Title: Preventing Underage Sales and Social Provision
1Community Festival Training
Model Festival Policies
Preventing Underage Sales and Social
Provision 1. Check Identification 2. Restrict
Alcohol Sales To A Designated Location 3. Limit
Number Of Servings Per Person Per Purchase 4. Use
Distinguishable Cups Preventing
Intoxication 5. No Sales to Obviously
Intoxicated Customers 6. Limit Cup Size 7. Offer
Non-alcoholic Drinks as Prominently as Alcoholic
Drinks 8. Stop Alcohol Service at Least
One-half Hour Before Closing 9. No Price
Discounting on Alcohol
2- Staffing and Management Issues
- 10. Require Alcohol Awareness Training for all
Alcohol Servers - 11. Restrict Age of Servers
- 12. Hire Adequate Security
- 13. Manager on Duty at all Times
- 14. No Drinking on the Job
- 15. Provide Copies of Festival Policies to All
Staff - 16. Keep an Accurate Incident Log
- Mandatory Staff Meetings
- Protecting the Community
- 18. Monitor Festival Grounds for Suspicious
Activities - 19. Limit and/or Prohibit Alcohol Sponsorship
and Promotions - 20. Post Warning Signs
- Decisions made at multiple levels
- Diverse groups planning festivals
- Diverse communities and festivals
- Lack of awareness of festival alcohol policies
- Many festivals planned and alcohol served
- By volunteers