Ti..k,x)
- else return binrec(Tk1..j, x)
- function sequential (T1..n, x)
- for i ? 1 to n do
- if Ti gt x then return i
- return n1
Q(n) worst case Q(n) average case Q(1) best case
Q(log n) worst case Q(log n) average case Q(log
n) best case
Need to look at constants on order of growth to
decide at what size n It makes sense to switch
from sequential sort to binary sort.
20Bonus Slide!!(No Extra Charge!)
- Given the breathing difficulties today and your
new mastery of probability, Lets play the
Forrest Fire Game! - Given
- An n by n grid
- Each square of the grid is a tree
- If lightening strikes a tree, all connected trees
burn - If lightening strikes a cut-down tree, nothing
happens - Connected trees are those up, down, left, or
right (not diagonal) - May cut trees down before the storm to disconnect
high risk areas - Want to maximize the trees left after a storm
- Cut the trees (if any) you think protect your
forest. Then roll a dice to see which of the
following storms you have
21Bonus Slide!!(No Extra Charge!)
- (1,2) Light rainno lightening strikes
- (3,4) Thunderstormlightening strikes twice
wildly! - For each strike, choose two random numbers (i, j)
uniformly distributed between 1 and n. The tree
at the coordinate (i, j) is hit by lightening and
all connected trees burn. - (5) A Sign from Heavenlightening strikes the
square given by your birthday coordinates (month,
day). If either is greater than n, simply wrap
around until you find the coordinate. - (6) Lightening strikes once randomly as indicated
22Bonus Slide!!(No Extra Charge!)
- Fix your design to protect your forest
- Play the game enough times to compute an Average
number of Surviving Trees such that if you
played a few more times and recomputed the
average, it would not change much.
225 Total Trees. Used 22 to protect the rest from
fire. How good is this design?