Title: Weather Risk Solutions for Emerging Markets
1Weather Risk Solutions for Emerging Markets
Marcel Stäheli Head Non-US
Weather Trading Environmental Commodity
2Environmental Commodity Market (ECM)
ECMZurich 4 Team Members
ECM New York 6 Team Members
WorldwideAgro Team 12 Team Members
ECM Mumbai 1 Team Member
Environmental and Commodity Markets covers a few
different areas including 1) Weather and energy
2) Emissions 3) ELPRO (contingent power price
options) 4) In cooperation with Agro team à cross
selling product innovation Swiss Re is active
in both end-user and secondary markets.
3Swiss Res Experience in Non-Emerging Weather
4Swiss Res Experience in the Indian Weather Market
- First deal in 2004 with Basix (microfinance
institution) - Since then 19 more deals closed
- Estimated market growth 2005 to 2006 by 1000
- Offers a viable alternative to the traditional
crop insurance market and has the potential to
extend beyond the agriculture sector up into the
corporate end-user market - Huge potential for Rural Micro - Insurance
Swiss Re is heavily supporting this development
by 1) offering new products to Agro sector and 2)
fostering a competitive non-exclusive market
5Contact Information
Swiss Reinsurance Company Mythenquai
50/60 CH-8022 Zurich Marcel Stäheli Head Non-US
Weather Trading Tel 41 (0)43 285 4370 Fax 41
(0)43 282 4370 E-mail M_Staeheli_at_swissre.com