Title: HPC Forecast Operations Branch
1HPC Forecast Operations Branch
Michael Musher Meteorologist (General
Forecaster) NCEP/Hydrometeorological Prediction
Center Camp Springs, MD (Michael.Musher_at_noaa.gov)
2Goals of the Presentation
- Pass along feedback from HPC forecast staff
concerning the NCEP guidance. - Present new HPC forecast tools, products and ways
of incorporating the NCEP product suite. - Any questions?
3General Model Concerns
- The NAM is much better on the handling of
Monsoonal moisture surging into the SW and
resultant convection/QPF than the operational
GFS during the summer months. - The GFS grid scale feedback due to convection in
the warm season appears to have gotten worse
this year. - This fall/early winter season, the NAM is
consistently too fast with Pacific systems
arriving into the Pacific NW. - The GEFS ensemble members, continue a trend, of
clustering around the deterministic GFS solution
for the large scale pattern.
4Model Concerns w/ Tropical Systems
- The GFS occasionally depicts hurricanes as
shallow systems, which during GUSTAV/IKE, led to
some runs being too slow and far left in the Gulf
of Mexico and southern Plains. - The NAM can show skill for track and intensity
forecasting, if a tropical cyclone forms within
its domain. - GEFS ensemble members show a left bias in
forecasting tropical cyclones.
5Model Concerns Southern Hemisphere
- GFS - Cycle to cycle continuity is
very bad beyond 48 to 60 hrs. -
Has a tendency to make radical rather than
gradual corrections and as a result, it tends to
over correct. - GFS Ensembles - They are too heavily
biased in support of the operational model and
as a result, the mean tends to mimic the GFS.
6Positive Feedback
- The models (NAM and GFS) mass fields including
moisture gradients appear to initialize better
than previous years. - The SREF mean is a great option for the alignment
and axis of qpf, when model guidance indicates
large spread and uncertainty.
7One more item plus graphics
- The GFS convective feedback/qpf maxima, breaking
out early in an event, can excessively block low
level moisture return into favorable large scale
vertical lift thus the action occurring out
ahead or well downstream from a large scale
system/upper trough can corrupt the overall mass
field output.
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13HPC Programs and Desks
Forecast Verification
Winter Weather
Basic Weather
Medium Range
Model Diagnostics
Surface Analysis
International Desk, Alaska, Development
Training and the Daily Weather Map
14HPC Staff
42 Meteorologists
- Three Branches
- 1 Director and 1 Deputy Director
- FOB (Forecast Operations Branch)
- 1 Chief
- 29 Forecasters (5 Senior Branch Forecasters)
- 2 Meteorological Technicians
- DTB (Development Training Branch)
- 1 Chief
- 1 SOO
- 5 Research Mets
- 1 International Forecaster
15HPC Masterblender
Forecast Shift
Forecast Hour
Available Model Guidance
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17Winter Weather Blender
12z or 00z to 1815z or 0615z
Forecast Hour
- Review previous models/forecast, analyze new
model guidance and begin in-house collaboration. - After collaboration between MD and QPF, a
consensus model solution is chosen through 84
hrs. - The Winter Weather Forecaster then uses the model
choice to generate internal accumulation graphics
after 16z/04z. - Forecaster then manually adjusts blender output.
- Day 1 due at 17z or 05z
- Day 2 due at 1745z or 0545z
- Day 3 due at 1815z or 0615z
Model Precip Type
Model QPF Options
18Internal Accumulation Graphics
Provides a starting point or first guess for the
19Winter Weather Low Track Graphic
20Model Diagnostics Desk
- Issues the Model Diagnostic
- Discussion (PMDHMD) in four parts/segments.
-1115/2315 The 1st PMDHMD issuance
incorporating the NAM evaluation.
-1230/0030 2nd PMDHMD issuance
incorporating the GFS evaluation.
-1330/0130 The 3rd PMDHMD issuance
incorporating the NAM/GFS/SREF Mean and
-1400/0200 Prepare and send the 500 mb
graphics. -1445/0245 The
final PMDHMD issuance incorporating the new
ECMWF run.
21HPC Verification vs. NCEP Guidance
22Michael Musher NCEP/Hydrometeorological
Prediction Center Camp Springs,
MD (Michael.Musher_at_noaa.gov)
Any Questions?