Title: IES 303 Engineering Management
1IES 303 Engineering Management Cost Analysis
Course Introduction Week 1 Nov 10, 2005
2Instructors Contact Info
- Instructor Dr. Karndee Prichanont
- Office Hours Wednesday 9-12, or by appointment
- Email karndee_at_siit.tu.ac.th
- Phone 02-986-9009 ext 2109
- Office IE Office, room 316
3Class Material
- Main Textbooks
- Krajewski, L. J. and L. P. Ritzman, Operations
Management Strategy and Analysis, Prentice Hall,
7/2005 - Supplements
- Blank, L. and A. Tarquin, Engineering Economy,
McGraw-Hill, 6/2005. - Russell, R. S. and B. W. Taylor III, Operations
Management, Prentice Hall, 4/2003 - Any other Operations Management related textbook
- Current articles and journals
4Course Webpage
- www.siit.tu.ac.th/karndee/course/ies303.html
- Class web page contains
- Class announcement
- Class presentations in pdf format
- Additional handout and case studies
- Assignments and solutions
- QA to assignments and class material
- Additional reading materials and links to related
articles - Individual grades and scores
- Inform me ASAP if you have questions with current
grade / grading system
If you wish not to have your grades and scores
appear on the web, please let me know now.
5Grading Policies
Tentative score distribution
Tentative grading criterion
6Class Policies Classroom Behaviors
- Be on time. The door may be locked as the session
begins - Minimize class interruption
- Turn-off your cell phone and pager
- No bathroom break during class session (except
those rare medical emergency cases) - Food and drink are ok
7Class Policies - Participation
- Attendance is randomly checked
- Less than 70 of checked attendance no final
exam - Attendance is a minimum requirement for
participation - Read and analyze the assigned case study before
the class begins - Only quality and constructive comments/discussions
will receive participation score - Active participation in class discussion is
anticipated - If participation is not active enough, I will
call on your name to answer my question
8Class Policies Quizzes and Exams
- Pop Quiz
- Pop quiz is randomly scheduled. No advanced
notification. - Approximately 5 pop quizzes during the semester.
- Close book/note. Calculator may be needed.
- Strictly no borrowing
- Cheating will result a minus of full score of
that quiz. - Exams
- Open book/note.
- Dictionary is allowed. Calculator is a must.
- Strictly no borrowing
9Class Policies Make up policies
- Makeup exams and quizzes will be given only if a
student has a legitimate, documented need and if
the instructor is notified in advance. - Legitimate reasons for needing a makeup include
(but are not limited to) health problems, family
emergencies, direct conflicts with other exams or
classes, and school-related trips.
10Course Objectives
- To understand the role of operations management
in the overall business strategy of the firm. - To identify and evaluate the key factors and the
interdependence of these factors in the design of
effective operating systems. - To identify and evaluate a range of tools
appropriate for analysis of operating systems of
the firm. - To understand the application of operations
management policies and techniques to the service
sector as well as manufacturing firms
11Course OverviewTransformation Process
12Course Overview Forecasting
- Predicting Future Event
- Mathematical relationship between demands and
relevant factors - Statistical techniques based on historical data
13Course Overview Capacity Planning
- How much capacity to provide
- Size of capacity changes
- Handling excess demand
- Hiring/firing workers
- Need for new facilities
14Course Overview Inventory Management
- Keep enough inventory
- Meet customer demand and be cost effective
- Inventory
- Raw material
- Purchased parts
- Semi-finished products
- Etc.
- Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
15Course Overview Material Requirement Planning
- Computerized inventory control production
planning system - Schedules component items when they are needed -
no earlier and no later
Top clip (1) Bottom clip (1)
Pivot (1) Spring (1)
Rivets (2)
Finished clipboard Pressboard (1)
16Course Overview Facilities
- Facility Layout
- Arrangement of machines, departments, storage
areas, - Ensure a smooth flow of work, material, people,
and information - Process layout
- Product layout
Milling Department
Lathe Department
Drilling Department
Painting Department
Grinding Department
Receiving and Shipping
17Course Overview Quality
- Statistical Process Control
- Take periodic samples from process
- Plot sample points on control chart
- Determine if process is within limits
- Prevent quality problems
Process average
18How can we eliminate these wastes?
19How can we eliminate these wastes?
20How can we eliminate these wastes?
21How can we eliminate these wastes?
22Next week
- Read Chapters 1 2
- Prepare for class discussions and attempt to
answer the posted questions - Cases Starbucks pg56 442
- Case Cappuccino Express .pdf