Title: Educational Update
1Blackhawk School District
- Educational Update
- August 2009
2Mission Statement
- Blackhawk School District is dedicated to
- providing all students a rigorous learning
- environment in order to be highly
- successful and competitive in the global
- community.
- The District will be the leader in providing a
- world class education.
4At the end of every day of every year two things
must remain unshakable our constancy of purpose
and our continuous discontent with the present.
Robert Goizueta Former CEO, Coca-Cola
5Standardized Test Results 2007-2009
6PSSA District Results
Blackhawk Students Proficient or Advanced in Math
7PSSA District Results
Blackhawk Students Proficient or Advanced in
82009 PSSA Results (Summary)
District-wide Grades 3,4,5,6,7,8,11 All Students
- Math
92009 PSSA Results (Summary)
District-wide Grades 3,4,5,6,7,8,11 All Students
- Reading
10Educational Initiatives to Drive Student
Achievement Improvements
- Harcourt ELA resources K-5
- ELA curriculum K-12
- Math curriculum 6-8 and geometry
- Reciprocal Teaching K-5
- Reading Apprenticeship 6-12
- Inclusion K-12
- DIBELS (Diagnostic Indicator of Basic Early
Literacy Skills)
11Additional Growth Indicators
12Advanced Placement Class Participation
13AP Scores
All Blackhawk students are required to take the
A.P. Exam.
14Dual Enrollment Classes
- 2006-2007 CCBC, Penn State
- Enrollment 18
- 2007-2008 CCBC, Penn State
- Enrollment 31
- 2008-2009 CCBC, Penn State, Clarion
- Enrollment 32
- 2009-2010 CCBC, Penn State, Clarion
- Enrollment 31 for fall semester
15Online Course Selections
- 2007-2008AP Psychology, SAT Prep
- 2008-2009
- AP French, AP Psychology, SAT Prep AP
Government Politics U.S. HistoryRCI offerings - 2009-2010
- Russian, Mandarin Chinese, RCI offerings, SAT
Prep, Pilot Florida Virtual Courses (grades 9-12)
16Language Offerings
- High SchoolFrench, German, Latin, Spanish
- Mandarin Chinese (IVC) and Russian (Online)
- Middle School - Extracurricular
- French, German, Latin, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese
and Russian (Online) - BIS - Extracurricular
- Mandarin Chinese (Online)
17Technology Expansion
- Smartboards K-5
- Promethean Boards 8-12
- School Fusion/Teacher web pages K-12
- Interactive virtual field trips
- Wikis blogs
- Online textbooks resources
- Learning software
18Innovative Curriculum RCI Magnet Programs
- Vo-Ag
- Agriscience I II, Science Technology in
Agriculture, Ag Equipment Design Repair,
Construction, Floriculture, Horticulture,
Communications in Agriculture, Supervised Ag
Experience, Food Science - Fine Arts
- Chorus, Band, Orchestra, Music Technology, Music
Theory, AP Music, Dance I II, Color Design,
Drawing I II, Ceramics, Advanced Ceramics,
Advanced Art Studio, AP Art Studio, Fibers
Fabrics, Advanced Fibers Fabrics, Painting I
II -
19Strategic Partnerships
- Slippery Rock University Inclusion
- RCI Beaver County School Districts
- Dual Enrollment CCBC, PSU, Clarion
- Pitt MAT Program
- Beattie Tech Mandarin Chinese
- Chatham University Eden Hall
20Final Thought
- In a global economy, the best jobs are not going
to go to the best in your class, but to the best
in the world. - Gary Phillips, Chief Scientist
- American Institute for Research