Title: Open a browser and navigate to www'Aetna'com
1Open a browser and navigate to www.Aetna.com
Click Producers
2Click Log In
3Enter your User Name and Password
4Click Individual
5Click Get a Quick Quote Now
6Select a State. (Any state is fine. It will not
affect the link set up.)
7Click Proceed
8Click IPS Link Generation Tool
9Edit any personal information necessary at the
top of the page. This is what will display on
your link.
Click Add to select AHCP as your General Agent
of Record. AHCPs TIN is 020690863.
Review and Click
Click Generate Link This will create a box at
the bottom of the page that contains a URL. That
URL is your broker link and can be copied and
pasted as needed. Each time it is clicked the
Broker and GA will pre-populate on the