Title: Buffer Management
1Buffer Management
- Idea Minimize the amount of disk I/O by keeping
likely-to-be-requested pages in memory (buffer
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
2Relationship to Other DBMS Modules
- 1. Request record.
- 2. Fix page.
- 3. Retrieve page into buffer.
- 4. Access memory by memory address.
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
3Buffer Manager API
- mem_loc FIX(in page_id)
- fixed pages never victimized
- There can be multiple fixes on a single page.
- Address translation for page is done once, not
many times. - UNFIX(in page_id)
- issued soon after FIX
- Page may remain in buffer
- Flush(in list of pages)
- needed for atomic recovery
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
4Implementing the Buffer Pool
- Header records can be statically allocated as an
array, aligned with buffers. - Why hash table?
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
memory_address_type FIX (page_id_type page_id)
memory_address_type buffer_address
buffer_record_type buffer_record hash
page_id via buffer table hash function
traverse hash bucket, looking for page_id's
buffer record if (page identified by page_id
has a buffer record buffer_record)
buffer_address use_resident_copy(buffer_record)
else if free_list is non-empty
buffer_address use_free_buffer(page_id)
else if look_aside_list is non-empty
buffer_address victimize_a_look_aside_buffer(pag
e_id) else // There are no unfixed buffers.
handle overcommitment of buffer pool
return buffer_address
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
6Buffer Pools Compared to File Caches
- Both services hidden from upper layers
- Both cache disk pages in memory and maintain
look-aside lists - File cache managers do not support FIX (why?)
- Replacement policies and prefetching techniques
are more effective in buffer managers. - File cache managers provide little support for
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
7Replacement Policies
- Only UNFIXed pages (the look-aside list) are
subject to replacement. - Motivation Keep in buffers the pages most likely
to be referenced - Policies
- LRU (least recently UNFIXed)
- Clock
- newer policies that use DBMSs knowledge of
reference string
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
8Clock Replacement Policy
John Sieg, UMass Lowell
9Why It Pays to be Clever
foreach tuple tr of relation r do foreach
tuple ts of relation s do output
concat(tr, ts)
Buffer pool
Relation r
Relation s
John Sieg, UMass Lowell