Title: The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
1The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
- Hello people of this classroom. If you enjoyed
our first educationally creepy slide show ,then
this one will scare the socks off of you. This is
about the ancient Egyptian pyramids.
3The Pyramids at Giza
- The pyramids at Giza were in the old kingdom. At
Giza the pyramids were built for the king
Khufu.The pyramids were a tomb for the pharaoh.
Usually the people that built it , robbed the
4How pyramids were built
- This section tells about how pyramids were
built. They would go and mark the out line in the
sand. Then they would cut stone from a quarries.
They set the pyramids in place so that the
farmers could flood there fields. After the first
layer of blocks were laid. They built a ramp and
made new blocks and rolled them up the ramp on to
the other layer of blocks.
The pyramid was like stairs. They stacked blocks
by blocks row by row. Thousands of men worked on
it. When all the rows were done, they did the
top of the pyramid. Was made out of gold and
silver or electrum. Then they would need to build
the mastabas, causeway,morturary temple and
satellite. Then the complex was done and the
pharaoh could be put into the after life.
6The Foundation of the Pyramids
- The pyramid was made of mud bricks. Mud bricks
were made of straw and mud. They took Bricks and
stack them in rows. When they finished making the
pyramid they make hundreds of tunnels to fool
robbers, but the builders usually rob the pyramid
7The Pharaohs
- The Pharaoh was the most important person in
Egypt. He was considered a god on earth. If you
did not worship him he might have you killed. If
you want to be on his good side, praise his gods.
The Almost pointless
- The British Museum
- www.ancientegypt.co.uk
- Graphic Artist
- Ahron Turk
- Main Information Retriever
- Darian Bangert
- Secondary Information Retriever
- Ahron Turk
- Main Keyboard Tabulator
- Darian Bangert
- Secondary Keyboard Tabulator
- Ahron Turk
- Text/Picture Motion Artist