Title: Dimensional stacking Visualization of Conductance Space
1Dimensional stacking Visualization of Conductance
Organization for Computational Neuroscience (CNS)
Workshop 2005
- Objective to provide a visualization of model
neuron conductance space in order to reveal
patterns in the underlying data and support
biological inference.
- How can we visualize high dimensional neural
parameter spaces? - Repetitive problem for neuroscientists.
- How can we facilitate data access and information
- Data set
- Dimensional Stacking
- Projection finding
- Translucent Data Access
- Future Work
- Conclusion
4Data set Prinz et al. (2003) - an 8 dimensional
conductance space
68 1,679,616 single compartment models 6
conductance values for 8 currents
Like this...
...but in eight dimensions
5Data set 4 activity patterns
Neuron model from Prinz et al. 2003
6Data set
- Other recorded data
- Maxima and minima sequences
- resting potential for silent neurons
- spike frequency for spikers
- burst frequency
- burst duration
- duty cycle (burst duration/burst period)
- number of maxima per burst
- average spike frequency for non-periodic
- response properties for all models
- 2 different levels of constant current
- brief inputs at different times
- MySQL server hosts several relational database
tables containing this data
7Data set questions
- What is the distribution of activity types
throughout conductance space? - Are all models of an activity type in one
connected region in conductance space? - Are there multiple distinct conductance level
combinations that generate the same activity
type? - Are there connected boundaries between activity
type regions and what can be said about them? - How do you visualize activity type distribution
in multi-dimensional conductance space?
8Dimensional Stacking
- introduced by LeBlanc, Ward, and Wittels
- data represent a function on tuples a
(a1,...,an) - 0 lt an lt D for some number D
- a base D number with n digits 1 dimension
- a a pair of base D numbers with n/2 digits ...
9Dimensional Stacking
- 8 conductances 8 independent parameters or
dimensions that can take on 6 discrete values
8 digit number in base 6 - need x and y value to plot in 2D
- Split the 8 digits into 2 base 6 numbers of 4
digits - X x1 63 x2 62 x3 61 x4 60 e.g.
- X Na 63 CaT 62 CaS 61 A 60
- 1679616 models/pixels 1296 X 1296 image
10Dimensional Stacking
- Each pixel 1 neuron
- Color activity type
- Position conductance values
11Dimensional Stacking structurex Na,CaT,CaS,A
y KCa,Kd,H,Leak
Kd 1
KCa 0
Na 1
CaT 3
H 0
Cas 0
12Dimensional Stacking
- Got lucky with default
- x Na,CaT,CaS,A
- y KCa,Kd,H,Leak
- Patterns instantly revealed
- KCa 0 and Na 0 mostly silent
- KCa 0 and Kd 0 mostly silent
- Distinct regions of spikers and bursters
- Tonic spikers mostly KCa 0
- Bursters mostly KCa gt 0
13Dimensional Stacking what do you get
- Immediate insight into the data structure
- Can fish for answers by changing parameter
ordering and/or value to color mapping - For a model that regulates its maximal
conductances, you could trace an activity path
along connected pixels e.g. during current
injection experiments - Answers to the previously posed questions
- Activity types are mostly contiguous in
conductance space - There are multiple distinct conductance level
combinations that generate the same activity type.
14Projection Finding
- Permutation of conductances is variable
- x KCa, Kd, H, Leak y Na, CaT, CaS, A
- x Kd, KCa, H, Leak y Na, CaT, CaS, A
- 8! or 40,000 projections in all!
- Different projections reveal different patterns
(or not) - Most significant digit most significant
conductance - x KCa,Kd,H,Leak y Na,CaT,CaS,A
- General goal reveal connected regions of neuron
models for the particular value you're looking at
15Projection Finding
- Simple algorithm for finding optimal projection
- visual complexity score of row/col variation
- score of 1 for each row, 0
for each col - breadth first search to minimize complexity score
- swaps parameters in permutation each iteration
- first local minima encountered is solution
- usualy only needs 10 steps
- effectively and rapidly finds informative
16Projection Finding Maxima per burst
Iteration 1
17Projection Finding
Iteration 2
18Projection Finding
Iteration 3
19Projection Finding
Iteration 4
20Projection Finding
Iteration 5
21Projection Finding
Iteration 5
- mouse over coordinates
- data access
- color mapper
- click query
- permutations
- pan, zoom
- simulation
23Data Access
- Color mapper
- can query database and immediately see results
visually - customizable query / color map
- can highlight regions in a projection of neurons
with desired properties - Click through query
- customizable query can return result for any
neuron model/pixel that you click on
24Data Access click through simulation
25Future Work
- More labels, map overlay of coordinates
- Extend mouse-over info
- Multivariate or continuous color mappings
- Finding Optimal Projections
- Many possible algorithms to try out including
simulated annealing, clustering, linear
programming - simulated annealing
- Mixed initiative Artificial Intelligence
- selecting groups of pixels for model
classification - choosing heuristics
- More support for querying regions directly
- Select relevant dimensions, possible values
- Extending classifications
- Other visualization techniques
- 3D!
- Try it on other models, different of
parameters. - Release scheduled for September 2005
- Dimensional stacking provides comprehensive yet
immediate insight into a large data set - In our conductance space, the three major
activity types appear (tentatively) to be
contiguous - Can determine activity distribution throughout
conductance space in a glance - Can visually trace/predict path for changing
activity patterns and voltage dependencies - Transparent data access and custom queries for
coloring allow quick inferencing - Method for finding optimal permutations necessary