Title: Above
1Above All
2Above all powers,
3above all kings,
4Above all nature and all created things,
5above all wisdom and all the ways of man,
6You were there before the world began.
7Above all kingdoms,
8above all thrones,
9above all wonders the world has ever known,
10above all wealth and treasures of the earth
11theres no way to measure what Youre worth.
13laid behind the stone
14You lived to die, rejected and alone.
15Like a rose trampled on the ground,
16You took the fall and thought of me
17(No Transcript)
18Above all powers,
19above all kings,
20above all nature and all created things,
21above all wisdom and all the ways of man,
22You were there before the world began.
23Above all kingdoms,
24above all thrones,
25above all wonders the world has ever
26above all wealth and treasures of the earth,
27Theres no way to measure what Youre worth.
29Laid behind the stone
30You lived to die, rejected and alone.
31Like a rose trampled on the ground.
32You took the fall and thought of me
33You wereCrucified
34Laid behind the stone
35You lived to die, rejected and alone.
36Like a rose trampled on the ground, You took the
37And thought of me above all.
38Like a rose trampled on the ground,
39You took the fall and thought of me
40(No Transcript)
41Prepared by Texie Blythe Sarah Capps Tyler
Jarrett Lindsey Jones Kali Jordan Nicole
Ligon Victoria McGee Caroline Montgomery Anna
Schnizler Ben Sinclair Anna Sinclair (with a
little help from Kirby Knight)