ECONOMICS 3150B Lecture 20 December 6, 2005 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ECONOMICS 3150B Lecture 20 December 6, 2005


Canada essentially bystander in MTNs EU, US and Japan dictate outlines of agreements ... Trade creation if tariffs blocked trade prior to customs union ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ECONOMICS 3150B Lecture 20 December 6, 2005

ECONOMICS 3150BLecture 20December 6, 2005
Trade barriers
  • Tariffs
  • Export subsidies
  • Quotas
  • Local content requirements
  • Preferential procurement
  • Red tape barriers
  • Foreign investment restrictions
  • Contingency protection
  • Countervail
  • Anti-dumping
  • Safeguards
  • Unfair trade

Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs)
  • Unfair Trade (S. 301)
  • 3rd country and home country effects
  • Definition of unfair trade wide ranging and
  • Harassment who pays for investigation and legal
    proceedings (asymmetric costs of fighting
  • Ambiguous interpretation of law susceptibility
    to political pressures
  • Definition of injury (threshold for injury for
    retaliation), causation (links between cause and
    effect, external variables)
  • US domestic laws including trade remedy laws
    supersede international obligations of US

Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs)
  • Foreign investment restrictions
  • Rights of establishment limits on foreign
    investment and control (airlines,
    telecommunications, broadcasting, cable, banks)
  • Performance requirements
  • National treatment

  • GATT/WTO General Agreement on Tariffs and
    Trade/World Trade Organization
  • 3 basic principles
  • Nondiscrimination (MFN) preferential trading
    arrangements violate this principle NAFTA an
    example of preferential trading arrangement
  • Elimination of quotas (except for balance of
    payments problems) international system of
    quotas in textiles, proliferation of VERs,
    exploitation of escape clause
  • Consultation to solve trade disputes weak
    enforcement mechanism US domestic laws supercede
  • As Tariffs ?, NTMs ? because D for protection
  • NTMs higher cost form of protection
  • Canada essentially bystander in MTNs EU, US and
    Japan dictate outlines of agreements
  • WTO responsible for enforcement of agreement and
    dispute resolution

  • 9 Rounds of multilateral trade negotiations
    Kennedy, Tokyo, Uruguay and Doha rounds addressed
    NTMs as first 5 focused on tariffs only
  • Tokyo, Uruguay and Doha also attempted to extend
    trade rules to services and establish investment
  • Difficulties in reducing NTMs
  • Definition of subsidies
  • Escape clause provisions
  • Dispute settlement mechanism with effective
    enforcement market power of different countries
  • Trade-offs Problems in measuring concessions
  • North-South issues need to develop economies
  • Agriculture sector and political importance of

Economic Integration
  • Varying degrees of integration
  • Preferential free trade arrangements lower
    trade barriers among participating countries
  • Free trade area
  • All trade barriers removed among participants
  • Each country retains own barriers against
  • Sources of products need to be identified
  • Definition of domestic product (domestic content

Economic Integration
  • Customs Union
  • Common trade barriers against non-members
  • Trade creation vs. trade diversion
  • Trade creation if tariffs blocked trade prior to
    customs union
  • Trade diversion if customs union leads to
    substitution of imports from partner country from
    non-partner country (lower cost imports from
    outside union replaced by higher cost imports
    from union member)
  • Gains more likely if trade creation more
    prevalent than trade diversion ? high pre-union
    tariff barriers low tariffs with ROW many
    countries part of customs union closer
    geographically are members of union
    (transportation costs, tastes less of obstacles
    to trade among members)
  • Common market
  • Free movement of capital and labour
  • Harmonization of labour and other laws

Economic Integration
  • Economic Union
  • Monetary union single currency
  • Restrictions on fiscal policy
  • Harmonization of monetary policy, fiscal policy,
    tax rates
  • Political union
  • Common perimeter for immigration purposes
    Canada and US cooperate at all entry points into
    North America same immigration rules

  • Phased elimination of tariffs
  • Advantages/disadvantages of allowing for
    transition period
  • Trade in services subject to regulation
    (professional services) labour mobility foreign
    ownership restrictions (financial services,
    broadcasting, transportation)

  • Security of access not achieved trade remedy
    laws and trade disputes (S. 301 cases) dispute
    resolution enforcement mechanisms,
    effectiveness (incentives to abide by decisions)
    no list of exempt policies ? Canadian government
    policies at risk
  • Ambiguous enforcement susceptible to political
    pressures ambiguous interpretation of laws
    (damage, source of damage) harassment potential
    asymmetric costs of fighting complaints
    uncertainty for customers (countervailing duties)
  • Options for Canada
  • Fight complaints in US courts and build up case
  • Go to WTO
  • Case-by-case negotiations (example of softwood
  • Common perimeter for immigration purposes
    Canada and US cooperate at all entry points into
    North America same immigration rules

Industrial Policy
  • Comparative advantage can change over time
  • Changes in relative supplies/productivities of
    factors of production
  • Changes in technology
  •       Country-specific
  • Competitive advantage firm/ownership advantages
    to compete in foreign markets
  • Technological capacity, entrepreneurial talents
  • Product innovations new varieties, change in
  • First mover advantages and learning curve
  • Country-specific characteristics can
    generate/sustain form-specific advantages e.g.
    government policies re. investment in RD,
    capital gains taxation, training

Industrial Policy
  • RD as factor of production
  • Comparative advantage in RD-intensive products
    not pre-determined combination of following
  • Firm specific advantages
  • Country-specific advantages

  • Growth in real GDP per capita
  • Static (one-time gains) free trade gains
    including specialization, economies of scale,
    increased competition and decrease in
    X-inefficiency, increase in number of varieties
  • Dynamic gains innovation, learning curves
  • Growth in in real income per capita growth in
    capital per capita productivity growth
  • Productivity growth most important
  • Learning curves
  • Improvements in management
  • Improvements in utilization of labour and capital

Industrial Policy
  • Objective of industrial policy engineering
    competitive advantage to increase growth rate of
    real Y per capita (growth rate of productivity)
  • Industrial policy must correct market failures
    otherwise, functioning of markets (continuous
    search for unexploited opportunities/economic
    rents) will maximize growth rate of real GDP per

Market Failures
  • Appropriability of technology rents
  • Imitability ease, speed
  • Externality to customers and relative bargaining
    power (inability to capture value)
  • Imperfect competition and existence of economic
  • Creation of rents via innovation
  • Terms of trade effects
  • First mover advantages and learning curves

Market Failures
  • Imperfect information
  • Re. opportunities
  • Availability of capital quality of management,
    quality of business model, herd instinct
    (prisoners dilemma, risk aversion) shortage of
    capital for high tech today
  • Uncertainty regarding quality, reliability uneven
    bargaining power
  • Free rider ability to protect information,
    incentive to acquire information
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