Title: TeleSpectra
- Connecting rural markets to metro services
- The MIDDLE mile
2Todays Presentation
- Who Is TeleSpectra?
- What does TeleSpectra do?
- How do they do it?
- Why should you care?
3Who Is Telespectra?
- We are a Local company
- Private company- Arizona based LLC
- Mature assets..
- With a new vision!
TeleSpectra provides broadband access and
transport, connecting rural markets to ALL of the
services available in a major metro such as
4What is Middle Mile?
Last Mile
TeleSpectra Middle Mile
1st Mile
Last Mile
5We Have Our Own Facilities We Are Not A Reseller!
- We
- Design
- Engineer
- Construct
- Install
- Maintain
- Optimize
A broad range of network services consisting of
fiber, microwave and satellite technologies
6Where Else Can We Go?
- We go places____
- Where wild animals wont go
- That you have never heard of
- Where no one else wants to go
- All of the above
- Answer all of the above
- Our answer is YES! The question is How!
7How Do We Do It?
- Our existing network is expansive
- We have significant backbone capacity
- We have an experienced team with a great track
record - We are connected to most metro services
- Our focus is rural it is our core business
8Network Specifics
- Over 250 network locations
- Towers
- Collocations
- Shelters
- Licensed and unlicensed Spectrum
- Ku/C band uplink/downlink satellite
- Mobile Sat and MW
- Access to 140 Arizona communities
9Our Approach
- Business basics
- Use the correct technology for the job
- Utilize existing capacity
- Grow incrementally
- Dedicated project management
- Use partners for local distribution
10Typical Uses For Telespectra Services
- Point to point microwave
- Access to Tier I II ISPs
- Video Broadcast
- Distance learning
- Occasional use uplink i.e. spring training
11Our Customers
12Why Should You Care?
- If you are a service provider
- Opens new markets with fewer competitors
- Lower cost of sales
- Concentrate efforts market share
- If you are an employer in a rural market
- Avail your business to speed and access
- Attract more business into your community
- Economic development engine
- If you are an employee in the rural market
- Option to telecommute
- Option to apply to companies outside your
- Telespectra is focused on one thing.
- Providing broadband network services to rural
Southwest - We are a solid company with an exciting future
- We believe in customer service and quality
- The answer is YES!. The question is HOW!
14(No Transcript)
15How Can You Contact Us?
Contact Phone Email Mike
McHale 602-648-5834 mmchale_at_telespectra.co
m Kelly Colbert 602-648-5831
kcolbert_at_telespectra.com Karen Knight
602-648-5838 kknight_at_telespectra.com Fax