Title: PaxtonTBW Products and Services
Paxton/TBW Products and Services
2Last 6 months... (twang)
- My linux laptop died...
- The boss left...
- And the work has been piling up...
3Last 6 months... (twang)
- My laptop died...
- The boss left...
- And the work has been piling up...
- I did get a new car
4SR Formatter Team
5SR Formatter Team
A talented group...
6SR Formatter Team
A talented group...
7SR Formatter Team
Paul Kirkwood SRH Dissemination
Charlie Paxton Tampa SRF, MVF, Hazards
Steve Nelson Norman ZFP, Hazards Jamie
Frederick Tulsa NOW, TAF Scott
Plischke Amarillo XNOW, Hazards Matt
Foster Shreveport FWF Table, FWM Clay
Anderson San Antonio CCF, PFM, AFM and SFT.
Brian Curran Midland ZFP, AFD, SAF Ed
Tirado San Juan CWF Ken
Drozd Albuquerque FWF Narrative
8Recent Changes toCWF
- Improved wind trending
- More local effects
- Chop phrase works from seperate edit area
- What problems are you having?
- Who is issuing SRF from GFE formatter?
- Tabular
- Weather/Sky
- Winds
- Surf
- Swell
- Rip Currents
- Tides
14Survey Schedules
- Who is on the A, I, R Shifts?
15TBW Schedules
- Y, G, P
- Long term/Aviation
- Short Term/Products
- P shift checks products in que
16 17- TBW Methodology
- Add scratch/model grids for day 7
- Edit four key fields in ISC
- Collaborate
- Wx, T, Td, Wind
- Initiate procedures that call SmartTools
- Check/final edits
18Smart Tools
- Radiation/Sea Fog
- Severe Weather
- Lightning gt wx, sky, pop, lal, qpf
- Surge Coastal Flood
19Analysis for Severe Weather Prediction
Tornado Warning
Gulf of Mexico
20Composite Chart
- Fundamental Step in Severe Weather Recognition
21Producing a Composite
- Sounding parameters for
- Various seasons
- Severe Weather Types
- Determine thresholds for
- Low
- Moderate
- High
22Checklist and Thresholds
23Tailor the Tool!
24Value Max Near CAPE Max
25Build a better mouse trap...
26Localized Surge Forecasting
27Localized Surge Forecasting Flash Surge!
28Coastal Flood Smart Tool
- Developed from coastal flood climatology
- Forecaster can quickly adjust to fit scenario
- Longer term predictions - may be model based
- Short term predictions - satellite, radar, buoy
based - Topo based calculations show inundation of water
over land
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31Using ClimatologyGrids
- This hourly lightning climatology becomes a basis
for summer storm predictions.
32Using ClimatologyGrids
- This is better than any current model!
- This will help us provide more detail!
33GFE Marine Products
- TBW Test Site for Marine Only NWR
- GFE Text products with greater temporal detail
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35Fire Weather
Mixing Height
36Cool Down
37The End!
Paxton/TBW Products and Services
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40Future GFE Products
- TBW Test Site for Marine Only NWR
- Detailed near shore forecasts and location
specific forecasts (harbor entrances)
41Extended Capabilities...
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43Coming Soon
- TBW Test Site for Marine Only NWR
- GFE Text products with greater temporal detail
44Future GFE Products
Tornado Warning
Tampa Bay
Gulf of Mexico
45Future GFE Products
- GIS and Image backgrounds showing streets,
houses, etc.
46Graphical AnalysisSevere Predictors
47Future GFE Products
2nd Anniversary!
48Graphical Forecast Editor Extended Capabilities
Charlie Paxton National Weather Service Tampa Bay
Area - Ruskin, FL
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51Using LightningClimatologyGrids
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58Using ClimatologyGrids
- This is better than any current model!
- This will help us provide more detail!