Title: Chapter%204%20:%20File%20Systems
1Chapter 4 File Systems
- What is a file system?
- Objectives user requirements
- Characteristics of files directories
- File system implementation
- Directory implementation
- Free blocks management
- Increasing file system performance
2File System
- The collection of algorithms and data structures
which perform the translation from logical file
operations (system calls) to actual physical
storage of information
3Objectives of a File System
- Provide storage of data and manipulation
- Guarantee consistency of data and minimise errors
- Optimise performance (system and user)
- Eliminate data loss (data destruction)
- Support variety of I/O devices
- Provide a standard user interface
- Support multiple users
4User Requirements
- Access files using a symbolic name
- Capability to create, delete and change files
- Controlled access to system and other users
files - Control own access rights
- Capability of restructuring files
- Capability to move data between files
- Backup and recovery of files
- Naming
- Name formation
- Extensions (Some typical extensions are shown
6Files (Cont.)
- Structuring
- (a) Byte sequence (as in DOS, Windows UNIX)
- (b) Record sequence (as in old systems)
- (c) Tree structure (as in some mainframe Oses)
7Files (Cont.)
- File types
- Regular (ASCII, binary)
- Directories
- Character special files
- Block special files
- File access
- Sequential access
- Random access
8Files (Cont.)
- File attributes
- Read, write, execute, archive, hidden, system
etc. - Creation, last access, last modification
9Files (Cont.)
- Create
- Delete
- Open
- Close
- Read
- Write
- Append
- Seek
- Get attributes
- Set Attributes
- Rename
- Where to store attributes
- In directory entry (DOS, Windows)
- In a separate data structure (UNIX)
- Path names
- Absolute path name
- Relative path name
- Working (current) directory
- Operations
- Create, delete, rename, open directory, close
directory, read directory, link (mount), unlink
11Directories Files (UNIX)
Working Directory
- Working directory d2
- Absolute path to file f2 /d1/d2/f2
- Relative path to file f2 f2
12Physical Disk Space Management
- Each plate is composed of sectors or physical
blocks which are laid along concentric tracks - Sectors are at least 512 bytes in size
- Sectors under the head and accessed without a
head movement form a cylinder
13File System Implementation
- Contiguous allocation
- Linked list allocation
- Linked list allocation using an index (DOS file
allocation table - FAT) - i-nodes (UNIX)
14Contiguous Allocation
- The file is stored as a contiguous block of data
allocated at file creation
(a) Contiguous allocation of disk space for 7
files (b) State of the disk after files D and E
have been removed
15Contiguous Allocation (Cont.)
- FAT (file allocation table) contains file name,
start block, length - Advantages
- Simple to implement (start block length is
enough to define a file) - Fast access as blocks follow each other
- Disadvantages
- Fragmentation
- Re-allocation (compaction)
16Linked List Allocation
- The file is stored as a linked list of blocks
17Linked List Allocation (Cont.)
- Each block contains a pointer to the next block
- FAT (file allocation table) contains file name,
first block address - Advantages
- Fragmentation is eliminated
- Block size is not a power of 2 because of pointer
space - Disadvantages
- Random access is very slow as links have to be
18Linked list allocation using an index (DOS FAT)
FAT (File allocation table)
Disk size
File blocks
First block address is in directory entry
19Linked list allocation using an index (Cont.)
- The DOS (Windows) FAT is arranged this way
- All block pointers are in FAT so that dont take
up space in actual block - Random access is faster since FAT is always in
memory - 16-bit DOS FAT length is (655362)2 131076
- 16-bit DOS FAT can only accommodate 65536
pointers (ie., a maximum of 64 MB disk) - How can we handle large disks such as a 4 GB
21i (index)-nodes (UNIX)
22i-nodes (Cont.)
- Assume each block is 1 KB in size and 32 bits (4
bytes) are used as block numbers - Each indirect block holds 256 block numbers
- First 10 blocks file size lt 10 KB
- Single indirect file size lt 25610 266 KB
- Double indirect file size lt 256256 266
65802 KB 64.26 MB - Triple indirect file size lt 256256256
65802 16843018 KB 16 GB
23Directory Implementation
- DOS (Windows) directory structure
- UNIX directory structure
24DOS (Windows) Directory Structure (32 bytes)
Attributes (A,D,V,S,H,R)
Pointer to first data block
25UNIX Directory Structure (16 bytes)
26The Windows 98 Directory Structure
- Extended MS DOS Directory Entry
- An entry for (part of) a long file name
27The Windows 98 Directory Structure
An example of how a long name is stored in
Windows 98
28Path Name Lookup /usr/ast/mbox
Blocks of file
29Two ways of handling long file names in a
In-line In a heap
30Shared Files
- File f2 is shared by two paths (users!) and there
is one physical copy. - The directories d1 d2 point to the same
i-node with link count equal to 2 - Deletion is done by decrementing the link count.
When it reaches zero the file is deleted
31Disk Space Management
Block size
- Dark line (left hand scale) gives data rate of a
disk - Dotted line (right hand scale) gives disk space
efficiency - All files 2KB
32How to Keep Track of Free Disk Blocks
- Linked list of disk blocks
- Bit maps
- Indexing as used in DOS FAT
33Linked List of Disk Blocks
- Allocation is simple.
- Delete block number from free blocks list
34Bit Maps
- The bit map is implemented by reserving a bit
string whose length equals the number of blocks - A 1 may indicate that the block is used and 0
for free blocks - If the disk is nearly full then the bit map
method may not be as fast as the linked list
35Increasing File System Performance
- Disks (floopies, hard disks, CD ROMS) are still
slow when compared to the memory - Use of a memory cache may speed the disk
transfers between disk and process - Blocks are read into the cache first. Subsequent
accesses are through the cache - Blocks are swapped in out using replacement
algorithms such as FIFO, LRU - System crashes may cause data loss if modified
blocks are not written back to disk
36Where to Put the Current File Position Field
- The file position field is a 16 or 32 bit
variable which holds the address of the next byte
to be read or written in a file - Put it in the i-node
- Put it in process table
37File Position Field in i-node
- If two or more processes share the same file,
then they must have a different file position - Since i-node is unique for a file, the file
position can not be put in the i-node
38File Position Field in Process Table
- When a process forks, both the parent and the
child must have the same file position - Since the parent and the child have different
process tables they can not share the same file
position - So, we can not put in process table
- Use an intermediate table for file positions
Process tables
i-node of file