Title: Developing Verifiable Concurrent Software
1Developing Verifiable Concurrent Software
- Tevfik Bultan
- Department of Computer Science
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- bultan_at_cs.ucsb.edu
- http//www.cs.ucsb.edu/bultan
2Joint Work with My Students
- Design for verification
- Aysu Betin-Can (PhD 2005)
- Verification of Service Interactions
- Xiang Fu (PhD 2004)
- Action Language Verifier
- Tuba Yavuz-Kahveci (PhD 2004)
- Constantinos Bartzis (PhD 2004)
- Interface Grammars
- Graham Hughes (PhD candidate)
3Verification Tools, Concurrency Problems
Action Language Verifier
Synchronizability Analysis
Design for Verification
Verification of Synchronization in
Concurrent Programs
Analyzing Web Service Interactions
4Read-Write Lock in Action Language
S Cartesian product of variable domains
defines the set of states
- module main()
- integer nr
- boolean busy
- restrict nrgt0
- initial nr0 and !busy
- module ReaderWriter()
- enumerated state idle, reading, writing
- initial stateidle
- r_enter stateidle and !busy and nrnr1
and statereading - r_exit statereading and nrnr-1 and
stateidle - w_enter stateidle and !busy and nr0 busy
and statewriting - w_exit statewriting and !busy and
I Predicates defining the initial states
R Atomic actions of a single process
R Transition relation of a process,
defined as asynchronous
composition of its atomic actions
R Transition relation of main, defined as
asynchronous composition of three processes
5A Java Read-Write Lock Implementation
Where are the guarded commands?
- class ReadWriteLock   private Object lockObj Â
private int totalReadLocksGiven  private boolean
 writeLockIssued  private int threadsWaitingForW
riteLock  public ReadWriteLock()     lockObjÂ
 new Object()    writeLockIssued  false   Â
  public void getReadLock()     synchronized (lo
ckObj)       while ((writeLockIssued)  (thread
sWaitingForWriteLock ! 0))         try      Â
    lockObj.wait()         catch (InterruptedEx
ception e)                     totalReadLock
sGiven        public void getWriteLock()Â
    synchronized (lockObj)       threadsWaiting
ForWriteLock      while ((totalReadLocksGiven
 ! 0)  (writeLockIssued))         try     Â
     lockObj.wait()         catch (InterruptedE
xception e)           //                  Â
 threadsWaitingForWriteLock--      writeLockIssu
ed  true        public void done()     sy
nchronized (lockObj)       //check for errorsÂ
     if ((totalReadLocksGiven  0)  (!writeLock
Issued))         System.out.println(" Error Inv
alid call to release the lock")        returnÂ
           if (writeLockIssued)        writeLoc
kIssued  false      else        totalReadLocks
Given--Â Â Â Â Â Â lockObj.notifyAll()Â Â Â Â Â Â
How do we translate this to Action Language?
Action Language Verifier
Verification of Synchronization in Java Programs
6Design for Verification
- Abstraction and modularity are key both for
successful designs and scalable verification
techniques - The question is
- How can modularity and abstraction at the design
level be better integrated with the verification
techniques which depend on these principles? - Our approach
- Structure software in ways that facilitate
verification - Document the design decisions that can be useful
for verification - Improve the applicability and scalability of
verification using this information
7A Design for Verification Approach
- We have been investigating a design for
verification approach based on the following
principles - Use of design patterns that facilitate automated
verification - Use of stateful, behavioral interfaces which
isolate the behavior and enable modular
verification - An assume-guarantee style modular verification
strategy that separates verification of the
behavior from the verification of the conformance
to the interface specifications - A general model checking technique for interface
verification - Domain specific and specialized verification
techniques for behavior verification
- Avoids usage of error-prone Java synchronization
primitives - synchronize, wait, notify
- Separates controller behavior from the threads
that use the controller - Supports a modular verification approach
which exploits this modularity - for scalable verification
8Modular Design / Modular Verification
Thread Modular Interface Verification
Concurrent Program
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread n
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread n
Interface Machine
Interface Machine
Interface Machine
Modular Behavior Verification
Shared Data
Controller Behavior
9Verification Framework
Behavior Verification
Action Language Verifier
Controller Behavior Machine
Controller Classes
Counting Abstraction
Concurrent Program
Controller Interface Machine
Interface Verification
Java Path Finder
Thread Isolation
Thread Class
Thread Classes
Action Language Verifier
Synchronizability Analysis
Design for Verification
Verification of Synchronization in
Concurrent Programs
Analyzing Web Service Interactions
11Web Services
- Loosely coupled, interaction through standardized
interfaces - Standardized data transmission via XML
- Asynchronous messaging
- Platform independent (.NET, J2EE)
Implementation Platforms
Microsoft .Net, Sun J2EE
XML Schema
Web Service Standards
12A Model for Composite Web Services
- A composite web service consists of
- a finite set of peers and a finite set of
messages - We assume that the messages among the peers are
exchanged using reliable and asynchronous
messaging - FIFO and unbounded message queues
- A conversation is the global sequence of messages
exchanged among the peers participating to a
composite service - Model checking problem Given an LTL property,
does the conversation set satisfy the property?
13Synchronizability Analysis
- We know that analyzing conversations of composite
web services is difficult due to asynchronous
communication - Can we identify the composite web services where
asynchronous communication does not create a
problem? - A composite web service is synchronizable, if its
conversation set does not change when
asynchronous communication is replaced with
synchronous communication - If a composite web service is synchronizable we
can check properties about its conversations
using synchronous communication semantics - We built a tool called Web Service Analysis Tool
(WSAT), which checks sufficient conditions for
synchronizability - Requires each peer participating to the composite
service to be specified as a state machine
14Checking Service Implementations
- Web service implementations are written using
programming languages such as Java, C, etc. - Synchronizability analysis works on state machine
models - How do we generate the state machines from the
Java code?
Synchronizability Analysis
Checking Service Implementations
15Design for Verification Approach
- Use the same principles
- Use of design patterns that facilitate automated
verification - Use of stateful, behavioral interfaces which
isolate the behavior and enable modular
verification - An assume-guarantee style modular verification
strategy that separates verification of the
behavior from the verification of the conformance
to the interface specifications - A general model checking technique for interface
verification - Domain specific and specialized verification
techniques for behavior verification
16Modular Design / Modular Verification
Peer Modular Interface Verification
Composite Service
Peer 1
Peer 2
Peer n
Peer 1
Peer 2
Peer n
Interface Machine
Interface Machine
Interface Machine
Modular Conversation Verification
Conversation Behavior
17Verification Framework
Peer State Machines
Promela Translation
Synchronizability Analysis
Conversation Verification
Composite Service
Peer State Machine
Interface Verification
Java Path Finder
Peer Code
- Once the behavior is isolated (using concurrency
controller or peer controller patterns) behavior
verification was quite efficient - Use of domain specific behavior verification
techniques has been very effective - Model checking research resulted in numerous
verification techniques and tools which can be
customized for specific classes of software
systems - Interface verification (which is less
specialized) was very hard - It is necessary to find effective behavioral
interface specification and verification
techniques - Check out our recent work on interface grammars!
- We were able to use our design for verification
approach based on design patterns and behavioral
interfaces in different domains - Automated verification techniques can scale to
realistic software systems using a design for
verification approach