Title: PPM Public Private Mix Pakistan
1PPM (Public Private Mix)Pakistan
- NTP Managers Meeting
- Tunis, May 2007
2 Population160 million 1/3rd below poverty line
- 6th among the HBCs , contributes about 44 of
tuberculosis burden in EMR - Estimated 250,000 new TB cases each year.
- Approximately 1.5 million people in Pakistan
infected with the disease - . TB is responsible for 5.1 percent of the total
national disease burden in Pakistan. - The incidence of sputum positive TB cases is
80/100,000 per year and for all types it is
177/100,000 - 100 public sector (PHC) DOTS coverage in the
3PakistanPopulation 161MDCsTCs Public Private
NA Pop 1M DC 11
FATA Pop 3.7M DC 24 TC 224
- Country map and information
AJK Pop 3.7M DC 67
NWFP Pop 21M DC 193 TC 692
Punjab Pop 87M DC 462 TC 2681
Balochistan Pop 8M DC 80
Sindh Pop 37M DC 205
4TB Epidemiology
- M/F ratio 49
- Age trend 15-24 years - highest in numbers
- Programme is in Consolidation phase
- Expanding and sustaining DOTS
- Improving quality of care
- Implementing EQA
- Mobilizing community
- Engaging all health care providers
- Increase Choices and accessibility
6Composition of Non-NTP structure
7PPM rationale and objectives
- 100 NTP DOTS coverage CDR still 50.
- PPM projects elsewhere15 - 50 increase in CDR
- Sizeable non-NTP sector, with high potential
role. - Patients preferences non-NTP options.
- New Stop TB Strategy enhanced scope of work.
- Programme is in Consolidation phase
- Engaging all health care providers
- Increase Choices and accessibility
- Objectives
- Enhance DOTS coverage and quality
- Face new challenges (MDR, TB-HIV, Hospitals)
8Utilization of health services
9NTP preparedness-1
- National strategic framework for PPP development
a part of National strategic plan (2005 - 10) - PPM model and guidelines development exercise
- PPM implementation incorporated in public budget
- Coverage Nationwide
- Allocation USD 8 M (Federal)
- Approach District-led partnership development
- Strengthening nationwide EQA to support Public
and Private sector providers. - DOTS implementation in Public sector
satisfactory results
10NTP preparedness-2
- Multiple small-scale PPM implementation
initiatives launched - Greenstar - franchising (GFATM)
- PATA and AKHSP - network strengthening (GFATM)
- MC and ASD - public sector strengthening through
PPM (FIDELIS/EC) - TAF - ACSM in 20 districts (GFATM)
- USAID supported PPM Initiative
- Peshawar model (supported by GTZ)
11Preparedness of non-NTP providers
- Academic society involved
- Pakistan Chest Society and Paediatric Society
- Pakistan Medical Association and Family Physician
Association and Paediatric association contacted
- Encouraging small-scale PPM experiences
- Intervention with private hospitals development
and implementation in selected districts
12Regulatory environment
- Constraints
- Anti-TB drugs easily purchased from the market.
- TB notification not mandatory.
- Almost no regulations (implemented) on
establishment of private practice - Enforcement of the existing regulations weak.
13Example 1 LahoreCase Detection in Lahore
District, Q1-A4 2006
14Example 2 Case Notification by Sector, Karachi
City, 2003-2006
15(No Transcript)
16Example 3 Peshawar modelGTZ support to NWFP
- Implementation thru District TB Officers (DTO).
- Free medicine provided by DTO to the PPs
- PPs permitted to charge the patients for their
service at specified timing. - Diagnosis by sputum examination through
public/private sector labs - PTP provide TA in identifying and QA of private
labs. - DTOs provide TA, training and MS
17Example 3 Peshawar Model
18Contract and Advocacy
- Regulatory framework document for PPP.
- Agreed arrangements/instruments mapping,
selection, technical support, regulation,
franchising, contracting, training/supervision
etc. - MoUs public and individual private partners.
- Advocacy
- Advocacy package
- Promotion of ISTC (with Pakistan Chest Society
and Pakistan Medical Association) - Provider-patient interaction enhancement tool
19Scale up of PPM
- By FY2010/11 (June 2011)
- Ensure all patients in the country get quality TB
care, as per NTP guidelines - Expanded in a phased manner
- First 10 districts be initiated in 2007
- Expansion to 30 districts every year
20Thank you
- National TB Control Program Pakistan
22Engaging all health care providers-1
- Situation analysis
- Large but unregulated private sector
- More than 50 of patients (general) in private
sector - Private sector accessible to urban and rural
population - Operational research
- Capabilities and capacities
- Health seeking behavior
- KAP private providers
- Training and sensitization effect
- PPM pilots
- Development work
- Consultations
- Strategic framework
23Engaging all health care providers-2
- Initiatives TB care delivery
- NGOs not for profit- PATA, AKHSP (GFATM)
- Franchise DOTS- Green star (GFATM)
- Local small scale initiatives
- Strengthening of public sector by NGOs (Fidelis)
- Parastatal institutions (Fidelis)
24TB and Private sector
- 70 of Heath Expenditure Through Private Sector
- - large but unregulated.
- - Wider variation in capacity and quality of
services. - A large proportion of TB patients detected by
private HCP are not notified and treatment
outcomes not recorded
- NTP has established various activity based
partnerships with NGOs, largely with the - - support of GFATM and FIDELIS GTZ.
- The Private sector partner contribution is in the
following four main areas - Program development
- Public sector service
strengthening - NGO service strengthening
- Enabling a network of private
26PPM initiatives -2
- Strategic planning
- Program Guidelines and material development
- Human resource development
- Operational research
27PPM initiatives -3
- Human resource development, materials,
supervision, community mobilization and
operational research, implemented through EC and
FIDELIS support. - Partners- ASD, Mercy Corp
- Community mobilization through interactive
theatre through GFATM-III support. - Partner The Asia Foundation, BDN
28PPM initiatives - 4
- Support for human resource development,
- Materials
- Supervision/monitoring
- Two Nationwide Networks of NGO clinics are
strengthened - Pakistan Anti-TB Association (PATA) and
- Aga Khan Health Services (AKHSP)
- Franchising TB Services piloted in four
metropolitan cities - PartnerGreen Star
29Sindh Experience
- New smear positive cases detected by the private
and public sector in - Sindh Province, Quarter 2, 2006
- In Sindh province, the involvement of private
sector in TB DOTS is in ten districts.
- NTP has included public-private partnership (PPP)
development as a priority strategy in its next
five year development plan. - 39 percent of total cost of PC-1 is allocated for
PPM - National strategic framework has been formulated
31NTP's proposed strategic framework and possible
means of partnership
- National TB Control programme conducted two
research studies to develop a model of
partnership with the GPs. - - The first study was a KAP study conducted in
2003 in two major cities of Pakistan. - - The second was an intervention study designed
in the light of findings of the previous study.
The aim was to develop a viable model for PPP to
involve the private practitioners in the DOTS
delivery system.
33Evidence Based Decision making
- Private Public Mix
- Base line study in 2001 General Practitioners
Does not Follow The National Guidelines for
Management of TB Patients. - Intervention study concludes a Practical model
to involve GPs in DOTS improve management
Practices and Treatment outcome - Adaptation of Recommendation for implementation
of PPM Model through PC1
- Community based DOTS
- Two Intervention study to see the effects of
community based DOTS - The Studies Concludes that involvement of LHW as
treatment supporter improves Case detection, Case
holding and treatment outcome. - Adaptation of Study results as LHW CIDA Project
to train LHW as treatment Supporter in twenty
34PPM Strategy
- PPM models and implementation guidelines
developed (through TAMA support) - - A situation analysis has been carried out
through a participatory process as initial step
to develop PPP models. - - PPP models and their implementation and
monitoring guidelines were developed through
focus group discussions, key informant interviews
and consultative workshops.
35Urban and Peri-urban PPP Framework
36Rural PPP Framework
37Monitoring and Supervision mechanism for PPP DOTS
38Flow of National support to Partnership TB DOTS