Title: Evolution of Cooperation
1Evolution of Cooperation
- John Lazarus
- Division of Psychology
- with
- Peter Andras
- School of Computing Science
- and
- Gilbert Roberts, Division of Psychology
2One of our questions . . .
- Why does cooperation increase under conditions
of adversity and uncertainty?
- Mean environmental quality
- Resources
- Predators, parasites, competitors
- Abiotic factors
- temperature, humidity, windspeed, altitude,
substrate quality, pH
4Cooperation increases under Adversity
Alpine plants more cooperative than Sub-alpine
Altruistic stalk in Slime Mould supports fruiting
Nematodes feed socially in response to aversive
5Cooperation increases under Adversity
Animal groups larger under predation risk
Human in-group solidarity increases under threat
or stress
6Cooperation enhanced under Uncertainty
Human foragers share only unpredictable foods
Money acquired as windfall more generously shared
Communal fisheries grazing commons more
successful under environmental uncertainty
7Explanatory Model
- Adversity increases subjective uncertainty of
resources - Analytical result
- Resource uncertainty enhances cooperation
- Multi-agent model
- Thus
- Adversity ? Resource uncertainty ? Cooperation
8Evolutionary Multi-Agent Model
- Prisoners Dilemma game theory model
- Agents
- Spend resources on living costs and to generate
new resources - Live in a two-dimensional world
- Have probability of cooperation with another
agent - Randomly choose interaction partner from
neighbourhood and partners decide to cooperate or
compete - Produce offspring asexually
- Offspring
- Inherit parents inclination toward cooperation
- Number depends on parental resources
- Resource uncertainty
- Variance of resource distribution that determines
new resources of agents after interacting
9Simulation Results
Proportion of cooperation
- Tendency to cooperate
- Uniformly distributed at start
- Subject to natural selection
- Increases with uncertainty
- Cooperation dampens variance in resources gained
- Mortality reduced
- Adversity ? Resource uncertainty ? Cooperation
Analytical model
Multi-agent model