Title: AAVSO Finder charts
1AAVSO Finder charts
2Finder charts N
- Road maps for navigating in the sky
- Essential for locating objects
Longitude - Right ascension (RA)
3Finder charts for variable stars
- The AAVSO has finder charts (charts in short) for
over 5000 variable stars of all types - All charts are accessible and downloadable from
the AAVSO website at - http//www.aavso.org/observing/charts
- and on
- Variable Star Charts CD
Longitude - Right ascension (RA)
4Observing with AAVSO charts
- Lets try observing
- RR Bootes
5 Finder chart for Bootis region
These types of charts are for telescopes with
even number of optical surfaces, such as
Newtonian telescopes
Comparison star
7Reversed Chart - for telescopes with odd
number of optical surfaces, when using star
diagonals, such as refractors and
Schmidt-Cassegrain type telescopes (Celestron
and Meades)
Another scale Indicator ½ degree (diameter
of the Moon)
9Reversed chart
10Special charts for CCD observing with B,V,R,I
Colums indicate precisely measured magnitudes of
comparison stars with B,V,R,I filters