Title: Financing Renewable Energy Projects in the United States:
1Financing Renewable Energy Projects in the United
States Theory Practice energyinvest The
International Energy Investment Symposium Vienna,
Austria Thursday, October 8, 2009 Daniel
Englander Senior Energy Analyst GTM Research
2About GTM Research
GTM Research provides economic analysis for the
global renewable energy industry. Our goal is to
deliver critical intelligence and strategic
advisory services that improve operations and
streamline decision making for our clients. We
accomplish this by leveraging our deep
understanding of renewable energy technologies,
business models, and markets our diverse
expertise in economics, finance, energy and law
our international presence in the United States
and Europe and a global network of experts that
extends to Asia and the Middle East. GTM
Research is valued for our objective stance,
integrated economic analysis, and flexibility in
responding to client needs. We conduct
traditional market research, multiclient studies,
strategic consulting, and timely advisory for
leading technology vendors, investors, utilities,
and government bodies. With specific expertise in
solar power, the Smart Grid, and enterprise
energy use, GTM Research stands at the forefront
of the renewable energy industry.
3Three Important Considerations for Understanding
U.S. RE Finance
Regulation Electricity is regulated
predominantly at the state level, but also
locally and federally. Incentives RE
incentives are designed to push new generation
technologies onto the market. Taxes
Americans hate paying them. This is important.
4There are 51 Distinct Electricity Markets in the
United States
- Each state has a public utilities commission
responsible for regulating networkutilities in
that state. This includes - Setting electricity rates
- Ruling on the composition of utility portfolios
- Enforcing the renewable portfolio standard, if
one exists
5Renewable Portfolio Standards Are a Primary
Market Driver
- A renewable portfolio standard (RPS) is a
regulation requiring utilities and/or
electricity providers to obtain a certain
percentage of their supply from renewableenergy
sources by a certain date. - RPSs create two revenue streams for project
owners and investors - Electricity
- Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
6Renewable Portfolio Standards Are a Primary
Market Driver
WA 15 by 2020
ME 30 by 2000 New RE 10 by 2017
VT (1) RE meets any increase in retail sales by
2012 (2) 20 RE CHP by 2017
MN 25 by 2025 (Xcel 30 by 2020)
MT 15 by 2015
ND 10 by 2015
MI 10 1,100 MW by 2015
- MA 15 by 2020 1 annual increase(Class I
- OR 25 by 2025 (large utilities)
- 5 - 10 by 2025 (smaller utilities)
SD 10 by 2015
WI Varies by utility 10 by 2015 goal
RI 16 by 2020
CT 23 by 2020
IA 105 MW
- CO 20 by 2020 (IOUs)
- 10 by 2020 (co-ops large munis)
WV 25 by 2025
CA 33 by 2020
UT 20 by 2025
KS 20 by 2020
VA 15 by 2025
- NC 12.5 by 2021 (IOUs)
- 10 by 2018 (co-ops munis)
- NM 20 by 2020 (IOUs)
- 10 by 2020 (co-ops)
TX 5,880 MW by 2015
29 states DC have an RPS 6 states have goals
HI 40 by 2030
State renewable portfolio standard
Minimum solar or customer-sited requirement
State renewable portfolio goal
Extra credit for solar or customer-sited
Solar water heating eligible
Includes non-renewable alternative resources
Source DSIRE
7Solar Carve-Outs Drive Utility Demand, For Example
California 1,893 MW of PPA projectsplanned
through 2014.
Source GTM Research
Most of these states require their utilities to
fulfill some of their RPS specificallywith solar
PV. This means, generally, REC prices for solar
electricity are higher thanstandard REC prices.
Where solar REC prices are higher, we tend to see
morelarge-scale project development.
8Most States Have RE Incentives, Some Are Better
Than Others
RE incentives in the U.S. are designed to reduce
the cost of the project, not necessarily to
increase its price. This is a fundamental
difference between the U.S. and Europe and one
that impacts financing of projects to a great
The impact of combined federaland state
incentives in Californiareduces the levelized
cost ofelectricity for solar PV by as muchas
Source GTM Research
9State Level Incentives Focus Mostly on DG
- RE in the U.S. is divided into two broad
categories - Distributed Generation Customer sited, customer
serving - System/Utility Sided Electricity flows directly
into the grid - Net metering bridges this gap, allowing excess DG
to flow into the grid.
The Customer Side
The Utility Side
10Federal Incentives are a Primary Driver of System
Side Projects
- The Federal Government provides two primary
incentives. Both are designed to reduce project
capital cost and encourage project investment. - Federal Investment Tax Credit Provides 30
reduction in capital cost of generating
equipment - Equipment must be placed in service before ITC
is received - 1 year carryback, 20 year carryforward
- 5 year recapture period
- Domestic use/ownership requirement
- Tax exempt entities do not qualify
- Production tax credit is similar, providing
0.02/kWh for tax reduction - Accelerated Depreciation Tax basis of project
reduced by 50 of ITC - Uses 5 Year Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery
System (20, 32, 19.2, 11.52, 11.52, 5.76) - Bonus Depreciation available for projects placed
in service in 2009 additional 50 reduction
in first year - Requires tax appetite
- Combined, these reduce project costs by as much
as 60.
11Unlike a Fixed-Price Feed-in Tariff, Nothing Here
is Guaranteed
- Fixed-price Feed-in Tariffs (Germany, Spain,
Italy, Greece, Austria, etc.) and must-take
obligation substantially reduce project risk,
i.e., traditional project financeis much easier
to come by in Europe. - In the U.S., equity investment plays a much
larger role. - This is good because Tax equity draws in
institutions with tax appetite insurance
companies, hedge funds, investment banks
allowing for larger - pools of capital and larger projects.
- This is bad because The project markets only
work where tax appetites exist - Typically, only large institutions with
substantial tax burdens can monetize - MACRS and the ITC efficiently. But, when tax
burdens are reduced in a recession, for
example this money disappears and project - development slows.
- Necessitates complex project finance and equity
structures to ensure capital is deployed
efficiently, and return requirements are met.
12Most Large Projects are Structured Around PPAs
- A power purchase agreement is a bilateral,
long-term contract between a utilityand an
exempt wholesale generator, independent power
producer, or qualifying facility. Exists for all
generation capacity, not just renewables. - Utilities will purchase both the electricity and
the RECs from a renewable energy facility in
order to fulfill their RPS requirements. - The structure underlying a PPA depends on the
technology, the project cost, itslocation, REC
prices, utility avoided cost, among other things - There are two primary PPA structures
- Partnership Flip
- Sale/Leaseback
13PPA Projects Require Coordination Among Numerous
Source GTM Research
14A Sale/Leaseback Allows for 100 Financing, ITC
Tax Investor
- Equity investor (through SPV) pays full market
value for the project - Developer benefits through reduced lease
payments to SPV - Either lessor or lessee can take tax benefits
- In return, lessee grants lessor collateral
benefit of PPA and REC sales - Must be true lease, with lease limited to 80
of expected project life - S/L more risky for tax investor, more expensive
for developer
15The Partnership Flip Lets Tax Investors Monetize
ITC Directly
Tax Investor
99 Pre-flip, 4.95 Post-flip
1 Pre-flip, 95.05 Post-flip
- Maximizes tax benefit by allocating ITC/MACRS
directly to tax investor through partnership
pass through - Partnership rules allocates 99 of tax benefits
to tax investor until the tax investor hits its
required IRR typically occurs in first 7-10
years of project - After this, the PPA REC revenues, and
remaining tax benefits, flip to developer - Pship Flips are more risky for developer, less
risky for tax investor because of duration of
residual ownership
16These are Complicated Necessary, But Only With
Tax Equity
What happens when there is no tax equity? At the
market top in mid-2008, 24 tax investors had
deployed roughly 6 billion in capital in the
previous 12 months. Of those 24, only three or
four are active today.
Source GTM Research
To address this shortfall, Congress included an
option to apply for and receivea 30 cash grant
in lieu of the ITC in the ARRA.
17Removal of Utility Exemption Opens Doors to
Direct Ownership
- In October 2008, Congress extended the ITC for
another eight years and removedthe utility
exemption from the ITC. This allowed utilities,
which have fairly large and stable tax burdens,
to consider building and owning their own
renewable energy projects. - The exemption removal also brought to light a
number of issues relating to the consideration
of RE as an included generation technology. - How to account for resource variability in
long-term portfolio planning? - Does PPA-based procurement strategy make sense
from a risk perspective - Power delivery risk
- Customer cost risk
- How willing are state regulators to accept
utilities owning and operating their own RE
projects? - What rules and frameworks need to be in place
for this to happen?
18Four Primary Benefits of Direct Ownership to a
- RPS Compliance Removes some risk of REC
shortfall from PPA projects and means the
utility may not need to turn to the open REC
market to meet compliance goals. - Debt Equivalence Power Purchase Agreements are
treated as debt on utility balance sheet,
without equivalent equity contribution.
Overreliance on PPAs may weaken utility credit
rating and financial health. - Customer-Owned Distributed Generation
Increasing DG penetration cuts into short-term
marginal revenues, leaving other customers to
bear higher share of long-term marginal costs. - Natural Gas and CO2 Price Risk PV output
profile at high effective load carrying
capability may displace marginal natural gas
plants, limiting utility exposure to gas price
volatility and CO2 price uncertainty.
19UOG Projects Are Simpler and Involve Fewer
Parties than PPAs
Source GTM Research
20UOG is Big Step Towards RE Competing with Brown
Source GTM Research
- Solar PV attains highest energy yield at times
coincident with peak load. - In the U.S., peak load is typically satisfied by
natural gas generators, whose prices are
determined primarily (gt50) by the price of
natural gas.
21Carbon Prices Do Not Need to Be High to Make RE
Source GTM Research
22Progress of UOG Will be Determined on a
State-by-State Basis
Ultimately, the decision to move forward with
utility ownership lies withthe state utility
commissions and the utilities themselves. If
there is a future for this market segment, a much
larger door will openfor traditional energy
companies, EPCs, and manufacturers than has
existed previously.
23In Conclusion
- Financing renewable energy projects in the
United States is a complex process determined by
technology, risk appetite of investors and
lenders, location, regulations, available
incentives, and a host of other issues. - The market push mechanisms in the U.S. make
project development there a an extremely
cost-competitive market with lower vendor margins
requiring significantly more financial
engineering than in Europe. - This market condition does not lend itself to
fast growth, but it does create the conditions
for sustainable, long-term growth. - In the absence of climate legislation, fuel cost
risk will emerge as the primary economic driver
of large-scale project development in the U.S.
This may not be enough to allow the U.S. to
reach its climate goals. - With climate legislation, however, dual market
pressure will force the power industry into
taking a much harder, much closer look at RE than
it is currently.
24Thank You! Daniel Englander Senior Energy
Analyst GTM Research 576 Sacramento St., 2nd
Floor San Francisco, CA 94115 englander_at_gtmresear
ch.com 1 617-417-8925