Title: Key Distribution
1Key Distribution
2Where to Put Encryption?
- Link level
- Vulnerable links equipped with encryption devices
on both sides - Needs large number of devices
- Needs decryption to perform routing
- End-to-end
- Carried out at the end systems
- Can encrypt only the data portion and not the
3Link vs. End-to-End Key Distribution
- Link keys must be distributed to each pair of
link endpoints in advance - Relatively easy to distribute securely
- For e-t-e, must generate and distribute many
keys, often in real time
4Logical Placement
- Application layer
- Transport layer
- Network layer
- Link layer
5Traffic Analysis
- Both techniques hide user data (payload)
- Link encryption
- Hides address information
- Buffers clear data in each node
- E-T-E encryption
- Leaves addresses in the clear
- No need to buffer decrypted payload
- Use both techniques?
6Traffic Analysis
- Identities of communicating partners
- Frequency of communication
- Message patterns, e.g., length, quantity,
(encrypted) content - Correlation between messages and real world
events - Can (sometimes) be defeated through traffic
7Covert Channels
- Essentially, the dual of traffic analysis
- Usually intended to violate or defeat a security
policy - Examples
- Message length
- Message content
- Message presence
8Key Distribution
- Most important component in secure transmission.
- Options (between A and B).
- A selects a key and physically delivers it to B.
- A trusted third party key distribution center
(KDC) selects a key and physically delivers it to
A and B. - If A and B already have have a viable key, it can
be used to distribute a new key. - If A and B have a secure link to KDC, can receive
the key through that channel.
9Key Distribution (contd)
- Manual delivery is straightforward for link
encryption, challenging for E-T-E - The number of keys grows quadratically with the
number of endpoints (n(n-1)/2) - Further complexity for application/user level
encryption - KDC a good alternative
- Only n master keys required
10Decentralized Distribution
- No need for KDC to be trusted and protected
- Any two nodes can establish a session key
- Needs n(n-1)/2 master keys
- Can generate any number of session keys
- Key distribution protocol
11Public Key Management
- Distribution of public keys
- Public announcement
- Public directories
- Public-key authority
- Public-key certificates
- Use of public-key encryption to distribute secret
12Public-Key Authority and Certificates
- Very similar to session key obtaining process
- Both the parties are assumed to have authoritys
public key - Authority sends the key encrypted in private key
(for authentication) - Authority could be a bottle-neck
- Instead use certificates authenticated by
13Public-key distribution of secret keys
- A sends public key, ID) to B
- B sends secret key encrypted in Kua
- A decrypts for private key
14Public-Key Authority
Public-key authority
(4) RequestT2
(5) EKd_authKe_aRequestT2
(1) RequestT1
(2) EKd_authKe_bRequestT1
(3) EKe_bIDA N1
(6) EKe_aN1N2
(7) EKe_bN2
15Public-Key Certificates
- A certificate contains a public key and other
information - Created by a certificate authority
- Given to the participant with the matching
private key - A participant transmits its certificate to convey
its key information - Other participants can verify that the
certificate was created by the authority - All nodes are pre-configured with the public key
of the certificate authority (CA)
16Exchange of Public-key Certificates
Certificate Authority
CB EKd_authT2, IDB, Ke_b
CA EKd_authT1, IDA, Ke_a
(1) CA
(2) CB
B does DKe_auth(CA) DKe_auth(EKd_authT1, IDA,
Ke_a) (T1, IDA, Ke_a), hence gets the public
key of A
17Public-key distribution of secret keys
- A sends public key, ID) to B
- B sends secret key encrypted in Kua
- A decrypts for private key
- Vulnerable to active attack?
(1) Ku_aIDA
(2) EKu_aKs
18Distribution With Confidentiality and
(1) EKu_bN1IDA
(2) EKu_aN1 N2
(3) EKu_bN2
(4) EKu_bEKr_aKs
19Diffie-Hellman KE
- Public information
- p is a prime number
- g is a generating element of Zp
- Alices
- Private Key a
- Public Key ga mod p
- Bobs
- Private Key b
- Public Key gb mod p
20DH Key Exchange
- Key Exchange
- Alice obtains gb and computes
- (gb)a gab mod p ks
- Bob obtains ga and computes
- (ga)b gab mod p ks
- Alice and Bob have agreed upon key ks
- The well-known man-in-the-middle attack exploits
the lack of authentication
21Diffie-Hellman Scheme
- Security factors
- Discrete logarithm very difficult.
- Shared key (the secret) itself never transmitted.
- Disadvantages
- Expensive exponential operation
- The scheme itself cannot be used to encrypt
anything it is for secret key establishment. - No authentication, so you can not sign anything
22Man-In-The-Middle Attack
- Alice Eve Bob
- ga123 ge 654 gb 255
- 123 --gt 654 --gt
- lt--654 lt--255
- gae geb
- Eve plays Bob to Alice and Alice to Bob
23DH in Phone Book Mode
- In the attack public key-component was
intercepted and substituted - Phone book mode allows everyone to generate the
public key-component in advance and publish them
through other reliable means - All communicating parties agree on their common
ltg, pgt
24Authenticated DH
- Alice sends ga mod p to Bob and Bob computes
kB (ga )b mod p. - Bob sends gb mod p and SB(gb, ga) and his
certificate to Alice - Alice computes kA (gb )a mod p.
- Finally, Alice sends ga mod p and SA(ga, gb) and
his certificate to Bob
25Key Generation
- Manual selection not good
- Using pass-phrase
- Random generation
- Standards
26Random Number Generation
- Need
- Stream Key
- Encryption keys
- Secret symmetric keys
- Private asymmetric keys
- Session keys
- Digital Signature Schemes
- Against replay attacks
- Nonce
27How do we know?
28True Random Sources
- Elapsed time between emissions of particles from
a radioactive source - Quantum effects in a semiconductor, such as a
noisy diode or a noisy resistor - Frequency fluctuations of free-running
oscillators - Fluctuations in the amount a metal insulator
semiconductor capacitor is charged during a fixed
period of time - Fluctuations in read times caused by air
turbulence within a sealed disk drive
29Typical Implementation
30Cryptographic PRNGs
- RNG from a counter
- 2 pr inputs
- 3 Triple DES encryption
- Blum Blum Shub generator
- Considered to be cryptographically secure