Title: Welcome to EOG Parent Night
1Welcome to EOG Parent Night!
- 7th Grade Math
- Presented by Mr. Lorenzo Raymundo
- Thursday, April 10, 2008
2What are 7th Grade Math Objectives?
- The learner will understand and compute with
rational numbers.
1.01 Â Â Â Develop and use ratios, proportions, and
percents to solve problems.1.02 Â Â Â Develop
fluency in addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division of rational
numbers. - Analyze
computational strategies. -
Describe the effect of operations on size.
- Estimate the results of
computations. - Judge the
reasonableness of solutions. 1.03 Â Â Â Develop
flexibility in solving problems by selecting
strategies and using mental computation,
estimation, calculators or computers, and paper
and pencil.
4Problem Example Goal 1
5Goal 1
- 20-25 of EOG will come from Goal 1!!!!
- The learner will understand and use measurement
involving two- and three-dimensional figures.
2.01 Â Â Â Draw objects to scale and use scale
drawings to solve problems.2.02 Â Â Â Solve
problems involving volume and surface area of
cylinders, prisms, and composite shapes.
7Problem Example Goal 2
8Goal 2
- 10-15 of EOG will come from Goal 2 !!!!
- The learner will understand and use properties
and relationships in geometry
3.01 Â Â Â Using three-dimensional figures
- Identify, describe, and draw from various
views (top, side, front, corner).
- Build from various views. -
Describe cross-sectional views. 3.02 Â Â Â
Identify, define, and describe similar and
congruent polygons with respect to angle
measures, length of sides, and proportionality of
sides.3.03 Â Â Â Use scaling and proportional
reasoning to solve problems related to similar
and congruent polygons.
10Problem Example Goal 3
11Goal 3
- 20-25 of EOG will come from Goal 3!!!!
Data analysis and probability
- The learner will understand and use graphs and
data analysis.
4.01 Â Â Â Collect, organize, analyze, and display
data (including box plots and histograms) to
solve problems.4.02 Â Â Â Calculate, use, and
interpret the mean, median, mode, range,
frequency distribution, and inter-quartile range
for a set of data.4.03 Â Â Â Describe how the
mean, median, mode, range, frequency
distribution, and inter-quartile range of a set
of data affect its graph.
13 Goal 4 (continued)
4.04 Â Â Â Identify outliers and determine their
effect on the mean, median, mode, and range of a
set of data.4.05 Â Â Â Solve problems involving
two or more sets of data using appropriate
statistical measures.
14Problem Example Goal 4
15Goal 4
- 20-25 of EOG will come from Goal 4!!!!
- The learner will demonstrate an understanding of
linear relations and fundamental algebraic
5.01 Â Â Â Identify, analyze, and create linear
relations, sequences, and functions using
symbols, graphs, tables, diagrams, and written
descriptions.5.02Â Â Â Translate among different
representations of algebraic expressions,
equations and inequalities. 5.03    Use and
evaluate algebraic expressions, linear equations
or inequalities to solve problems.5.04 Â Â Â
Develop fluency in the use of formulas to solve
17Problem Example Goal 5
18Goal 5
- 25-30 of EOG will come from Goal 5!!!!
19EOG Math Questions
- Total number 82
- 54 Calculator Active
- 28 Calculator Inactive
- Test is not a test for speed, but for higher
order thinking skills NOT a timed test
20What Parents Can Do
- Check homework nightly
- Go over the work by checking that the answers are
correct and problems are worked out correctly by
the directions. - Practice multiplication and division facts
- Help your child memorize or learn by heart
formulas for area, circumference, volume, and
surface area. (textbook, inside back cover)
21What Else Can Parents Do?
- Allow time for real opportunities to learn
- Mall, Grocery store (looking for discounts,
computing for taxes) - Getting weight and height
- Comparing temperature, speed
- Planning the budget
- Log on to Department of Public Instruction (DPI)
for sample problems work these with your child
before the test - http//www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/pare
nts/ - Allow your child computer time at home to go to
websites to practice math - www.studyisland.com
- www.aaamath.com
- www.go.hrw.com
23And More.
- Discuss the importance of EOG tests, especially
in seventh grade. - There is no retest.
- There is no summer school.
- The scale scores are different from 6th grade,
and they continue to increase each year. - One chance to do OUR BEST!!!
24One Final Word
- EOG tests have a great deal of weight however,
they are NOT to replace the everyday progress of
a child. - Students should not have any undue stress during
testing time. - Students should eat, sleep, play, and relax as
much as possible during EOG testing week.
25Together We Can