Title: Sensory Disabilities and Assistive Technology
1Sensory Disabilities and Assistive Technology
- Conductive sensorineural and mixed hearing loss
- Hearing loss and the outer ear
- Hearing loss and the middle ear
- Hearing loss and the inner ear
3Levels of Hearing Impairment
- Mild
- 15-30db loss
- Minimal difficulty hearing
- Some articulation problems
- Possible reading/writing delays
- Preferential seating visual cues
4Levels of Hearing Impairment
- Moderate
- 31-60db loss
- Delays in speech language
- Difficulty hearing w/ background interference
- Amplification speech/language instruction
5Levels of Hearing Impairment
- Severe
- 61-90db loss
- Great difficulty w/ normal speech
- Significant delays in speech/language
- Abnormal voice quality
- May benefit from amplification
- Speech reading or sign language
6Levels of Hearing Impairment
- Profound
- 91db loss
- Little residual hearing
- Reliance on visual/tactile cues
- Manual communication or total communication
7Degrees of Deafness (http//yourmedicalsource.com/
Mild (25-40dB) Moderate (40-55dB) Severe
(55-90dB) Profound (90dB)
8Topics in Deafness
- Language Issues
- Early versus Late Onset Deafness
- Communication Systems
- Sign Systems
- Aural/Oral
- Cultural Issues
9Educational Considerations
- Oral approach
- Auditory-verbal approach
- Speech reading
- Criticisms of the oral approach
- Total communication
- The bicultural-bilingual approach
- Service delivery models
- Technological advances
- Hearing aids
- Television, video, and movie captioning
- Telephone adaptations
- Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI)
- The Internet
10Deafness AT
11Deafness AT
12Deafness AT
13Deafness AT
- Assisted Listening/Amplification
14Vision Impairments
- Types
- Low Vision
- (20/70 to 20/200)
- Blind
- (20/200 to 20/500)
15Definition and Classification
- Legal Definition
- 20/200 or less with correction
- Field of vision less than 90 degrees
- Low vision
- Acuity between 20/70 and 20/200 with correction.
- Educational Definition
- Ability to function in the classroom
- Blind
- Low vision
16Vision Impairments Issues
- Mobility
- Access to Print
- Independent Living Skills/Adaptive Skills
- Social Issues
17Educational Considerations
- Braille
- Use of remaining sight
- Listening skills
- Orientation and mobility (OM) training
- The long cane
- Guide dogs
- Human guides
- Technological aids
- Communication
- Orientation and mobility
- Cautions about technology
18Vision Impairment AT
- Mobility
- Canes
- Standard
- Laser
19Vision Impairment AT
20Vision Impairment AT
- Print Access
- Tactile Graphics
- Homemade
- Pictures in a flash (PIAF)
- http//www.taevisonline.purdue.edu/
21Vision Impairment AT