Title: Diversity Indices and Standards
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2Diversity Indices and Standards Ecology study
of the interrelationships between plants and
animals and their abiotic environment. Species
individuals that interbreed freely to produce
fertile offspring. Population all the
individuals of the same species in a defined
area. All the Micropeterus salmoides in Lake Ray
Roberts. Community all the populations in a
defined area, or all the fish in Lake Ray
Roberts. Ecosystem Lake Ray Roberts, the
surrounding watershed and all the organisms there
in. Watershed the area of land that catches
precipitation that then if transported along the
surface drains to a common point.
3Historically pollution and organic enrichment
problems were synonymous. Engineers and chemists
used physical and chemical surveys to tell them
about the health of a system. Measured
parameters like pH, dissolved oxygen, and
BOD5 Why cant you use physical/chemical
measurements alone to tell you about the health
of an ecosystem? When biologists became
significantly involved they tended to provide
lists of species they found in a survey. Species
Lists. Head of chironomid dichotomous
key Indicator organisms Diversity
indices Eventually developed a belief that
organisms living in a system are probably the
best indicator of their health.
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5In the discussion that follows the letters used
in the listing of organisms represent species A
a species, B a species, etc. The indices that
are used in the following series of slides are
examples of the kinds of indices that have been
developed. There are many variations of these
indices and each has its own inherent strengths
and weaknesses.
If you are using diversity indices you would
never represent your data by a single index!
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30CCC criteria continuous concentration
CMC criteria maximum concentration
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35The State criterion in Texas for a given river
might look like the formula below where the 0.960
accounts for the acid soluble function and the
1.60 for the water effects ratio assigned to a
particular receiving system.
(0.960)(1.60)e(0.9422(ln hardness)-1.3844 For
the chronic value for 100 mg/L hardness as CaCO3
Answer is
29.5 ug/L copper without the 0.960 and the 1.60
the standard would be 19.2 ug/L
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