Title: Chapter 6 Undernutrition: Who, Where, When
1Chapter 6 Undernutrition Who, Where, When?
2I. Long-term perspective on undernutrition
- Worldwide the number of malnourished people has
declined (Table 6.2-p.76) - 1. All countries 35 ? 17
- 2. 918 million ? 798 million
- 3. Still a significant number of people
3- B. Regionally
- 1. East and Southeast Asia 41?12
- 2. South Asia
- 33 ?22
- 3. Sub-Saharan Africa
- 38 ? 43 ? 33
4C. Food production per person has gone up (Figure
- What does this mean for food prices?
Food prices have gone down, for the most part
(Figure 6.2-p.78)
5D. Indexes
An index is a percentage comparison from a fixed
point of reference (base period)
- If base period is 1961, index for
- 1961 100
6D. Indexes
- If increase from 1961 to 1997 was 25, then index
for 1997 is 125 - If decrease from 1961 to 1997 was 50, then index
for 1997 is 50
7II. Seasonality of Undernutrition
- A. Linked to the growing season
- 1. Hungry season (May through August)
- a. Work is scarce (wages are low)
- b. Food is scarce (prices are high)
- c. Families increase their consumption
of wild fruits and vegetables
8- 2. Harvest season
- a. Food is abundant (price is low)
- b. With irrigation the harvest season can be
extended (planting of rice normally begins
during the monsoon. -
9III. Who is undernourished?
- How to measure (Table 6.5-p.83)
- 1. Calories available per person
- Worst countries
- Congo D.R., Burundi, Tajikistan
10How to measure the who- Cont.
- 2. Mortality rates for children under 5
- Worst countries Sierra Leone, Angola,
Afghanistan - 3. Percentage of underweight children
- Worst countries Korea, Afghanistan,
11- B. Looking at all 3 measures
- 1. Most of the worst countries are in
sub-Saharan Africa
12C. Rural areas worse off than urban
- Rural incomes lower than urban
- Many policies favor urban areas
13- D. Children most vulnerable during weaning
- E. Pregnant and nursing women next worse off
- F. Old women also vulnerable to undernutrition
14IV. Variables that influence percentage of
- Correlation coefficient tells size and direction
of influence - (Table 6.8-p.88)
15- Number of years of education of mother and father
has a positive correlation coefficient - a. More education increases percentage of
16- 2. Positive coefficient on income
- a. Higher income implies higher percentage
weight for age - b. Less important in farming families than in
nonfarming families
17- 3. Age of weaning has positive coefficient
- a. The later a child is weaned the higher the
percentage weight-for- age
18- 4. Negative coefficient on total number of
household members - a. More people in the family implies lower
percentage weight-for-age
19- 5. Birth order has a negative coefficient
- a. Children born after other children are more
likely to have a lower percentage of
20- 6. Negative coefficient on type of infant feeding
- a. implies that babies that are only bottle fed
have a lower percentage weight-for-age compared
to children who are breast fed