1Dont-Miss Musculoskeletal Injuries(Quiz
- Review injuries you dont want to miss while an
MS3 - Shoulder
- Back
- Knee
- Leg/Ankle/Foot
- Review lessons learned in lectures
3The 6-step msk exam steps are
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Range of motion
- Strength
- Neurovascular
- Special Tests
415 year old lacrosse player is struck in the arm
while running
- Holds arm at his side
- Has pain with any movement of the arm
- Suspect dislocation
5Which aspect of examination is particularly
important early on?
- Inspection
- Palpation
- Range of motion
- Strength
- Neurovascular
- Special tests
6Which xray view is needed to determine direction
of dislocations?
- AP chest
- Glenohumeral AP
- Scapular Y
- Axillary
7Anterior or posterior?
8Which is NOT a common mechanism for posterior
shoulder dislocation?
- Arm is hit while throwing
- Electrocution
- Fall on outstretched hand
- Seizures
9SITS in the rotator cuff muscles stands for
- Supraspinatus
- Infraspinatus
- Teres minor
- Subscapularis
10A 35 yo male falls off a 4-foot ladder onto his
elbow 1 week ago and c/o shoulder pain
- Normal appearance
- ROM poor active abduction, better passive
- Strength poor abduction
- N-V normal
- Tests
- Hawkins Neers
- empty can
- drop-arm
- Poor motion
- Poor strength
- Pain worse while lying on side
- ADLs affected
11Whats your diagnosis?
- AC sprain
- Humeral head fracture
- Impingement syndrome
- Rotator cuff tear
- Analgesics
- Physical therapy referral
- Improve ROM, strength
- Orthopedics consult if poor improvement
- ? repair
1318 year old Marine Corps Corporal twisted ankle
during morning run
- Patient cannot put weight upon the leg.
- Pain is located anteriorly above the ankle joint,
laterally - Lateral edema
- Neg drawer/tilt tests
- Positive Squeeze Test
- Positive External Rotation Stress Test
14Should you get an xray?
- Yes
- No
- Dont know
15What finding on xray would prompt referral for
- Widened mortise
- Fibular avulsion fracture
- Soft tissue swelling
16High Ankle SprainAKA
- Pain proximal to ankle
- Painful ExtRot test
- Painful squeeze test
- ORDER xrays
- Rule out mortise widening
- Rule out fractured proximal fibula
- Treatment
- Wide mortise SURGERY
- Normal xrays cast 2-4 weeks
17In inversion ankle sprains, which feature is not
an indicator for an xray?
- Tenderness over the ATFL
- TTP over the navicular bone
- TTP over the 5th MT base
- Inability to bear weight
18Ottawa Ankle RulesWhen to x-ray acute ankle
- Unable to bear weight
- Tender over posterior lateral malleolus
- Tender over posterior medial malleolus
- Tender on navicular bone
- Tender on 5th MT base
1920 year old female soccer player
- Going for a ball on the sideline
- Plants her foot to kick the ball and is struck by
another player on the lateral side of the knee - Collapses, but is able to get up and play
- Has significant medial knee pain by end of game
- No effusion, but develops an effusion by next
morning - Cant bend knee much
20Differential Diagnosis
- ACL rupture
- PCL rupture
- Patellar subluxation
- Tibial plateau fracture
- Medial collateral ligament strain
- Meniscal tear
- Terrible Triad
21Which finding might prompt an xray per Ottawa
knee rules?
- Age of 20
- Inability to bend knee gt90d
- Hx of trauma
- Effusion
225 Ottawa Knee Rulesi.e. When to order a knee
xray after acute injury
- Age gt 55 or lt 18
- Unable to walk
- Unable to flex 90 deg
23Physical Examination
- Effusion, no deformity
- TTP over ant-med joint line
- ROM slight restriction of flexion
- Strength cant test
- N-V normal
- Special tests
- Positive Thessaly
- Positive McMurray
- Negative Lachman, posterior drawer, varus
valgus stress, patellar apprehension, etc.
24Whats your diagnosis?
- Tibial plateau fracture
- ACL tear
- Patellofemoral syndrome
- Meniscal tear
25Meniscal Tear
- Often due to varus or valgus stress
- May be associated with collateral ligament strain
and/or ACL rupture - Radial, longitudinal, horizontal or bucket handle
- Twisting on a slightly flexed knee
- Effusion comes on gradually over 24 hours
- May have locking, catching, or popping
- Traumatic in young, degenerative in older patients
- Watch/wait if ADLs do not bother the patient
- Consider MRI
- Referral for Surgery indicated for
- pain with ADLs
- Locking
- Large effusion
- Repair vs debridement
- Red zone vs white zone
28A 35 yo runner training for a 10k c/o
anterolateral knee pain, worse w/ running or
prolonged sitting, no h/o trauma. Exam
patellar grind, neg apprehension. Diagnosis?
- Plica syndrome
- ITB syndrome
- MCL sprain
- Patellofemoral syndrome
29PFS Treatments
- Reduce painful activities
- Non-painful aerobics
- Patellar retinaculum stretching
- Hamstring stretching
- Quad strengthening (VMO)
- Eval for hyperpronation
- Hip abductor strengthening
- (Physical therapy)
- Consider knee sleeve
30Back Pain
- 42 year old pilot presents with LBP
- Past medical history significant for chronic low
back pain - Denies any recent trauma
31He has these additional historical features.
Which of them is a red flag?
- Pain radiating below knee
- Pain worse with sitting
- Numbness in left foot
- Recent fevers
- Inspection antalgic gait normal pelvis and back
- Palp TTP over midline L5 level
- ROM marked decrease flex/ext
- Strength decreased
- N-V
- Decreased sensation right dorsum foot
- DTRs normal
- Weak dorsiflexion of right ankle
- Special
- Positive SLR on right
33At what neural level do you suspect a deficit?
- L3
- L4
- L5
- S1
- S2
34Differential Diagnosis
- Herniated disk
- Urinary tract infection
- Prostatitis
- Osteomyelitis
- Epidural abscess
- Tumor
- Plain films neg
- Anything else?
- Epidural abscess L4-5
- IV antibiotics
- Orthopedic or neurosurgical consultation
37Which is NOT a red flag in LBP?
- Age gt 50
- History of cancer
- History of major trauma
- Recent fevers
- Saddle anesthesia
- Urinary retention
- Sciatica
38During Ultimate Frisbee, a USUHS student planted
her foot, someone stepped on her heel, a loud
audible pop is heard and she is unable to bear
weight. She develops severe pain and swelling on
top of the mid-foot.
- Examination shows swelling in the midfoot
- Midfoot palpation and stress test is OUCH
- Ankle ROM relatively normal
- Toes weak from pain in foot
39What type of xrays should you order?
- Tib-fib, ankle and foot
- AP/lateral foot
- Weight-bearing foot series
40(No Transcript)
41What should concern you on xrays of midfoot
- Stepoffs between bones on lateral view
- Widening between 1st/2nd MT bases
- Discontinuity between MTs and cuneiforms
- Any of the above
42Lisfranc Complex Injury
- 20 are missed on initial presentation
- Treatment
- Casting 2-6 weeks if NO FRACTURES OR INSTABILITY
- Surgery for fractures or instability
- CT/MRI/Bone Scan
43A medical student is thinking about going into
Family Medicine because Sports Medicine is so
awesome! Who should he/she talk to?
- Dr. Phil
- Aunt Lucy
- Santa Claus
- Dr. Kevin deWeber in Rm A1033, or at 301-295-9466