Title: The GISCO project Challenges for the future
1The GISCO projectChallenges for the future
- 5th EC-GIS workshop
- Stresa, Italy
- 28th - 30th June 1999
- josefine.oberhausen_at_eurostat.cec.be
- European Commission- Eurostat GISCO
2Structure of the presentation
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- 3 Contents related issues
- 4 Applications
- 5 Link between geography and statistics
- 6 Conclusion
31 Introduction
- Origin CORINE project
- Commission Task Force on Spatial Statistics
- GISCO established in 1992
- GISCO now part of unit E4 Regional accounts and
indicators, population and geographical
information systems
42 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- Current data base architecture built around
proprietary system - file structure specific to software
- data stored on one UNIX server in Luxembourg
- user needs to transfer data in own environment
before using the data - SQL not supported by this system
5 2 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- 3 types of users identified
- advanced user Arc/Info
- intermediate user ArcView
- potential user Intranet/Internet applications
6 2 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- Limitations of the current architecture
- No interactive access to the data
- The need to copy the data in the user's
environment - Access restricted to a small group of trained
specialists - Proprietary system
- Update procedure based on the replacement of one
layer by its new version
72 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- Technology the various components
- The database
- The geographical data server
- The communication layer
- The specific applications
- Intranet and/or Internet applications
82 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- Impact on the contents
- Update on the basis of records
- Start and end date
- Change information should be available
- The actual contents of GISCO does not conform to
this. - Eurostat is working on a long term solution.
92 Technical aspects of the GISCO project
- What do we gain?
- Data accessible online
- Updates via transactions
- More users
- Architecture closer to OpenGIS recommendations
103 Contents related issues
- GISCO contains data on a wide variety of subjects
(topographic and thematic data) - It is essential to structure the data
systematically - The system is based on two main hierarchical
levels - Themes
- Layers
113 Contents related issues
- Data integration
- Three types of integration
- Logical integration
- Physical integration
- Geometric integration
- GISCO maintains 3 scales
- 1 3 000 000
- 1 1 000 000
- 1 1 00 000
123 Contents related issues
- Major problems
- Information access
- different map projection and scales
- high costs of data
- missing standardised transfer formats
- differences in data quality
- Absence of long-term solutions
133 Contents related issues
- better quality data needed!
- Considerable progress achieved with SABE data set
provided by MEGRIN - Testing PETIT (MEGRIN)
- Joint NSI - NMA meetings
- political support for GI and GIS through
co-operation with DG XIII and JRC
144 Applications
- need for more spatial analysis project examples
- increase activity of GISCO team in this area
- creation of the applications designer function
- need for multidisciplinary teams
154 Applications
- provide appropriate technical tools inside
Eurostat/Commission - acquire necessary know how about methods and
technical possibilities - explore new technology
164 ApplicationsExamples
- GISCO Analysis projects this year
- in cooperation with JRC
- interregional migration
- transportation richness indices for regions
- usage of CLC for mapping population density and
rural areas - in co-operation with DG VII
- accessibility of theTran-European Transport
175 Link between geography and statistics
- NUTS Nomenclature of territorial units for
statistics - established to provide a single uniform
territorial breakdown for the production of
regional statistics for the European Union - is used since 1988 for Community legislation
(Structural funds)
18 5 Link between geography and statistics
REGIO Regional database
Local database
Levels 1-5
195 Link between geography and statistics
- The NUTS is a hierarchical nomenclature
consisting of 5 levels - lowest level NUTS 5 commune equivalent
- provides reference for the SIRE data base
(European infra-regional system) - NUTS levels 1 to 3
- reference systems for regional statistics
- REGIO data base covering a variety of statistical
205 Link between geography and statistics
- The NUTS nomenclature is defined for EU 15
- NUTS comparable administrative breakdown is
defined for EFTA countries and Central European
Countries - GISCO contains the corresponding boundaries down
to NUTS 5
215 Link between geography and statistics
- Problems
- keep updates at level 5 going
- change information 1991 - 1995 only for
nomenclature available - missing change information for the corresponding
225 Link between geography and statistics
- in 1994 boundary study - results
- acquisition of administrative boundaries from
MEGRIN - need for a nomenclature management system
- future stepspilot exercises with 3 member states
to improve situation
236 Conclusion
- Decide on new architecture
- Need for better quality data
- Need for value added spatial analysis
applications - Improving the link between geography and
24Thank you for your attention!