Title: ECHA the Danish Sample
1ECHA - the Danish Sample
- Karen Andersen-Ranberg
- Gitte Bay Christensen
- Kirsten Rasmussen
- Bernard Jeune
- Axel Skytthe
- Epidemiology,
- Institute of Public Health
- University of Southern Denmark
2Selection procedure I
- Proband P(I)
- Women born before 1905 98 years
- Men - - 1908 95 years
- Siblings to proband C(I)
- Sister Brother
- Concordant sib aged 94 88
- Discordant sib aged 60 -79 55 - 74
- ) Siblings born between 1890 and 1915
- ) Both proband and sib must have at least 1 child
3(No Transcript)
4Study base
- Number of persons fulfilling proband criteria
- (youngest cohort 1907)
5From study base to interview( GI ) January 1,
6From interview to ECHA proband P(I) January 1,
7Progress on G(I) interviews
- Approx. 450 members of study base have been
handled - More than 160 G(I) interviews performed
- Funen and Vejle counties almost done
- Ribe and S. Jutland ongoing
- Inclusion of men born 1908 ongoing (additional
124 study base members)
8Selection procedure II
- Generation II
- Child of proband P(II)
- Child closest to age 75 is chosen
- Child of siblings C(II)
- Same sex as P(II)
- Smallest age difference between P(II) and C(II)
maximum 10 years - If both concordant and discordant choice is
possible, random shift between concordant and
discordant choice
9Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - I
? 79
? 60
? 69
? 89
? 80
? 71
? 95
10Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - I
? 79
? 60
? 69
? 89
? 80
? 71
? 95
11Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - I
? 79
? 60
? 69
? 89
? 80
? 71
? 95
12Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - I
? 79
? 60
? 69
? 89
? 80
? 71
? 95
Not found
? 74
13Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - I
? 79
? 60
? 69
? 89
? 80
? 71
? 95
14Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - I
? 79
? 60
? 69
? 89
? 80
? 71
? 95
? ?
? 66
? 69
? 72
15Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - II
? 97
? 85
? 79
? 74
? 56
? 99
? 2
16Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - II
? 97
? 85
? 79
? 74
? 56
? 99
? 2
17Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - II
? 97
? 85
? 79
? 74
? 56
? 99
? 2
18Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - II
? 97
? 85
? 79
? 74
? 56
? 99
? 2
? 78
? 80
? 0
? 75
19Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - II
? 97
? 85
? 79
? 74
? 56
? 99
? 2
? 78
? 80
? 0
? 75
20Examples of large families without ECHA pairs - II
? 97
? 85
? 79
? 74
? 56
? 99
? 2
? 78
? 80
? 0
? 75
21ECHA proband in G(I) gt ECHA pairs in G(II)
22Progress on G(II) interviews
- 134 interviews on G(II) individuals done
- 86 children of proband
- 48 cousins
- Age range of G(II) interviewed persons are 52
80 years, mean age 67.5 years
- Prediction in June 2003
- 10 of the P(I) study base will be included as
ECHA members - On January 1, 2004
- 421 P(I) study base members from Funen and Vejle
- 43 full pairs including P(I) with child and
cousin from G(II)
24Future ...
- Inclusion of one more county (Aarhus or West
Zealand) to reach a sufficient number of ECHA
cousin pairs - Time schedule for data collection
- On time
- ? Data collection finished July 1, 2004