Title: Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
1Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
- The instumental repertoire has a special place
in the Romanian Folk Music. Even if some of the
instrumental songs have their origin in the vocal
music, most of them were created as instrumental
from the start, their musical structure being
related to the technical possibilities of the
instrument. - Most intruments can be found in other
countries cultures as well. - Romanian people use a variaty of instruments,
some of which are older, others are younger, made
in the factories. The folk intrumentalists
sometimes changed the structure of the instrument
or the way it is being used. - Statements about the instruments used in
different ages of the Romanian History are found
in the old writings, in the chroniclers or
foreign travellers writings. - The first researcher of the instruments used by
Romanians was T.T. Burada which published in 1877
Research on the Romanians dances and musical
2Romanian Traditional InstrumentsThe Pipe
- The instruments are classified by the way the
sound is being produced - - pseudo- instruments are taken directly
from the nature- grass blade, elder stalk,
hemlock stalk, fish scald, birch tree bark, tree
leaves. - - So callled idiofone instruments(which
produce sounds through the vibrations if their
own bodies) are built out of materials which
vibrate through hitting or rubbing bells,
Romanian dramba, hit plates, litlle bells,
spurs, chains, Romanian duruitoare, used as a
part of traditions or related to certain
practices. - - Proper instruments classified in
Membrane instruments Romanian doba,
daireaua, drum, big drum, Romanian buhai
Cords instruments Romanian titera, guitar,
cobs, little dulcimer( with pinched strings),
big dulcimer(with hit strings),
violin, viola, violoncello, contrabass,Romanian
large gorduna, broanca, beches
Foto Cobza
3Romanian Traditional InstrumentsThe Pipe
- Air instruments bugle, pipes( Romanian
tilinca, pipe of Dobrogea, Bulgarian caval,
cork pipe, twined pipe, lateral mouth pipe),
panpipe, bagpipe, ocarina.
4Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
- One of the most widespread instrument in
Romania is the pipe. It represents a family of
instruments which vary in dimension, the material
from which they are built and the way they are
built. As for dimension, the pipes can be small-
25 to 35 cm, medium- 35-50 cm and big- 50-80 cm. - Usually the pipes are built out of wood, but in
the modern days they are built out of metal or
even plastic.As for the construction, it can be a
tube opened at both ends, it can have 5,6, 7
holes or none or in the same piece of wood you
can have one tube or two.
5Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
- The most common pipe is the so called
tilinca it is a simple tube opened at both
ends, about 50-80 cm long. At the upper end the
tube is slightly thinned so that the air column
is split on this side. The sounds are obtained
through the complete or partial closing or
opening of the lower end of the intrument with
the index finger. The instrument is well known in
the North of Moldova.
In Moldova and Nasaud there is a pipe without a
stopper, with six holes for the fingers called
Moldavian Pipe. The upper end is slightly thinned
as well and it can be small, with the holes at
equal distances, or it can be big, with the holes
grouped in numbers of three. The sound of this
pipe is pre-eminent using a diatonic musical
6Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
- The pipe of Dobrogea is part of the pipes
without a stopper , but besides the 6 holes there
is another cut opening in the opposite side of
the pipe. These pipes are made out of reed.
The Bulgarian Caval is made out of three tubes.
The pipe has 7 holes for the fingers, cut at
equal distances and grouped in thee and four,
and in the opposite side there is a small
opening. The lower end of the pipe has 4
breathing holes
7Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
- The pipes with stopper have on the upper end a
wooden stopper the form of the instrument is
somehow conical, and the stopper is placed on the
thicker side having an opening in order to let
the air go through. At an equal distance with the
lenghth of the stopper there is a rectangular cut
called vrana which cuts the column of air. The
vrana is cut in the opposite side of the pipes
wall than the one where the finger holes are
placed. - The caval is a pipe with 5 holes for the
fingers. Because of this the technical
possibilities of this one are more reduced.Its
spread on the Southern part of the country and it
is used for the slower songs.
8Romanian Traditional InstrumentsThe Pipe
- The twined pipe is a kind of pipe with 6 holes
for the fingers, having near it another pipe with
a pedal.The two pipes are made out of the same
piece of wood and are built separately and then
glued together.The two pipes can be of equal
sizes, or the second one can be shorter.. The
pipe with the pedal sometimes has o hole, this
way having a changeable pedal. - The lateral mouth pipes, just as the flute, are
spread on some parts of Muntenia and Oltenia.
They are made out of wood and have 6, sometimes 7
holes for the fingers all on the same side with
the mouth of the instrument. The biggest ones
are called flutes and the small ones piccollos.
9Romanian Traditional Instruments The Pipe
- Playing the pipe sometimes demands a special
technique, a proof of virtuosity. No matter what
they are called, what size or material are they
made out of, the pipe is a beloved instrument and
it has thrilled the life of the Romanian people
because here first you hear the songs, and then
you see the sun shinning(Nicolae Iorga)