Title: CSI 3317 (LAB 1)
1CSI 3317 (LAB 1)
2Introduction to Oracle
In SITE Labs
Programs ? Database apps ? Oracle ORAHOME 92 ?
Application Development ? SQLPLUS
3Introduction to Oracle
4Introduction to Oracle
5Introduction to Oracle
6Data Types
VARCHAR2 Variable length character data Max. 2000
characters Field size must be specified on
declaration If entered data is smaller than
specified size only entered data is
stored. Trailing blank spaces are
omitted. CHAR Fixed length character data. Max.
255 characters. If no size specification size
only one character. If size specified and the
data entered is smaller trailing spaces added.
7Data Types Continue.
NUMBER Negative, Positive, fixed and floating
point numbers. Range 10-130 to 10126 Precision
up to 38 decimal points. Integer Number e.g sid
NUMBER(5) Can store up to 99,999 Fixed-Point
Number e.g price NUMBER(5,2) Can store up to
999.99 Floating-Point Number e.g gpa
NUMBER Notice No precision or scale Can store
2.7 as well as 3.725
8Data Types Continued..
- -From January 1, 4712 BC to December 31, 4712 AD
- -Stores
- Century
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- -Default (DD-MON-YY)
- Use Mask to change.
- e.g dob DATE
9Data Types Continued..
Other Data Types
LONG Up to 2GB Variable length character RAW and
LONG RAW Binary data
Oracle is a hybrid of Relational and object
oriented databases For Our LAB we will only
touch Relational Properties
Remember your SQL operations -create (to create
a new object or table for our lab
purpose) -select (view) -update (change) -insert
11Oracle SQLPLUS
To Create Table use CREATE TABLE lttable namegt (
ltfield namegt ltdata typegt CONSTRAINT, ltfield
namegt ltdata typegt CONSTRAINT) To delete Table
use DROPTABLE lttable namegt
12Oracle SQLPLUS.
location_locid_pk PRIMARY KEY, bldg_code
VARCHAR2(10) CONSTRAINT location_bldg_code_nn NOT
location_room_nn NOT NULL, capacity NUMBER(5)
CONSTRAINT location_capacity_nn NOT NULL)
Notice that the every constraint has a name.
13Oracle SQLPLUS.
To view the table specifications DESCRIBE lttable
namegt To rename the table RENAME
ltoldtablenamegt ltnewtablenamegt To add Additional
Fields ALTER TABLE lttable namegt ADD ltfield namegt
ltdata declarationgt ltconstraintsgt To modify
existing Fields ALTER TABLE lttable namegt MODIFY
ltfield namegt ltnew data declarationgt
14Oracle SQLPLUS.
Now lets populate the table INSERT INTO location
VALUES (53, 'BUS', '424', 1) INSERT INTO
location VALUES (54, 'BUS', '402', 1) INSERT
INTO location VALUES (45, 'CR', '101', 150)
15Oracle SQLPLUS.
Remember we can we view this data with SELECT
Statement. SELECT from LOCATION
16Oracle Navigator
- Start ? Programs ? Database apps ? Oracle
ORAHOME 92 ? Application Development ?Oracle
17Oracle Navigator
- Right-click on Database Connections ? New
- Use the connection info similar to one used for
SQLPLUS introduction.
18Oracle Navigator
- Click on Plus sign besides your Connection on
left pane. - Right-click on Table ? New
- Now use the wizard to create the same table.
(Remember to Drop table before creating it again)