Title: Barton Margoshes, MD Chief Medical Officer CIGNA Group Insurance
1Barton Margoshes, MDChief Medical OfficerCIGNA
Group Insurance
2Primary Challenges Facing Employers Today
- Rising medical and disability costs
- Workforce demographics
- Productivity pressure
3Rising Medical Costs
- Factors fueling rising costs include
- Rapidly rising hospital unit costs
- Inefficient and ineffective care delivery
- Prescription drug cost increases
- Increasing consumer demand
- Aging population
Health care as a of GDP
Employee contributions
Source John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
4 Aging Workforce
- In 2010, 51 of labor force will be over 40
- US Census Bureau
- In 2003, Americans aged 55 and older made up
approximately 12 of the workforce - the highest
percentage ever recorded - Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Aging labor force is expected to cause 37
increase in incidence of disability - JHA Factbook 2001
5Individuals Receiving LTD Increased 62 from
Source Department of Labor
6 Chronic Conditions
- The five illnesses where costs increased the most
were heart disease, asthma, mental disorders,
cancer and hypertension - Health Affairs 8/04
- The highest rate of increase in medical and
disability claims costs is among 30 to 39 year
olds, and both are due to obesity. - Helen Darling, president of the National Group on
Health, a Washington, D.C. consortium of 208
large employers
7The Aging Workforce Lifestyle Health Risks
Correlate with Short Term Disability
- Risk factors studied
- Age
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol
- Diabetes
- Family history of heart disease
- Obesity
- Tobacco use
- Lack of exercise
Source Wayne Burton, M.D., IHPM North American
Summit Meeting 2000
8 Mental Health Costs
- Mental stress/depression claims are the fastest
growing type of disability claim - Mercer/Marsh 2003 Time Off and Absence Survey
- Depressed workers lose about 5.6 hours of
productive time on the job each week, compared
with an average of 1.5 hours for non-depressed
workers - June 2003 issue, Journal of the American Medical
Association - 40 of disabilities have a behavioral component
- Managed Behavioral Health News 1998
9The Impact of Lost Productivity
- Average 6,000 Per Employee Per Year
- Averages 15 Of Payroll
Employer Costs of Lost ( of
Payroll) Direct Indirect Total AON 4-6 8-1
2 12-18 Towers Perrin 8-12 4-6 12-18 Watso
n Wyatt 6.1 2-4x direct costs 12-30 Mercer 4.
4 .5-4x direct costs 7-22
Direct Premium Costs Only 1-2 of payroll
10Impact of Disease on Presenteeism
- Percent of patients with allergies meeting
performance standard
Studies have shown similar effect of disease on
presenteeism for depression, osteoarthritis,
migraine, diabetes, reflux disease.
Source Burton et al, JOEM 2001 vol. 43 (1) l
11Old Paradigm
How We Used to Weigh STD and Medical Costs
Total Cost
12New Paradigm
Weighing the Total Cost
Total Cost
13Integrated Health Productivity Management Model
- Holistic approach to optimize a companys human
capital investment in an employers people - Addresses presenteeism, lost time, and employee
health to lower costs and increase productivity - Health related systems involved include
- Healthcare
- Incidental absence FMLA
- Short and long term disability
- Behavioral health
- Pharmacy
- Wellness and disease management
- Workers compensation
14Health Productivity Management
- Non Health Related Systems involved include
- Corporate Culture
- Policies and Procedures
- Benefit plan designs
- Alignment of incentives
- Training and human resources
- Employee communication
- Data Integration
15CIGNAs Disability Healthcare Connect
- A comprehensive and integrated approach for
controlling quality and cost outcomes of a
disability event - Key components include
- Proactive pre-disability outreach
- Coordinated disability and medical case
management - Referral to disease management services
- EAP assessment and referral
- Common philosophy, linked processes and
16Key Study Findings
- Short term disability (STD) durations and return
to work percentages are consistently better for
claimants having both CIGNA Disability and CIGNA
HealthCare - 20 of employees were responsible for 91 of
employee medical costs - Employees on short term disability represented
only 5 of employees, but were responsible for
35 of employee medical costs - Behavioral health conditions associated with a
medically related disability result in poorer
outcomes (durations 28 longer incidence rate 7
17Key Study Findings (continued)
- Most of the top cost drivers are the same for
both disability and medical - Disability claimants with chronic conditions
experience longer durations whether or not the
disability was primarily due to the chronic
condition - Employees engaged in WellAwares (disease
management) Cardiovascular Disease and Low Back
Pain programs experience shorter disability
durations lower incidence of short term
18Proven Results
Solutions that Address Both Medical and
Disability Cost Drivers Have a Greater Impact
- Claimants with both a CIGNA STD and a CIGNA
HealthCare claim have
12Shorter STD Durations
6Higher Return to Work Rates
19Average Medical Disability Costs for Employees
20Disease Management Reduces Both Medical and
Disability Costs
Disease Management
Condition Admission RateReduction Medical Cost Savings DisabilityIncidence Rate Reduction DisabilityDurationReduction
Cardiac 4.0 13.0 3.0 7.7
Low Back 2.2 12.0 1.0 18.0
21Keep the Healthy Healthy and Improve the Health
Status of the High Utilizers
Average Medical Disability Costs for Employees
- Healthcare and disability costs will continue to
escalate due to demographic trends - Aging, chronic diseases, and mental health are
inter-related and will have an adverse effect on
employers profitability and competitive advantage - Employers need to consider the total cost of care
(healthcare disability lost productivity) - Investing in an employers human capital through
wellness, disease management, quality healthcare,
and integrated disability makes business sense