Title: Telescopes !
1Telescopes !
We have learned how the EM waves are produced by
objects of interest. NOW We have to learn how
the information is collected
2Naked Eye Astronomy
Constellations Motions of Planets Moon
Observations Eclipses Comets Meteor
Showers Identification of Objects in the
Sky Other Stuff
3Naked Eye Astronomy
Each year, observers are allowed to camp on the
beach at Caesars Creek State Park to view the
Perseid Meteor Shower in August. The volunteers
typically set up a telescope for evening
viewing. This is a great, relaxing event fort
he Naked Eye Astronomey
4Telescopes !
5Telescopes !
Ground Based
Orbit Based
Based on atmospheric transparency Optical
Telescopes Radio Telescopes Microwave
The skys the limit Construction issues
6Orbit based
Earth based