Title: TRH3 Design and Construction of Surfacing Seals
1TRH3 Design and Construction of Surfacing Seals
- Current Draft released 1998
- Workshops
- Feedback from individuals
- Asphalt Academy Courses
- Circulation of Chapter 7 (Design and Construction
of seals)
3Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments - continue
- Guidance required on
- Geotextile seals
- Graded aggregate seals
- Use of rejuvenators and diluted emulsion
application - Application and interpretation of
- Ball penetration testing
- Sand patch measurement
- Slurry seal design for different conditions
(lately) - Omit all references to tar
- Reference latest SA publications
- Provide more practical hints
- Graphs
- Improve quality in general
- allow higher traffic volume read-off
- Guidance for min and max
- Check list for construction
- Other minor improvements
4Geotextile Seals
- Tack for Geotextile (Mod emulsion)
- gt15000 ELVs 0.5 l/m2 residual binder
- lt 15000 ELVs 1.1 l/m2 residual binder
- Volatiles (prefer no cutters or wait)
- Design seal according to TRH3
- Cor Ball pen 1mm
- No texture adjustment
- Add 30 binder to compensate for movement of
stone - Cover spray preferred
- Construction Hints
5Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments - continue
- Guidance required on
- Geotextile seals
- Graded aggregate seals (Otta seals,
recommendations for use in SA) - Use of rejuvenators and diluted emulsion
application - Application and interpretation of
- Ball penetration testing
- Sand patch measurement
- Slurry seal design for different conditions
(lately) - Omit all references to tar
- Reference latest SA publications
- Provide more practical hints
- Graphs
- Improve quality in general
- allow higher traffic volume read-off
- Guidance for min and max
- Check list for construction
- Other minor improvements
6Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments - continue
- Guidance required on
- Geotextile seals
- Graded aggregate seals (Otta seals,
recommendations for use in SA) - Use of rejuvenators and diluted emulsion
application - Application and interpretation of
- Ball penetration testing
- Sand patch measurement
- Slurry seal design for different conditions
(lately) - Omit all references to tar
- Reference latest SA publications
- Provide more practical hints
- Graphs
- Improve quality in general
- allow higher traffic volume read-off
- Guidance for min and max
- Check list for construction
- Other minor improvements
7Rejuvenation Fogsprays
- Appropriate products and application for specific
uses - Typical problems and solutions
8DE to reduce aggregate loss
DE for enrichment
9Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments - continue
- Guidance required on
- Geotextile seals
- Graded aggregate seals (Otta seals,
recommendations for use in SA) - Use of rejuvenators and diluted emulsion
application - Application and interpretation of
- Ball penetration testing
- Sand patch measurement
- Slurry seal design for different conditions
(lately) - Omit all references to tar
- Reference latest SA publications
- Provide more practical hints
- Graphs
- Improve quality in general
- allow higher traffic volume read-off
- Guidance for min and max
- Check list for construction
- Other minor improvements
10Texture Depth (Sand patch)
- 500 ml sand
- Box, squeegee, hand
- Wheel track and in-between
11(No Transcript)
12Corrected Ball Penetration
- Mid day
- Two blows
- Measure each blow
- Check
- Embedment
- Crushing
- Displacement
13Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments - continue
- Guidance required on
- Geotextile seals
- Graded aggregate seals (Otta seals,
recommendations for use in SA) - Use of rejuvenators and diluted emulsion
application - Application and interpretation of
- Ball penetration testing
- Sand patch measurement
- Slurry seal design for different conditions
(lately) - Omit all references to tar
- Reference latest SA publications
- Provide more practical hints
- Graphs
- Improve quality in general
- allow higher traffic volume read-off
- Guidance for min and max
- Check list for construction
- Other minor improvements
14(No Transcript)
16Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments and concerns
- Conventional binder designs
- Single seals OK (provision for construction
tolerance) - Double seals Bit high (Use estimated ALD
Large ½ of small ALD for design ALD) as
suggested in document - Modified binders
- Single seals (10 15 too low binder)
- Rationale discussed not generally supported
- Double seals
- Too high application for Polymer Modified binder
- Too low for Bitumen Rubber
- No provision for combination of binders
- Climate adjustments (not applicable to modified
binders) - Methodology not applicable to modified emulsion
17Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments and concerns
- Conventional binder designs
- Single seals OK (provision for construction
tolerance) - Double seals Bit high (Use estimated ALD
Large ½ of small ALD for design ALD) as
suggested in document - Modified binders
- Single seals (10 15 too low binder)
- Rationale discussed not generally supported
- Climate adjustments (not applicable to modified
binders) - Methodology not applicable to modified emulsion
seals - Double seals
- Too high application for Polymer Modified binder
- No provision for combination of binders
- Too low for Bitumen Rubber
18Modified and Combination Double seals
- Too high application
- Feedback from several practitioners
- Back calculation to achieve good performing seals
- Solutions
- Design as 2 single seals (ignore texture for
second layer) - Use current conventional method (ALD1 ALD 2)
1919 Double 6.7 seal
20Summary of Feedback Changes
.Comments and concerns
- Conventional binder designs
- Single seals OK (provision for construction
tolerance) - Double seals Bit high (Use estimated ALD
Large ½ of small ALD for design ALD) as
suggested in document - Modified binders
- Single seals (10 15 too low binder)
- Rationale discussed not generally supported
- Double seals
- Too high application for Polymer Modified binder
- Too low for Bitumen Rubber
- No provision for combination of binders
- Climate adjustments (not applicable to modified
binders) - Methodology not applicable to modified emulsion
- Lower embedment
- Orientation of aggregate
- Design
- use 1/2 embedment on design graphs
- .... adjustment due to orientation based on Elv
and ring and ball softening point
- Aggregate matrix (Lower embedment)
- Orientation of aggregate (More voids)
- Design
- use 1/2 embedment on design graphs
- adjustments as for conventional binder seals
- adjustment due to orientation, based on elv and
ring and ball softening point
24(No Transcript)
25Approach to solve
- Report current best practice
- Move towards simple conversion from conventional
to modified - Investigations
- Gautrans curves
- MBS approach
- Australia New Zealand approaches
26Non- Homogenous (Single)
- Minimum 1.8 l/m2 (Summer Grades)
- Minimum 1.6 l/m2 (Winter Grades)
- Maximum 3.2 l/m2
- Conversion factors
- 1.4 2.0 times Conventional binder (SA, NZ, Aus)
- Approx 1.8 times min TRH3 conventional for SA
27Homogenous (Single)
- Minimum 1.2 l/m2
- Maximum 2.6 l/m2 (Dependent on Aggregate size)
- Conversion factors
- 1.2 1.8 times Conventional binder (SA, NZ, Aus)
- Approx 1.45 times min conventional for SA
- Additional fog spray close to winter
- One conversion factor not good enough
- Highly dependent on aggregate application
- Viscosity of binder at time of application
- Orientation of stone (Heavy vehicles) play a role
29Best fit to current practices
- Adjustment to existing factors
- Indication 1 1.8 at Softening point of 55
- Finalisation of Single Modified binder conversion
- Bitumen Rubber double seal design
- Slurry design for different conditions
31Way forward ?
- Distribute current version
- Workshop on modified binder design
- Research required
- Impact of speed/ gradient/ tyre pressure
- 3D load cell
- Ball penetration vs embedment
- Update of C Marais study
- Cost-effectiveness of seals
- Select and prioritise maintenance strategies