Title: Presenter Disclosures
1 Presenter Disclosures
ltType name of presenter heregt
- (1) The following relationships with commercial
interests related to this presentation existed
during the past 12 months
lt If you have no disclosures to make, type and
center within in this text box No relationships
to disclose (Use at least 24 point type.) gt lt
If you have disclosures to make, type within this
text box, flush with left margin. Include the
Category of Relationship as provided in slide
instructions and follow with the name of each
commercial interest (company) disclosed. Use at
least 18 point type.gt lt Use separate
paragraphs with bullets for each Category of
Relationship.gt lt Continue on a second slide if
needed. gt
2 Presenter Disclosures
ltType name of presenter heregt
- (2) My presentation will include discussion of
- off-label use of the following
lt If you have no disclosures to make on
discussion of off-label use, you may omit this
slide. lt If you have off-label disclosures to
make, type within this text box, flush with left
margin. Include the name of the commercial
product (use generic name rather than brand
name), followed by the nature of the off-label
use discussed. lt Use separate paragraphs with
bullets for each separate off-label disclosure,
if any.
3 Presenter Disclosures
ltType name of presenter heregt
- ltUse this slide if more than one slide is needed.gt