Title: Data, Data, Data: Start Your Spring Cleaning Now
1Data, Data, Data Start Your Spring Cleaning Now!
Track Marketing Executives
- Katrina Perano, SunGard
- Paul Young, CommVault
- Daryl Spreiter, salesforce.com
2Other Data Quality Sessions
- Check back on www.salesforce.com/community for
these recorded presentations - Admin Track - No More Bad Data
- Admin Track Clean Your Database and Keep It
Clean with CRMFusion - Admin Track The Power of the Force Platform in
Action Real Solutions to Business Challenges - Sales Executives Turning Around Your Data
Quality Dilemma
3Safe Harbor Statement
Safe harbor statement under the Private
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to - risks associated with possible fluctuations
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interruptions or delays in our service or our Web
hosting, our new business model, our history of
operating losses, the possibility that we will
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measures, the emerging market in which we
operate, our relatively limited operating
history, our ability to hire, retain and motivate
our employees and manage our growth, competition,
our ability to continue to release and gain
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- Introduction to the Importance of Data Quality
- Paul Young CommVault
- Katrina Perano - SunGard
- Lessons in Data Quality
- Tools Take-Aways
- Question Answer
5Why is Data Quality important?
- Marketing wastes money and effort when working
with bad data - Company image and brand can be negatively
impacted - Understanding your customer becomes impossible
- Inaccurate report metrics impact ROI
- User get frustrated, you lose valuable buy-in and
adoption - Poor data can be bad for the environment
- Analysts rate bad data as one of the top 3
reasons for CRM failure
6Please Welcome.
- Paul Young
- Global Manager of CRM
7Data Quality
- Boring, but so is wearing a
- seat belt
8CommVault and salesforce.com
- 450 licensed users on 6 continents
- 200 other people deriving data from Salesforce
CRM - 800 custom fields
- 30 record types
- Dozens of validation rules
- 50 Workflows and alerts
- Many custom objects
- Formulas, S-Controls, Triggers, Force.com
platform - More than 10 major app exchange packages in use
9Four things to take away
- 1. Data quality is important
- 2. Prevention is preferable to cure
- 3. Don't ignore chest pains
Where's number four??
10What your users expect of the data
- Clean -no dupes, no duds, no incompletes
- Comprehensive-customers, contacts, leads,
prospects, products, opportunities it all needs
to be there - Coherent-that mean reportable and repeatable
I'm from the auditors and I'm here to help.
11Which is easier?
Clean up pollution
Keep it pure
12How do we keep data clean?
Defense in DepthThe Rings of Steel
13Ring 1Good Policy
- What constitutes good data?
- Who has authority to override that definition?
- In trade offs, what are the priorities? (More
leads? Fewer dupes? Mining the install base?) - Who can make changes to the data?
14Ring 2Training
- Uneducated end users are the single biggest
source of contamination - Make them understand the connection between the
data and their paycheck - Give them simple, concrete, steps to follow
15Ring 3Trend Monitoring
- Lead influx trends looking for abnormal upsurges
in imports and unusual patterns of usage. - Record completeness survey looking for missing or
incomplete fields. - Formal and informal user feedback.
16Ring 4Cleanup-the Maginot Line
17If you have to do constant, significant cleanup,
you have failed.
18OK, OK, I've failed. What now?
- No magic bullet
- Automated programs will work 0-70
- Human eyeballs can get you to 95-95
- Make backups before cleaning
- Don't give up
19Write this down
- Data quality is critical to business success
- Prevention is better than cure
- Defense in depth
- Good Policy
- Training
- Trend Monitoring
- Cleanup
- Don't give up!
20Thanks from your friends atCommVault!www.commv
21Please Welcome.
Katrina Perano Marketing Operations
- Who is SunGard?
- Data quality strategy Why is it important
- Key data challengers
- How we over came this
- Conclusions
23All About SunGard
With annual revenue of 5 billion, SunGard is a
global leader in software and processing
solutions for financial services, higher
education and the public sector. SunGard also
helps information-dependent enterprises of all
types to ensure the continuity of their business.
SunGard serves more than 25,000 customers in more
than 50 countries, including the world's 50
largest financial services companies.
- INDUSTRY Software IT Services
- EMPLOYEES 16,000
- USERS 1500
- PRODUCT(S) USED SFA, Service Support, 5
downloaded AppExchange applications
24Data quality strategy Why is it important
- SunGard is a global company made up of
acquisitions - Our primary SFDC goals are
- Present one face to our customer
- Have a centralized system for sales, marketing
and customer support for global processes and
reporting - For visibility and reporting it is key for all of
SunGard to be on one open SFDC instance - We share accounts and contacts across all
segments so it is key to avoid duplication and
ensure data quality - Leads represent potential opportunities (above
the funnel information) so we have genuine
duplicate leads across our segments but we are
aware they represent future (and existing)
accounts and contacts as well
25Lead to Opportunity Pipeline
8 - OPEN
26Key data challenges
- Huge amounts of shared data (many hands in the
cookie jar) - Avoiding duplicate accounts and contacts
- Managing genuine duplicate leads while still
having visibility into the individual across
multiple records - Data ownership for shared data
27How we over came this
- Company data standardizations
- Centralized account creation
- Centralized lead conversion
- Defined and monitored process for lead imports
- Monthly adoption metrics distributed to all
Presidents with corresponding adoption dashboards
monitored by Super Users - SPOT Single Point of Truth custom object
- Custom buttons for data clean up
- SunGard Roles custom object for multiple contact
28SPOT Single Point of Truth custom object
- SPOT single point of truth custom object that
links all leads/contact with the same email
address and stores subscription preferences
including Email Opt-Out - Global view of a person across contact and
multiple leads - What marketing activities have they been targeted
across all segments - What leads are being pursued within a segment and
across all segments - For lead owners easy visibility into contact
ownership - Captures segment-specific subscription
preferences versus only a global opt-out for more
targeted marketing - 3 Leads 1 Contact
29SPOT cont
30Data quality custom buttons
- Ability to flag contacts as duplicates for
merging - Creates a case for our centralized administration
team - Centralized administration team then searches and
merges the duplicates - Ability to mark contacts as Former Contacts
- For account-level history we maintain former
contact association - Appends (FORMER CONTACT) to the contact name so
it is recognized immediately by users - Updates a Contact Management custom field for
excluding them from lists
31SunGard Roles custom object
- SunGard Roles are used to identify multiple
owners of a shared contact.
- Its important to have processes to deal with data
quality - Processes around imports
- Management of huge amounts of data
- Cost effective ways
- Import templates
- User awareness
- Custom Buttons
33Please Welcome.me!
- Daryl Spreiter
- Customer Success Manager
34Domains of SuccessKey elements for achieving
continuous value
Vision and Strategy
Business Measures
Sponsorship Governance
Technology Data
35Data Quality Industry TrendsMaintaining data
quality is a challenge
75 of commercial businesses believe that they
are losing as much as 73 of revenue due to poor
data quality
75 of respondents
Experian - QAS U.S. Business Losing Revenue
Through Poorly Managed Customer Data
41 of respondents
- Poor data quality costs U.S. businesses more than
600 billion annually
Data Warehousing Institute
36Executives are Achieving These Business
Objectives with Salesforce.com
Revenue Enhancement Customer Loyalty
Source Salesforce.com Customer Relationship
Survey July 07 and Feb. 08 conducted by
independent third-party CustomerSat Inc.
37Math Quiz
1 Million Records 5 bad data (50K) Quarterly
Communication 50K x 4qr 200K Avg cost
1.05 _______________ 210,000 ? 420K Saved
1 Million Records 15 bad data (150K) Quarterly
communication 150K x 4qr 600K pieces Avg cost
1.05 ________________ 630,000 wasted
- There is a cost to bad data!
Bob Orf. "Improving data quality without breaking
the bank." BtoB May 27, 2008
384 Lessons in Data Quality
39Lesson 1 No Old Data No Bad Data
- Always Start with Current Clean Data
- Do not import incomplete data scrub it first
- Question old, untouched leads, contacts
accounts - Excel Connector (all editions) Data Loader (EE,
40Lesson 2 Apply Best Practices
- Create a Data Management Strategy
- Establish a De-Duping Process
- Ensure there are executives willing to own data
quality (CMO/CFO?) - Centralize and control the creation of Accounts
by Sales Ops/Data Quality team - Develop and articulate data segmentation needs to
support departmental marketing efforts - Ensure that users are incented to keep it clean
- Ensure you have the tools to make sure quality
does not degrade again - Hold your teams accountable
- Data elements must be updated in x amount of time
- Apply the Whats in it for me? strategy
41Lesson 3 Leverage Salesforce.com Tools
- Leverage the tools you already have
- Data Quality Analysis Dashboards 1.0
- Record De-Dup
- Mass Update Anything
- Stay-in-Touch emails
- Validation Rules
- Workflow Rules
- Excel Connector
- Data Loader
42Lesson 4 Leverage the AppExchange
- Leverage the expertise of third-party apps
- Account Intelligence 2.0 by OneSource
- DB Customer Data Integrator by Astadia
- PostCode Anywhere
- CRMFusion DemandTools, PeopleImport,
Dupe-Checker - RingLead Declone
- ActivePrime CRM
- Informatica Data Quality Assessment Service
(promo )
43What Did We Learn Today?
- Start with Clean Data
- Establish a Data Quality Strategy and Stick With
It - Identify Data Owners
- Make use of the tools and capabilities inside
Salesforce CRM - Leverage 3rd party groups to minimize the amount
of data entry your team has to do and optimize
your system to support good data - Recognize the cost of bad data and make a
commitment to keeping it clean
44Additional Resources
- Best Practices
- Reach out to your Customer Success Managers
- Review Data Quality Best Practices Presentation
on Salesforce.com Community - Excel Connector
- Data Loader (Setup/Administration/Data
Management) - Salesforce Professional Services
- Data Management
- Data Quality Assessment and Cleansing Solutions
45In Closing
Where do you want your Data Quality to be in 2009?
46Session FeedbackLet us know how were doing and
enter to win an iPod nano!
- Please score the session from 5 to 1
(5excellent,1needs improvement) in the
following categories - Overall rating of the session
- Quality of content
- Strength of presentation delivery
- Relevance of the session to your organization
Additionally, please fill in the name of each
speaker score them on overall delivery.
We strive to improve, thank you for filling out
our survey.
Katrina Perano
Marketing Operations
Paul Young
Global Manager of CRM
Daryl Spreiter
Customer Success Manager